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Iva Alvina






Background of The Study

A. Background of the study

The era of globalization has a great influence on all levels of society and we

as a society must be prepared to face all changes in all fields such as economy,

education, technology, etc. In addition, the effect of changes in globalization is a

system that regulates people's lives. The advancement of science and technology

has brought about the rapid development of all fields. The development and

development process in various fields is also progressing. The international world

also has many impacts on the development of science and technology in Indonesia.

Especially in the field of language and culture. In this era of globalization, the

language used is more modern and often uses the international language (English)

in everyday life. In addition, many institutions and companies use English as their

language because English is one of the international languages that has become the

standard for creating communication in the world.

According to Kasapoğlu and Akyol (2010), English is a basic skill for success.

In the 21st century, English has an important role in the world of education so that

English is one of the lessons that must be learned in schools. If we want to

understand English, we must master four skills. They speak, listen, read and write.

Moreover, many schools in Indonesia are implementing a new system in their

schools to deal with global changes. One of the systems in their school is how to

master English well by making English Day programs or any method. Many methods

can be used to develop English language skills both offline and online. The offline

method here is like reading English translation books, novels, or memorizing songs.

While the online method is to rely on technological advances which are now widely

favored by all groups. Examples are watching movies, using applications that make it

easier for us to communicate with foreign nationals such as online games and so on.

Even though we are hindered by the Covid-19 pandemic, we can still learn to

develop English language skills by taking advantage of existing technological


According to Ainiyah (2018), Social media is a part of the virtual world which

is currently one part that cannot be separated from everyday life for the community.

Social media or online media is considered online media that can make it easier for

its users to be able to take an active role in the use of social media. Social media or

online media users can create, share and participate to share their creative ideas

such as creating blogs, social networks, wikis, forums, and other virtual worlds. The

use of the internet and the advancement of social media or online media have

provided many advances, especially in the field of education. Learning that

previously had to be carried out face-to-face, can now be done through learning via

the internet or we can call it online learning. According to Nurkolis and Muhdi (2020),

online learning is learning that is carried out in a virtual world that uses electronic

devices and can connect teachers and students to learning materials using the help

of the internet. The use of online media will be very helpful in the process of learning

English, especially in the field of education. Although hindered by government

policies that require staying at home alone, both teachers and students can still carry

out learning even though they are not facing to face.

Online media will be useful to the school especially teachers and students to

facilitate learning. The internet will become a media and source of information that is

useful for both students and teachers to continue the learning process even though

they do not face to face directly. The internet will be a source of information that will

be very useful in the learning process to develop English language skills. According

to Suryawati (2011: 46), online media or new media are communication media that

use internet devices. In this increasingly advanced era, online media will be very

useful in improving the quality of education and motivating school residents,

especially teachers and students in carrying out learning. This is because online

media is a means that is easy to use and can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which requires teachers and students to

study at home. According to Lorie Ackerman (2018), the notion of online media is a

form of online publishing that is used to convey various ideas. In general, online

media use computers in the writing, editing, printing, or delivery of publications.

In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, The Minister of Education and Culture

of the Republic of Indonesia issued two policies through Circular No. 3 of 2020

(Kemendikbud, 2020c) and Circular No. 4 of 2020 (Ministry of Education and

Culture, 2020d). The two policies of the Minister of Education and Culture are related

to the prevention of Covid-19 in the education unit and the implementation of

education policies in the emergency period of the spread of Covid-19 so learning

activities will be slightly hampered. Therefore, teachers must be able to find solutions

to solve problems and develop their creativity in overcoming government policies

that require learning from home only. Online media has a very important role in the

world of education, such as developing the quality of learning, improving educational

outcomes, and helping to make it easier for teachers and students to get sources of

information in learning. The use of online media will be more fun if the teacher can

also implement it well in the classroom. In addition, most students like interesting

and modern learning, especially in this era of globalization, most students like to play

online. Therefore, because students prefer activities using technological advances,

teachers must also provide positive values in the use of online media during learning

so that students do not only focus on playing but also learn to hone and develop their


In this case, teacher perceptions are an important point in the use of online to

support the learning process in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because

teachers' perceptions will influence how teachers' decisions regarding the use of

online media in their learning activities so that an important factor influencing the

success of the application of online in the learning process is how teachers' attitudes

and perceptions about the use of online to support the learning process, especially

