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Nsikakabasi .E.

Bassey Essay 1 (2)


21 October 2023

Title: The Main Concept of Nursing Care and the Meaning of Evidence-Based Practice


Nursing science is a very broad field that consists of different concepts and
These concepts include person/patient, Health, Environment, and Nursing, all form
the foundation of Nursing care.
Evidence-based nursing is another important aspect of Nursing, which is the best
in utilizing available evidence to make reasonable decisions and deliver top-notch
In this essay, I aim to examine and inspect the main concepts of nursing care, their
expression in the chosen article, and the meaning of evidence-based practice in

Main concepts of Nursing Care

Nursing care has been built upon four main concepts and they are person,
environment, health, and nursing. Nursing care helps lead nurses in their practice
and comprehension of the holistic nature of healthcare.

Person: A person is whose integrity is precious and who serves all the respect,
care, and help. Watson said, and I quote “a person has three dimensions the mind,
body, and soul” and he went ahead, and stated that, it is an embodied soul on its
way to becoming. He went ahead and also stated that the soul is the higher sense
of self and is related to the psychological concept of knowing oneself. The idea of
the person acknowledges and individual and the uniqueness of each patient as the
main focal point of nursing, highlighting their social, psychological, physical, and
spiritual aspects. (Nikfarid, Hekmat, Vedad, & Rajabi. 2018, 4, & 17)

Environment: The environment also highlights physical, cultural, and social well-
being. In Watson’s theory on the environment, he also stated that there is a very
good and great way to a compassionate and restorative environment provided by
nurses according to existing literature.
The inner and outer factors states that a person can use the help of his or her
inner power come to reality in self-healing in the environment. (Nikfarid et al.

Health: Healing refers to the process of recovering from an illness, injury, or

emotional stress and supports a distinctive way of creating meaning for wellness
that is experienced by each individual or each person. Watson also said, health as
the harmony of the body, mind, and soul; it also has a high level of physical, mental,
and social implementation; and nonexistence or effort to eliminate diseases.
Health focuses on the complete welfare of a person and it includes their physical,
mental, and social aspect. (Nikfarid et al. 2018, 9)

Nursing: Nursing is a profession that has to do with caring for people who are
vulnerable and need support in everyday life and it is the job of nurses to see the
growth of their patients. Nursing is the actions and treatments carried out by
healthcare professionals to foster and maintain the person’s health.
Finally, I will say that nurses fulfill the fourth concept, centering on the profession’s
distinct role in protecting, advocating, and improving health.

Emphasis in the Chosen Article:

The article highlights the concepts of nursing as the core framework for key
boosting patient safety. The nurses’ role is to preserve patient safety and make
sure to prevent harm during providing care in both short-term and long-term
settings. In this article, it discusses several strategies and interventions put
together by nurses to guarantee the best care delivery. This emphasized the
importance of nursing care in reducing any medical errors, enhancing patient
results, and supporting a patient-centered approach. It highlights the significance
of active listening, respect, and empathy for a person’s autonomy in offering
person-centered care. The article also points out the role of nursing in improving
patient results and highlights the value of effective nurse-patient communication.
(Vaismoradi, Tella, Logan, Khakurel , Vizcaya-Moreno, 2020, 11 & 12)

Manifestation in Other Nursing Scientific References

Different nursing scientific references have also highlighted the principles of
person, health, and environment. They also recognized the significance of
personalizing care to a person’s exceptional need, reflecting on environmental
factors, and supporting overall health and one’s well-being.
The concept of a person is demonstrated via the emphasis on `patient-centered
care and the awareness of a person’s differences and choices. The environmental
concepts are apparent in the discussion of challenges presented by the disjointed
healthcare system and the significance of working together among healthcare
This reference further explains the important role of nursing in making sure of safe
and efficient care.
Lastly, the concept of health is handled through the importance of the wellbeing of
the patient.

Understanding Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Evidence-based practice in nursing points out the combination of clinical

competence, the topmost attainable evidence from scientific research, and patient
desires to guide decision-making and administration of care. This involves
thoroughly evaluating the result of these interventions. By applying evidence-
based practice, nurses can make sure that their interventions are talked about or
informed by their most recent research and have a higher chance of producing
favorable results. (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, (2019)

Utilization of Article Results in Evidence-Based practice in Nursing

The results of the article can be applied to evidence-based practice in nursing by

making sure to provide an understanding of the importance of care continuity.
Nurses can use the conclusion or discoveries to promote the execution of methods
that promote smooth passage between healthcare settings, leading to improved
patient results.
In addition to this, the article explains the importance of effective nurse-patient
communication, this has encouraged nurses to place more importance on patient-
centered care and concentrate on improving communication skills. (Melnyk et al,


In my conclusion, the main concepts of nursing care, which include person,

environment, health, and nursing, establish the basic or foundation of nursing
science. The chosen articles have emphasized the importance of nursing care in
boosting patient safety. Additionally, nursing scientific references strengthen the
importance of these concepts in promoting holistic care. Evidence-based practice
plays a role of importance in nursing, making sure that decisions are rooted in the
highest quality evidence. By making use of a variety of literature sources, nurses
can boost their understanding of these concepts and deliver quality care to a
person, their families, and the communities.


1. Taylor, C., Lillis, C., LeMone, P., & Lynn, P. (2018). Fundamentals of Nursing:
The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care. Wolters Kluwer.

2. Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (Eds.). (2019). Evidence-Based Practice

in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Wolters Kluwer.

3. Jacobson, A. M. (2019). The nurse's role in patient safety. The American Journal
of Nursing, 119(8), 20-26.

4. Nikfarid, L., Hekmat, N., Vedad, A., & Rajabi, A. (2018). The main nursing
metaparadigm concepts in human caring theory and Persian mysticism: a
comparative study. J Med Ethics Hist Med, 11, 6. PMID: 30258556.
PMCID: PMC6150916.

5. Vaismoradi M, Tella S, A Logan P, Khakurel J, Vizcaya-Moreno F. Nurses'

Adherence to Patient Safety Principles: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res
Public Health. 2020 Mar 19;17(6):2028. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17062028. PMID:
32204403; PMCID: PMC7142993.

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