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The ICT Used by the English Lecturers for Non-English Study Program Students at IAIN Curup

By eka apriani m.pd and jumatul hidayah m.pd

Summary of Journal Contents:

Subject of The Research: The English lecturers for non-English Study Program students at IAIN Curup.

Types of ICT used by English lecturers for non-English language study program students at IAIN Curup
and the role of ICT for English teachers at IAIN Curup. English lecturers for non-English study students
always use three types of ICR in teaching English in the classroom, they are speakers, educational games,
and website resources. The reason for them using three types of ICT is because they are easy to use and
cheap. In use of ICT, lecturers have different opinions about the role of ICT in promoting its learning

English lecturers in English study programs have differences in using ICT when they teach.

The first English lecturer uses 23 types of ICT when teaching. He uses computers, LCDs, television,
speakers, blogs, email, youtube, internet connection, video, online databases, graphic audio, computer
conferencing, radio and television broadcasts, teleconferencing, audio and video CD tapes, computer file
transfer, virtual conferencing, voice recordings, social media, e-books, online forums, online journals,
website resources.

English II lecturers only use 14 types of ICT such as computers, LCDs, speakers, internet connections,
online databases, audio recordings, social media, e-books, online forums, educational games, online
journals, website resources.

Lecturer of English III uses 21 types of ICT. He uses computers, LCDs, speakers, radio, email, youtube,
internet connection, videos, telephones, online databases, online libraries, audio CDs and video
cassettes, transfer computer files, audio recordings, social media, e-learning, e-books , interactive
whiteboards, educational games, online journals, website resources.

English IV lecturers only used 17 types of ICT such as computers, LCDs, speakers, blogs, youtube,
internet connections, videos, telephones, online libraries, audio CDs and video tapes, computer file
transfers, audio recordings, social media, e-books, educational games, online journals, website

Lecturer of English V only uses 13 types of ICT in classroom teaching. Such as speakers, email, internet
connection, audio and video CDs, computer file transfers, sound recordings, social media, e-learning, e-
books, interactive whiteboards, educational games, online journals, website resources.

English Lecturers VI only use ten types of ICT such as computers, LCDs, speakers, blogs, e-mails, internet
connections, videos, computer file transfers, educational games, website resources.
The last lecturer used 13 types of ICT. Such as computers, LCD, speakers, blogs, email, youtube,
internet connection, videos, telephones, computer conferences, online forums, educational games,
website resources.

Although there are many types of ICT, not all lecturers use all of these ICTs. Only 3 out of 30 ICTs are
used by lecturers in teaching English in the classroom such as a speaker, educational games, and website
resources. They use three types of ICT because they are easy to use and cheap.



ICT plays an important role in the teaching and learning process. ICT not only improves student
achievement and motivation but also student character. One of the characteristics of students who are
influenced by Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) is language ethics or politeness.
Language ethics is a good attitude or morals when people talk to other people, especially how that
person uses language to speak to others politely. The kinds of ICT that teachers use in semantic learning
and pragmatic learning for students are the internet, laptops, PowerPoint, speakers, LCD, social media,
etc. Hopefully this ICT can be used by teachers in their class and also improve the character of their

[14/12 21.42] Eka: 9. A New Literacy ; The Role Of Technology To Develop Students’ Character

As we have already known that since our curriculum is changed into school based curriculum, the
material is developed by genre or type of text. This genre is kind of literacy where in the past, it is
usually only in the form of printed book, but by the changing of the old literacy to a new literacy,
technology can be integrated to this genre for example by having narrative text presented in e- book or
by using software such as Bello’s adventure in which students can enjoy reading but also learn some
good attitudes. The integration of this technology can make students more interested in reading
activities while teachers can also develop their characters education through explaining the moral lesson
they got from the text they read.

The function of character education (Kemendiknas, 2011) are :

(1) to build multicultural of nation,

(2) to build a smart nation, good attitude, and has contribution of human development,

(3) to build a society that love and peace, creative, independent, and survive with other country. A
good character can help young people become smart and good (Character Education Partnership, 1999).
Therefore, building student’s character is important to develop student’s ability and attitude. Here some
positive effects of using technology to develop student characters: trustworthiness, respect, diligence,
courage, and responsibility (Kemendiknas, 2011: 5).