English. Teacher perceptions can be interpreted as the opinion or views of a teacher

based on the insights or sources they get. Ramazani (2013) explains that teachers'

perceptions are derived from their background knowledge and experience in finding

information, teaching materials, and so on. Therefore, every teacher has different

perceptions. Teachers are not only required to master computer skills but also how

teachers can develop their skills using technology to solve problems, process

information sources, and apply them in learning. Teachers will also get a lot of

information that can help carry out learning activities through unlimited sources on

the internet. In addition, the use of online media also makes it easier for teachers to

deliver material and provide information to be more interesting and fun so that

students are also more motivated to take part in learning even though English is a

subject which they think is a little difficult. Teachers must also be creative in

providing learning material to students so that they gradually master English in four

skills consisting of speaking, reading, listening, and writing because these four

elements are very influential in the process of learning English.

But not only teachers, but student perceptions are also very necessary and

become an equally important point in research on Teacher's and Students’

Perceptions on the use of online media in Teaching and Learning Writing in TEFL

class. This is because students are one of the important elements in the world of

education and affect the learning process. According to Robbins (2003: 160),

Perception can be defined as the process of perceiving something as a result of a

reaction to a stimulus in the individual after using his senses to react to it and the

result is the interpretation or identification of the perceived object. While the

understanding of students according to Aly (2008) is someone who receives material

and learning to gain knowledge and skills that can be used as provisions for life in

the future. According to Noeng Muhadjir (2009: 15), Student perception is a process

of student treatment of information about something that is absorbed through the

senses and processed in the brain to be concluded. Student perception can also be

interpreted as a direct response from absorption or the process of students knowing

several things through sensing which will later be processed in the brain so that

students can conclude an idea called student perception. Student perceptions will

greatly affect the learning process in the classroom. If most students have a negative

perception of something about learning, then what will happen is the failure of the

lesson plan, the inconvenience of students participating in learning, class conditions

that are less conducive, and students who are not ready to accept learning materials

Although at some time learning can still run well, but the achievement and success

of students in receiving the material will not be optimal. So that the criteria for

student learning cannot be met. Therefore, both teacher perceptions and student

perceptions have an important role in the learning process, especially in the use of

online media for teaching and learning to write.

In this study, researchers focused on teacher’s and students’ perceptions of

the use of online media in teaching and learning writing. Writing is one of the four

elements in the English language and it is important because writing can make us

express anything in a paper, writing can help us to stick to our ideas after we have

read the information. Most importantly, we can share this information with others.

Writing takes thought, and thinking is always complicated and hard. Writing is also

complicated because the writer has to do everything at once. The author produces

additional words, sentences, paragraphs, and compositions at the same time; words

must be spelled, sentences interspersed, and paragraphs put together (Gorell and

Laird in Anwar: 2014). Writing requires thoroughness and knowledge of sentence

structure and spelling. Writing is an attempt to express important ideas or ideas as


Writing also means writing down ideas or ideas on written media with

symbols that have been agreed by most people with various purposes. Several

stages of writing for students' understanding in school institutions include writing

letters, writing syllables, writing words, writing sentences, writing paragraphs, and

writing essays consisting of several paragraph numbers. Students are required to

practice writing frequently following the correct writing structure and requirements.

Especially now that there have been many scientific writing competitions that require

students to be able to master good and correct writing techniques. Teaching Writing

is one of the important aspects of teaching the application of language. Writing is an

activity to channel ideas or ideas in written form. Writing is often considered difficult

for many people. This is because writing is an amalgamation of creativity and a

strong will from within the author.

Teaching writing in English can be even more daunting for developing

countries where English is a foreign language. Because it not only combines

elements of creativity and will but also elements of the language that has been

studied. Jeremy Harmer (2004) says that a teacher must be able to teach writing in

English to students. And students also have to learn to write well to create a

conducive atmosphere in the implementation of learning. The researcher conducted

this research at SMPK Santo Yusuf Pacet is known that SMPK Santo Yusuf Pacet is

one of the schools that uses online media to support the learning process. Therefore,

the researcher conducted this research at the SMPK Santo Yusuf Pacet.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above we can arrange the question for this study. The

question is:

1. How is the teacher’s perception on the use of online media in teaching writing in

TEFL class?

2. How are students’ perceptions on the use of online media in learning writing in

TEFL class?

