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Activity 3 _ Group 6_BA1707

Group member - level of job completion

Hồ Hoàng Giang Thơ 100%
Đào Vũ Thu Thảo 100%
Ngô Quang Thắng 100%
Nguyễn Thị Thâu Thanh 0%

-What is a Mediator?
A mediator is an impartial, alternative dispute resolution professional that assists two
conflicting parties in resolving their differences. You don’t need a law degree to become a
mediator but you will need sufficient education and training to begin a dispute resolution
Mediators should be able to settle conflict unbiased and with emotional intelligence. They
must sift through the facts of the dispute at hand and manage the emotions and individual
interests of the parties involved while remaining neutral.
-> So I think I have ever been a Mediator

-I used to be a mediator while in high school. There were two classmates in my class who were
in conflict over division of work. They argued fiercely. I am the team leader and the observer
of the whole story happening. I told them to calm down and raise my point. Explain the
problem of each job they do and analysis helps them understand right from wrong. In the end,
they resolved the misunderstanding with each other and did a good job together.

- Scenario: Two friends, Phuong and Sam, have had a disagreement about the best way to
complete a group project. They both have different ideas and are not able to come to an
agreement. They have decided to seek the help of a mediator.
Role play:
Thắng: Hello Phuong and Sam, I understand that you both are having a disagreement
about your group project. Can you tell me more about what's going on?
Phuong: Yes, we can't seem to agree on the best way to approach the project. I think we
should focus on research first, while Sam wants to start drafting the report.
Sam: Yes, I believe we should start working on the report to get a better understanding of
what kind of research we need to conduct.
Thang: Okay, I see that you both have different ideas about the project. Let's try to find a
solution that works for both of you. Can you tell me more about why you think your idea is
the best approach?
Phuong: I think research is important because we need to have a solid foundation for the
report. We can't just start writing without knowing what we're talking about.
Sam: I agree that research is important, but I think we should start drafting the report so
that we can get a better idea of what we need to research.
Thang: It seems like you both have valid points. Have you considered a compromise?
Perhaps you can start working on the research and draft the report at the same time?
Phuong: I'm not sure if that would work. We might end up wasting time doing both at
Sam: That's a good point. Maybe we can prioritize the research first and then move on to
drafting the report.
Thang: That sounds like a good compromise. Are you both okay with that solution?
Phuong: Yes, I think that could work.
Sam: I'm okay with that as long as we don't spend too much time on the research.
Thang: Great, it sounds like we've found a solution that works for both of you. Is there
anything else you would like to discuss or any other issues that need to be resolved?
Phuong: No, I think we're good for now. Thanks for your help, Thang.
Sam: Yeah, thanks. That was really helpful.
Thang: You're welcome...

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