The ways to develop student’s character use of internet can be done by the government, parents, and
school. The big problem of using computer and internet is pornography. Pornography is very dangerous
for students. It makes student’s character will be decreased. In this, government, parents, and teacher
must control their children to avoid the bad effect of the use of technology. The way can be done by the
government are;

1) block the porn site: the government can block all of porn site in Indonesia so the students
cannot open it,

2) socialize the pornography constitutions in Mass media, online media and television: the
government can do socialization and promotion about pornography in Mass media and television. It
makes the students know how dangerous the effect of doing pornography where they can be arrested if
doing that improperly, and

3) socialize sex education in every school: the government has to do socialization at school about
sex education. It can help the teacher and students understand about the negative effect of
pornography. But every people cannot believe if the government can block the entire porn site because
it is need a strong ability, extra money and consistency. As we now that today, the porn sites still exist
and always increase.

The way can be done at home are:

1) Parents need to have knowledge about the Internet and technology. A child may knowingly
allow or cause parents not understand technology so parents think there is no negative impact of the

2) put the computer in a visible place. By putting a computer in the open, for example in the family
room, we can monitor what sites are opened enumerated by children at the time of accessing the

3) help your child to make their own decisions. As parents, we cannot watch the child for 24 hours,
get used to the child to make decisions ranging from small things;

4) limit the use of Internet. Specify how long the Internet may be used and any site that may be

5) sex education: sex education should be taught by parents to their children. It can help to
prevent their children from pornography; and 6) maintain good communication with children. Good
communication and bonding with the child will make it easier to in still moral values.

The way can be done at school are:

1) dissemination of the negative effects of pornography: socializing the negative impact of
pornography is also necessary for the government to remote areas and schools, thereby reaching out to
children or young people (MUI, 2011);

2) porn video raid. Raid is to prevent the destruction of moral youth, because if there is an
outstanding video porn can lead to deviant behavior (Widiyanto, 2012), and

3) early sex education: sex education or education on reproductive health or a fancy term sex
education should be given to children who have grown up or teenagers, both through formal and
informal education.


ICT is running so fast that we sometimes cannot filter the bad impact that caused by the fast
development of ICT to the society. ICT is linking to the literacy skills that are skills enable participation in
the new communities emerging within a networked society for the twenty-first century. Those skills
enhance students to exploit new simulation tools, information appliances and social networks; they
facilitate the exchange of information between diverse communities and the ability to move easily
across different media platforms and social networks, these new technologies impact on literacy
instruction in classrooms. The good impact of technology not only for mastery of ICT and literate the
students but also to build their good character for becoming future leader and of course to make it
works all parties should collaborate each other.

[14/12 21.42] Eka: 10. Language Learning Disabilities

Language Learning Disabilities: How Can I Help My Students with Dyslexia?

Based on expert explanation, it can be say that reading as the process that is used to understand
information presented in written form and people are able to read if the words printed can be identified
by the reader.

Learning disabilities or difficulties in reading may be characterized by:

1) difficulties in single word reading;

2) initial difficulties decoding or sounding out words;

3) difficulties reading sight words;

4) insufficient phonological processing; that is, the understanding that sentences are comprised of
words, words are made up of syllables, and syllables are made up of individual sounds or phonemes;

5) expressive or receptive language difficulties; and 6) difficulties with comprehension

(Saskatchewan Learning, 2004).From the explanation above, it can be said that reading disabilities and
difficulties can effect students ability in some aspect of language.
Dyslexia is a learning disability that causes problems with reading, writing, and spelling (Tatman, 2005).
Furthermore, dyslexia is often referred to as specific learning difficulty to show that it is not an all
around learning problem. Dyslexia is a difficulty with words, but can involve more than just reading and
spelling and can effect writing and number word (Hamsphire County Council, 2009).

From the explanation about, it can be said that, the main causes of dyslexia is neurological and cognitive
disorder. In neurological disorder, the children have difficulties in reading because a disorder of their
brain. In cognitive disorder, the children have difficulties in reading because they have a weakness in
memories the word and also use the word in context.