C. The Objective of the Study

1. To describe teacher’s perception on the use of online media in teaching writing in

TEFL class

2. To describe students’ perceptions on the use of online media in learning writing

in TEFL class

D. Significant of the Study

1. Theoretical Significance

Research on teacher perceptions about the use of online media in teaching and

learning writing in TEFL class at SMPK Santo Yusuf Pacet provides useful

information. Researchers hope that this research can be used as a useful

source of information and reference for other researchers who are interested in

conducting similar research or researching teacher’s and student’s perceptions

on the use of online media in teaching and learning writing in TEFL class.

2. Practical Significance

a. For teachers

The results of this study can be used as a reference, or a useful reference

for teachers to carry out learning by utilizing the use of online media,

especially in teaching writing. In addition, information about the challenges in

using online media to teach writing can be used as a guide so that teachers

are more creative, active, and professional in using media to teach writing.

b. For students

The results of this study can be used as a reference to provide students with

information and knowledge about the use of online media in learning writing.

c. For future researcher

This research is expected to be useful to provide information, knowledge,

and new insights in the field of education, especially English that can be

applied in the future. Researchers hope that this research can help facilitate

the task of future researchers in carrying out research activities regarding the

use of online media, especially in teaching and learning writing.

E. Operational Definition of the Terms

1) Teacher’s Perceptions

A teacher's perception is to analyze and organize the views and images of

an individual (teacher) on something which will later be concluded as an

idea (perception).

2) Students’ Perceptions

Student perception is a student's response or view of something that has

been absorbed through the senses, sent to the brain, and concluded.

3) Online Media

The meaning of online media in particular is all that is related to mass


4) Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is the effort made by a teacher in preparing and organizing

student learning experiences, using writing as the most important part of the

learning process

5) Learning Writing

Learning to write is getting used to writing and stringing letters into words or


6) EFL

EFL or commonly referred to as English as a Foreign Language is a term to

describe the learning of English by non-native speakers.


Literature Review

Researchers of this study focused on teacher’s and students' perceptions on the use

of online in teaching and learning writing in EFL class. In addition, this chapter

discusses relevant research theories.

A. Definition of Perception

1. Perception

Perception is the ability to understand and understand something.

Perception can also be interpreted as an action to process information that

has been obtained and then concluded with the help of knowledge and

experience that has been obtained. According to Robbins (2003) perception

is a process where an individual interprets sensory impressions through his

senses to observe and understand something. Everyone has different

perceptions depending on the experiences and insights they get and how

they process them according to their mindset. According to Khairani (2012), it

explains that perception is a process that starts from a stimulus received by a

person through the senses. The benefit of the senses in this process is as a

tool to interpret something so that someone can express an opinion and

perceive what he sees.

The stimulus will then be processed through the senses so that it can

be concluded and put forward into useful ideas and opinions. Danuth (2013)

explains that knowledge, insight, mindset, and experience will be a very

effective source of how they perceive things. So it can be concluded that

each perception can be expressed based on someone's knowledge, thought

patterns, responses, and experiences in assessing something.

2. Perception Formation Factors

Perception is an action that involves the senses as a tool to process

information that a person has obtained and then expressed following the

opinions and judgments of each individual. According to Fadil (2012), several

factors influence perception, namely internal and external factors. The

following are the factors that influence perception:

A. Internal Factors

Internal factors are factors that are influenced by the condition of a

person or someone's personality. These are usually age, educational

background, physiology, and experience.

1) Age

Age will greatly affect how a person perceives something. This is due

to the increasing age, usually, the level of thought patterns processing

will be better. In addition, an individual will find it easier to collect and

process data or information if they already have a more mature

mindset and outlook. So that an individual can judge something

according to the perceptions they have concluded. Because age will

greatly affect the level of maturity and understanding of thinking and


2) Educational Background

Educational background is also an important factor in forming

perceptions. This is due to a large amount of knowledge and insights

gained during education. An individual will think more rationally if they

have broader knowledge and insight. In addition, many lessons can

be obtained when taking the education level so that an individual has

more resources and information to be processed following the field

he/she is good at.

3) Physiological

Physiological factors are factors that originate from parts of the body

such as the senses. The senses have a very important function to

receive and absorb information to be processed and accepted by the

brain to be concluded as ideas and views about something. Each

individual has different sensory capacities so that the process of

receiving, absorbing, and processing information also varies.

