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Name: Hồ Hoàng Giang Thơ

Class: BA1707
INDIVIDUAL ESSAY: Identify and describe popular motivational strategies.

Employee retention and motivation can be a problem for companies, as not every task is as
exciting and enjoyable for employees. But to come up with a good strategy to help employees
develop is important in the company.
There are various popular motivational strategies such as goal setting, goal setting to help
employees become more strategic, These goals outline the necessary criteria for achieving
achievable success. Yes, give employees something specific to strive for. A positive work
environment supports enthusiasm, cooperation, and motivation—all crucial to a company's
success. When creating an ideal environment for employees, you should strive to be the person
you want to work with. Building relationships within this trust group with your colleagues can
encourage them to give you the same respect and can motivate them to meet your
expectations. One way to foster trust as a manager is to give team members more
independence. Also Take the time to praise or recognize individual accomplishments so they
know they are valuable to the company. It also gives them positive reinforcement that what
they are doing is successful, leaving them feeling empowered. Another useful strategy for
improving employee motivation is to create an incentive program that directly rewards team
members for their achievements. The promise of a reward not only encourages employees to
do their best, but also gives them something to strive for. A raise is a big motivator for many,
but employees also appreciate other incentives, like bonuses, paid time off, trophies, gift cards,
and verbal recognition.
Motivating employees to enjoy and develop their work is an important thing that many
companies should pay attention to. An effective organization will benefit the employees and
the company, bringing development to the organization.

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