There are some characteristic of children with dyslexia. Hampshire County Council states that the
characteristics of children with dyslexia may have had difficulty with:

(1) learning to talk or pronouncing long words,

(2) learning nursery rhymes,

(3) dressing, especially than using buttons, zips, and sho laces,

(4) colouring neatly and using scissors. In addition, Tatman (2005) states thatthe characteristics of
children with dyslexia divided into two stage:early childhood and middle childhood with dyslexia.

How Can I Help My Students with Dyslexia?

Teacher is one important people that can help the children with dyslexia. The children can get the good
way in teaching reading to solve their problem in dyslexia. Torgeson, Foorman, & Wagner (2009) state
that school instruction to prevent of reading a difficulty in students with dyslexia is Response to
Intervention (RTI). This instruction has three important elements:

1) Classroom teachers that provide high quality initial instruction along with small group instruction that
is differentiated according to student needs;

2) Reliable screening and progress monitoring tests to identify students falling behind in reading growth;

3) Interventions for struggling readers that are sufficiently powerful to accelerate their reading
development toward grade level standards.

Bienge (2011) states that some tasks that we use regularly in class can act as triggers for behavioral
problems and can help us to identify if a student has a learning difficulty such as:

1) Asking students to read aloud in class,

2) Silent reading,

3) Locating info in a dense text,

4) Asking for verbal answers,

5) Dictating notes,

6) Extended periods of listening,

7) Time limits on tasks,

8) Lots of copying or writing at length, and

9) Requiring students to work alone. In relation to dyslexia, schools should work to promote the
underpinning principles of effective Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy, provision and practice.
These focus on: raising attainment, equality of opportunity, early intervention, working in partnership
with parents / careers, inclusive education (that is, enabling all children as far as possible, to learn,
together, in ordinary schools with appropriate support), overcoming barriers to learning, and a coherent
support framework for school staff (Devon County Council, 2011).

There are some following strategies to help the students with dyslexia (National Centre for Learning

1) Expose your child to early oral reading,

2) have your child practice reading different kinds of texts,

3) Include multi-sensory, 3) structured language instruction,

4) Seek modifications in the classroom,

5) Use books on tape and assistive technology, and 6) Get help with the emotional issues that arise
from struggling to overcome academic difficulties. These strategy are believed can help the students
with dyslexia.


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that:

1) Dyslexia is a mild hereditary neurological disorder which manifest itself as a persistent difficulty
in learning to read in children with otherwise normal intellectual functioning and educational

2) there are two crucial factors of dyslexia causes: neurological and cognitive factor;

3) the characteristics of children with dyslexia divided into two stages: early childhood (preschool
or kindergarten, Grade 1-3, and Grade 4-8) and middle childhood with dyslexia(High school, college, and
adult); and
4) teacher has important role in teaching for the students with reading disabilitiesand difficulties
(dyslexia). Teacher can guide the student in learning, give them an interesting activities by using good


This thesis discusses that there are several media used by lecturers. Visual media in general are (1) still
images, (2) realia, (3) pictures or pictures made by teachers, and (4) charts, cartoon posters, and real
objects. Another very useful medium for teaching

students are flash cards, dolls, periodic media (journals), graphics, LCD, slide shows, films, white boards,
postcards, illustrations from books, newspapers, and furniture, diagrams, graphics, poste, in focus and

The media used by the lecturers at the curup stain at that time:

1. The type of media used by the lecturer to teach English non-English learning programs

There are several types of media used by lecturers such as illustration books, graphics, focus or LCD
which are the media used by almost all lecturers at STAIN Curup, slide shows, films, language
laboratories, whiteboards, newspapers, pictures of Relia, posters, flashcards, videos, amplifiers. sound

Computers / laptops as a medium for learning English at STAIN are steep, especially for students in non-
English Study Programs.

2. Use of media The type used by the lecturer to teach English non-English learning programs

Some lecturers use illustrations from books or handbooks for

teaching English language. For example, the lecturer balances the material, determines the topic, or
material to be discussed for the meeting, explains how to use the illustration, uses the journal as a
medium in teaching English.

In using a journal, by:

The lecturer invites students to read it (read aloud) to test pronunciation by discussing reading
comprehension from the text / journal. Some lecturers use graphics as a medium for teaching English
(in the form of reading material). All lecturers use infocus as a medium in teaching and learning English,
such as turning on a laptop and connecting it to the infocus.