Therefore, each individual must have different perceptions or views

4) Experience

Experience is the best learning. Through experience, there are many

things that we can learn and take advantage of. In addition, through

the experience, we can get more sources of information, knowledge,

and broader insights. Experience can also add friends and new

correlations so that there are many benefits that we can take through

experience. This is because an individual's thinking will be more

rational and more orderly due to the many things that have been

learned through previous experiences that have been obtained. So

that it raises new ideas that will be useful for how we think and assess

things in the future.

B. External Factors

Apart from internal factors that influence the formation of perceptions,

there are external factors that are no less important in forming

perceptions. These factors can affect a person's point of view and

assessment of something in the surrounding environment.

1) The size and shape of the object (stimulus) observed

The size and shape of the stimulus to be observed will greatly affect

the senses in receiving the stimulus which will later be processed into

an idea to be concluded as a perception of something. The more the

observed stimulus (object), the easier it will be for an individual to

absorb and accept the stimulus that has been observed. One factor

will greatly affect the perception of each individual. As discussed in

the internal factors for the formation of perceptions, each individual

can absorb and receive stimuli.

2) Environment

Life in the environment around each individual will also greatly affect

how individuals perceive things. This is because environmental

conditions and people's lives will greatly influence the mindset and

views of an individual towards the object (stimulus) they will examine.

Besides that, the condition of the surrounding environment will shape

a person's character, personality, morals, and characteristics so that

the way to absorb the material and conclude an idea will also vary for

each individual depending on how the environment around them is.

3) New Things

Something new will attract the attention of an individual to capture and

absorb the stimulus they have received. So that an individual will not

feel bored with things that they have been researching for a long time

and do not change. This will be very useful for the process of forming

perceptions because an individual will be motivated and interested in

learning new things and getting more insight and experience.

3. The Stages of Perception

Perception cannot just appear instantly. To get a maximum

perception, you have to go through several stages. The following are the

stages of perception

1) Capture and absorb stimulus

To perceive something, the first process that occurs is to capture and

receive a stimulus through the human sense organs.

2) Send and Process

After the stimulus is received and can be properly absorbed through the

human senses, the next process that occurs is to send the stimulus that

has been obtained to the receptor (brain) to be processed through the

sensory nerves in the brain.

3) Create and Conclude

This stage is the stage where an individual obtains a variety of

information through a stimulus that has been received and processed

through the brain to then be concluded into an idea called perception.

These stages cannot be separated from the importance of the

factors that influence the formation of perceptions such as age, physiology,

educational background, experience, size and shape of the object being

observed, the environment, and something new. These factors will facilitate

the process and stages of the formation of perceptions.

4. Teacher’s Perception

Teacher perception can be defined as a process in which an

individual (teacher) captures and absorbs a stimulus (object to be observed)

through the senses to then be sent to the receptor (brain) and concluded as

a view, opinion, idea of something called perception. Teachers' perceptions

have an important role to play in knowing how the teacher's views and

images of the things they are researching may affect learning activities with

students in the classroom. Teacher's perception is to analyze and organize

the views and images of an individual (teacher) on something which will

later be concluded as an idea (perception).

According to Hidayat (2013), teacher perceptions are the ability of a

teacher to assess, research, respond to, and provide opinions in seeing

things they receive through sensory organs to be processed according to the

knowledge, insights, experiences and expertise they master. A simple

example is when an individual (Teacher) first sees an electronic book. The

next thing he might do is identify, pay close attention, and analyze what e-

books are. After knowing what an electronic book is, the teacher tries to

analyze what are the benefits, drawbacks and advantages of the electronic

book by involving the knowledge, insights and experiences that have been

mastered, the teacher has concluded that electronic books are good media

and can be useful to support learning so that the teacher wants to use the e-

book to help him teach in class.

From the example above, it can be concluded that teacher perception

is an action that begins with receiving a stimulus through the human senses

to be analyzed through certain factors and stages involving knowledge,

insight, and the experience of an individual to create an idea, assessment.

5. Students Perceptions

Students’ perception is a process in which an individual (student)

absorbs and receives a stimulus about something using the help of the

senses and will be sent to the brain to then be concluded into an idea.

According to Slameto (2013: 102) perception is a process that involves the

entry of messages or information into the human brain. Through perception,

humans are constantly in touch with their environment. This relationship is

done through the senses, namely the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste,

and smell. Perception concerns the relationship between humans and their

environment, how a person understands and interprets the stimuli in their

environment using the knowledge they have.

