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The Internet History

Warm-Up Questions
Ask your teacher and classmates the following questions.

1. What do you use the internet for?

2. How much time do you spend on the internet?

3. Has the internet had a positive impact on the world?

MATCHING - Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1 immobile (adj) A without being affected by

2 unimaginable (adj) B the length of something from one end to another

3 span (v or n) C to produce a complete change in the way something is done

4 prompt (v) D difficult or impossible to imagine because of being very unlikely

5 despite (prep) E not able to move or be moved

6 revolutionize (v) F to make something happen

Listening - Watch the YouTube video up to the 2:30 mark and answer the questions.

1 When and why was the internet first created?

2 What prompted the US Defense Department to build a better communication system?

3 When was the official birth of the internet?

4 What country has the most users?

5 According to the video, what percentage of people in India have no access to the internet?

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Discussion Questions

Discuss the following questions with your teacher and classmates.

1. Summarize the first half of the video.

2. What are some benefits of the internet?

3. What are some dangers of the internet?

4. How much time should children be allowed on the internet?

5. What will the internet be like in 10 years?

Listening Pt.2 - Watch the YouTube video and answer the questions. From 2:30 – 5:04

1 What has been reinvented by the birth of the internet?

2 When was Wi-Fi first released to the public?

3 What was the only way that people could connect to the internet prior to Wi-FI?

4 What is IoT?

5 What are two examples of IoT from the video?

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