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Scholarly Inquiry for Evidence-Based Practice Reflection Essay

Briceida, Barra

College of Nursing, University of Arizona

NURS 379 Scholarly Inquiry for Evidenced-Based Practice

Dr. Lorre Laws

November, 28, 2021

Nurses as Users and Producers of Research

Research is conducted through a series of steps which include choosing a topic,

reviewing the available readings, reducing and choosing a theoretical framework or concept,

identifying the questions and objectives used to conduct the research, selecting a study design,

then collecting and analyzing data to then report the findings (Brown, 2018). Research informs

nursing practice because nursing practice is evidence-based. Research allows for nurses to use

evidence to guide their caregiving practices, and inform on effective and ineffective nursing

methods (Brown, 2018). In my own practice, I will produce research by the different methods I

use when treating patients. For example, if I find a new method of inserting an IV that does not

have much research conducted, I can send updates for the clinical practice guideline for inserting

an IV, produce research to inform on the new procedure and conduct a study that focuses on the

new technique in order to have evidence to support my method. Nurses contribute to evidence

and research because they are the primary caregivers who implement the new guidelines and

clinical practices (Gethin et. al, 2020).

Promoting Integrative Nursing Evidence in Practice

Integrative health is a way of caregiving that implements the use of non-pharmaceuticals

to treat patients. Integrative nursing is a framework for providing whole person and

caregiver-centered care. There are integrative nursing principles (INP) that are used to guide this

type of nursing. There are 6 INP’s which include: Humans are inseparable from their

environments, humans have the capacity to heal themselves, nature contributes to health and
wellbeing, nursing is person-centered, caregiving practice is evidence-based and nursing focuses

on the patients as well as the caregivers (Kreitzer & Koithan, 2018).

INP #6, integrative nursing focuses on the health of patients as well as caregivers, is an

INP I will be implementing in my own practice. It is important for the caregivers to be well and

healthy in order to provide quality care. There are different ways to implement this INP

effectively including meditation, performing self-care and staying busy through hobbies and

activities. Another INP that I will be integrating in my practice is INP #4 which describes that

nursing is person-centered. It is important to understand that each person has their own free will,

choices, and ideas. INP #4 respects the person and their ability to make decisions, it also fosters

healthy relationships between the patient and their caregiver.


Healthcare workers provide care utilizing an evidence-based approach in order to provide

quality care for their patients. Evidence-based practice guides nursing by promoting the most

effective treatment plans as well as providing information about different nursing practices.

Integrative nursing is evidence-based practice which allows for nurses to provide care without

the use of invasive pharmaceuticals.


Brown, S. J. (2018). Evidence-based nursing: The research-practice connection. (4th ed.).

Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Gethin, G., Probst, S., Weller, C., Kottner, J., & Beeckman, D. (2020). Nurses are research

leaders in skin and wound care. International Wound Journal, 17(6), 2005–2009.

Giddens, J. (2017). Concepts for Nursing Practice. Elsevier.

Kreitzer, M. J., & Koithan, M. (2018). Integrative nursing (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.

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