Student perception is the view that students receive about something

they absorb using the senses and then sent and processed in the brain to

get a conclusion about something that was previously received by students.

Student perception is the process of students' treatment of information

about an object through observation with their senses so that students can

give meaning and interpret the observed object. Student perception is very

important in the learning process. Perception or understanding of the

material that is good and correct will make students able to understand the

subject matter so that they can achieve competence and learning


Perception is divided into two forms, namely positive and negative.

Positive perception is an individual's assessment of an object or information

with a positive view or as expected from the perceived object or existing

rules. The cause of the emergence of a person's positive perception is due

to individual satisfaction with the object that is the source of his perception,

individual knowledge, and individual experience of the perceived object.

Meanwhile, negative perception is an individual's perception of certain

objects or information with a negative view, contrary to what is expected

from the perceived object or existing rules. The cause of the emergence of

a person's negative perception can arise due to individual dissatisfaction

with the object that is the source of his perception, the existence of

individual ignorance, and the absence of individual experience of the

perceived object and vice versa.

B. Online Media

1. Definition of Online Media

According to Kurniawan (2005: 20): Online media is a general term

used to describe a form of media based on telecommunications and

technology. In it, there are several portals such as websites, online tv and

radio, e-mail, and so on. Each portal has several different characteristics

with different functions. Online media will greatly help users to facilitate their

needs. Online media will also be very useful for schools, especially for

teachers and students as users to carry out learning. Especially during the

COVID-19 pandemic which requires teachers and students to study at

home. In the era of increasingly rapid development of technology and

communication, most people use online media or social media to support

their needs. Most people take advantage of the use of online media or

social media to help various kinds of work and needs in everyday life.

Likewise in the world of education, online media has an important role in

facilitating all learning needs to achieve smooth and successful learning in

the classroom. Online media is considered to be able to help teachers and

students to find various sources of material and learning. So that both

teachers and students will not miss a variety of sources of information and

materials as a support in carrying out learning. In addition, the situation and

conditions of learning in the classroom are considered to be more

conducive and full of positive things. This is because the delivery of learning

materials will be more creative, innovative, and more interesting so that

teachers, especially students, will be more enthusiastic and motivated to

carry out learning. Teachers will also find it easier to carry out their

obligations as transmitters of information and learning materials.

Not only in learning, but online media will also be very useful in the

field of student affairs and school administration. Why is that? Because online

media is believed to be able to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of

management, management, organization, and administration of educational

institutions. Online media can also improve the quality and quality of learning

between teachers and students. In addition, educators (teachers) will get a lot

of knowledge and sources of information that will be very useful in the

continuity of the delivery of learning material in the classroom. So that

teachers will not miss the latest information about the learning materials they

provide to students. Teachers will also get more sources of information and

more accurate insights so that the learning process and problem-solving in

the classroom can be completed more quickly and accurately. Not only

beneficial for teachers and education personnel, but online media also has a

very positive impact on students. The same thing with teachers, students will

also get many sources of information through the use of online media.

Students will also find it easier to access and find new information and

insights using online media. So that their understanding will increase and

they can learn new things even when they are at home which will then be

strengthened again by the learning material provided by the teacher at

school. So that students can spend their time with productive activities.

Online media can also train the ability to use technology for both teachers

and students. Therefore, teachers are expected to be able to master the use

of online media and then teach them to students. So that there is a positive

relationship between teachers and students. With the important benefits

above, it can be seen that online media plays an important role in the world of

education. With these facts, the use of online media in learning in education

is increasingly needed and is an important component.

2. Characteristics of Online Media

The following are the characteristics of online media according to Iswara


1) Speed (actuality) of information

Along with the advancement and development of technology and

modernization, online media has become one of the platforms that are

often used to access various sources of information. An event or events

that are happening will be quickly uploaded to various sites and online

articles. This can make it easier for people to receive new information

without missing out on other information. Thus accelerating the

dissemination of information to the public with a global reach through the

internet network, and at the same time, and generally, the existing

information is contained in data and facts, not stories.

2) There is an update (update) information

This information will be very useful for everyone. People will continue to

look for new information to gain knowledge about what is happening in

their daily lives and information will be delivered continuously to support

people's lives so as not to miss the latest news that occurs in everyday

life. This real-time presentation means that there is no prime time

because the provision of information takes place without interruption, only

depending on when the user wants to access it.