Lecturers also use slide shows.

First, they prepared the materials and made a slide. Slide shows can help the learning process,
especially in the discussion or presentation of material. Lecturers use it as a warm-up activity in
teaching. Lecturers use a language laboratory. It is used only to teach listening. They use a white board
when they want to provide conclusions about the material after they have used several media in
learning. Lecturers use it to let students be creative in learning. They used pictures of relia, posters in
teaching English to teach descriptive texts. Furthermore, flashcards are used as game activity files in
class. A computer / laptop is used to help them present the slide show.

Things that need to be fixed

Lecturers should use various media in teaching. It aims to increase students' interest and motivation in
learning English because it is diverse and

interesting media will improve student achievement in English as well.

And Students Students must show good participation in learning English. They must be more creative
and active in the learning process to improve

their skills and understanding in English.

[15/12 21.24] Cheryl SA: Islamic FEFAC dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa.
Berdasarkan hasil

Pengabdian Rachmita (2016), ditemukan bah wa flashcards dapat meningkatkan keterampilan kosakata

Anak TK di Samarinda. Siswa TK sangat tertarik dan bersemangat saat

guru mengajar kosakata bahasa Inggris menggunakan kartu flash. Flashcards adalah salah satu media
pembelajaran yang

mudah digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Flashcards efektif

berkontribusi terhadap nilai siswa.

FEFAC Islami sebagai media pembelajaran tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris
siswa tetapi

juga dapat digunakan dalam menanamkan nilai karakter pada siswa. Flashcards dapat meningkatkan
motivasi dan ketuntasan belajar bahasa Inggris selain itu juga dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa
dengan menggunakan pembelajaran kuantum

model dengan media flashcard. Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat juga menunjukkan peningkatan

hasil belajar siswa dengan model pembelajaran quantum teaching dan media flashcard. Dari

Pengabdian diatas, dapat dikatakan bahwa Flashcards adalah media pembelajaran yang dapat
digunakan dalam

menanamkan nilai karakter pada anak. Motivasi merupakan salah satu karakter yang terkandung dalam

dari tokoh utama "Mandiri". Nilai-nilai karakter utama adalah religius, nasionalis, berintegritas,

gotong royong, dan mandiri.

Dari penjelasan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran FEFAC Islami

media dapat membuat siswa madrasah lebih tertarik dan termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa inggris. Ini

layanan juga menekankan pada pendidikan karakter islami yang dapat membantu peran masyarakat

pemerintah dalam meningkatkan pendidikan yang sama untuk setiap jenjang tanpa ada celah

pembentukan generasi muda yang mampu menjadi religius, berkualitas, kompeten dan sumber daya
manusia yang kompetitif serta memiliki nilai karakter yang tinggi tidak hanya di bidang ini

tapi juga di luar daerah.

[15/12 21.25] Cheryl SA: Islamic FEFAC can improve students' English skills. Based on the results

Rachmita (2016) found that flashcards can improve vocabulary skills

Kindergarten children in Samarinda. Kindergarten students are very interested and excited at the

the teacher teaches English vocabulary using flash cards. Flashcards are one such learning medium

easy to use in the learning process. Effective flashcards

contribute to student grades.

Islamic FEFAC as a learning medium can not only improve students' English skills but
can also be used in instilling character values in students. Flashcards can increase motivation and
mastery of learning English. Besides, it can also increase student motivation by using quantum learning

model with flashcard media. The results of community service also showed improvement

student learning outcomes with quantum teaching learning models and flashcard media. From

In the dedication above, it can be said that Flashcards are learning media that can be used in

instilling character values in children. Motivation is one of the characters contained in values

from the main character "Mandiri". The main character values are religious, nationalist, integrity,

mutual cooperation, and independently.

From the explanation above, it can be ignored that learning FEFAC is Islamic

media can make madrasa students more interested and motivated in learning English. This

Service emphasis on Islamic character education that can help the role of society

The government in promoting the same education for every level without gaps

The creation of young people who are capable of being religious, qualified, competent and have
competitive human resources and have high character values not only in this field

but also outside the area.

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