3) Interactivity

Online media has many advantages that are very useful for its users. One

of the advantages of online media is its interactive function, namely, the

communication model used has interactive options that make it easier for

readers to express opinions, complaints, suggestions, criticisms, or


4) Personalization

With the rapid advancement of technology and communication in this era

of globalization, online media users are more independent and more

active in finding and sorting information according to their needs. Online

media has the advantage of providing opportunities for users to search

and retrieve information according to their own needs and needs. So that

it is the users who will adjust and select the information they get

according to their respective needs and information that is not needed

can be deleted and adjusted to the users.

5) Load capacity can be enlarged

Online media has a myriad of benefits for its users to access various

kinds of information and knowledge that can support their daily lives. The

information sought can be said to be unlimited. Users of online media will

be greatly helped to dig up various kinds of information without any

boundaries and breadth.

6) Connect with other sources (hyperlinks)

One of the characteristics of online media is that any data and information

provided will be easily linked to other sources that have something in

common with the information and will not go out of topic. In addition, the

information will be connected automatically with the data bank already

owned by the media from other sources. This hyperlink character also

allows accessors to connect with other accessors when logging into

online media sites and using the same facilities in these media, for

example in chatrooms, via email, or games.

3. Kinds of Online Media

The following are online media that can be useful for teachers and students

in carrying out learning, especially writing :

a) Moodle

Moodle is a website-based CMS application that functions to convert

offline materials or learning into web-based online ones. This application

makes it easy for students to enter digital classrooms so that they can

access and obtain learning materials that have been provided. Moodle

also has benefits for teachers, namely teachers can easily create

learning materials, quizzes, electronic journals, and other student needs.

b) Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a mixed learning platform dedicated to every

sphere of education intended to find solutions to the difficulties of

creating, sharing, and classifying paperless assignments. Assignment

creation and assignments can be completed via Google Drive when

using Gmail to generate notifications in Google classrooms. Each class

is created with a file separated by Google Classroom in each Google

service where students can submit their work for classification by the


c) Edmodo

Edmodo is a platform developed for teachers and students, with student

privacy in mind. Teachers and students can share notes, links, and

documents. Teachers also can post alerts, events, and assignments for

students and can decide to post something in a publicly viewable time

frame. Edmodo is designed to get students excited about learning in a

more intimate environment. In Edmodo, teachers/lecturers can continue

online class discussions, provide polls to check student/student

understanding, and give badges to students/students individually based

on performance or behavior.

d) Google Meet

Google Meet is a Google product that is a video communication service

developed by Google. This application is one of 2 applications that are

new versions of the previous version, namely Google Hangouts and

Google Chat. Google itself discontinued the classic version of Google

Hangouts in October 2019.

4. The Advantage of Online Media

In this era of the covid-19 pandemic, the use of online media will greatly

facilitate the school, both teachers and students, to carry out learning

effectively even though learning is carried out at home. The use of online

media will have a positive impact if users are also able to take advantage of

technological sophistication properly. Here are some of the advantages of

using online media in the world of education:

a) Improved adaptation

Through online media, students can improve and develop their abilities

and skills to deal with changes and developments so that students will

not be outdated or in Bahasa called "Gaptek". In addition, students can

also interact and socialize with teachers with the help of online media,

even though during the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires people to

keep their distance and limit meetings, and requires them to study at


b) Can expand the network of friends

One of the benefits of online media for students is that students can

expand their friendship even though they cannot meet in person. Not

only friends, but students can also consult with teachers about materials

and learning at school.

c) Can be more motivated

One of the benefits of online media is that it can increase student

motivation. This is because students can easily find various sources and

information about learning materials easily and quickly. In addition,

when students have many communities that have been formed with the

help of online media, the enthusiasm and motivation of students to learn

will gradually increase. This is because students can exchange opinions

and information with each other that had previously been connected

through online media.

d) Get a variety of information

With online media, teachers and students will find it easier to get various

kinds of information to support teaching and learning activities,

especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Social media can play a big role in education. This of course can be

seen from the increasing number of methods developed in the world of

education and have used a lot of learning media taken from social

media. The application of social media for learning can further trigger

the quality of learning if it is used as much as possible.

C. Teaching Writing

1. Definition of Writing

According to Ahmadi (1990), writing is an attempt to record human

speech and expressions into a new language known as a written language.

Written language is nothing but a type of sound notation, silence, inflection,

tonal stress, gestures or movements, and facial expressions that transfer

meaning in human speech or speech. Writing is an activity to express ideas,

thoughts, and knowledge through writing in the form of notes. Writing can

also be interpreted as an activity to express ideas, opinions, and thoughts.

This activity is an activity and creative process of transferring ideas into

writing so that writing can be called a productive activity. Having the ability to

write, of course, allows humans to express ideas or ideas through writing.

This writing ability can be acquired through genes (from birth) and intensive

training and guidance. An individual not only writes an idea and the ideas

they have but also understands the meaning and meaning of the writing they

are working on.

According to Hargrove and Pottet (1998), writing is an attempt to

describe thoughts, ideas, feelings in the form of symbols. The symbol

referred to here is a symbol of the writing language system. The language of

writing is what is predicted as a medium of communication. The purpose of

writing is to tell something, express yourself, express ideas and ideas,

explain something, and so on. To provide information, an author usually

publishes his ideas and ideas through newsletters, articles, magazines,

tabloids, and other print media. The information written must not be arbitrary

and must be based on true sources and facts. This is so that readers do not

get wrong information and get reliable sources. All writings from the author

will influence the readers' beliefs. Therefore, the writer must be very careful in

writing information before it is given to the public. In education, writing is an

important component that cannot be separated from learning activities.

2. Teaching Writing

For both teachers and students, writing is an important part they do

every day such as taking notes, summarizing, writing, and answering

questions. Writing serves to describe and explain all forms, characteristics,

images, and other important components that at least need to be described in

the writing. Writing requires thoroughness and diligence or persistence to

compile good writing/writing involving intellectual, creative, and dynamic

thinking in writing activities. Writing can increase self-motivation to study

harder. Both in the field of education and non-education. Writing can also get

in the habit of being more disciplined and punctual. This is because a paper

usually has to be completed on time. Especially if the paper contains

important sources of information that might be of great use to the reader. In

addition, many written works are eagerly awaited by readers, for example,

novels, short stories, and other written works that are favored by readers.

Therefore, writers usually finish a written work on time so that readers are not

disappointed because they wait too long. This is what will train an individual

or aspiring writer to get used to being disciplined and punctual.

According to Syarif, Zulkamaini, and Sumarno (2009), writing is a

form of communication that is carried out indirectly which is characterized by

pouring thoughts or feelings that utilize graphology, language structure, and

vocabulary using written symbols so that they can be accepted and read.

Besides that, an individual either an aspiring writer or a competent writer will

learn how to speak well and beautifully. This is because writing will be more

interesting if the language and vocabulary look good and beautiful to read.

The choice of words and sentences must also be considered in writing a

written work, especially written works that will be disseminated and published

to the public. This method is also one of the important marketing methods to

attract the attention of readers. Besides that, the beauty of language and

composing sentences in a writing can also describe the characteristics and

personality of a person through the writing he makes. An example is when we

are running a psychological test or writing a job application letter. Then the

assessment of all necessary aspects will be seen and examined through our

writing. The personality and characteristics of a person will be able to be

assessed through his writing.

Not only that, writing can measure and recognize the potential of an

individual. This is because, with writing exercises, an individual can recognize

the extent to which they express their ideas and ideas to be expressed in a

written work. The process they go through while writing an essay or paper will

become a view and an illustration of the extent to which an individual

recognizes their potential, abilities, and skills. Besides that, the failures that

they might experience can become a view and self-evaluation for the future

so that one day the mistakes and failures they experience will not be

repeated. A failure in writing can also mature a writer to continue to practice,

never give up and always think positively that the writing they write with all

their effort and effort will become good and useful writing for the readers.

Another benefit of writing is to increase an individual's insight and

knowledge of whatever they will reveal in a writing. In addition, an author

usually has many references and sources of important information to make it

easier for writers to write a paper later. From the many references and

sources of information obtained, the author will gain new insights and

knowledge that may not have been obtained. The vocabulary, sentences,

and systematics of writing will be more developed through the various

references and sources that have been obtained. This is because all reliable

sources will make it easier for a writer to choose and arrange vocabulary and

language that they think is more suitable to be written into their writing. So

that writing papers will be easier and the selection of writing systematics will

be better than before. But a writer should use written work using one's ideas

and ideas, not plagiarizing other people's writings. So all the references and

sources of information they get are only used as views and illustrations to

help them write their ideas so that they are well organized and can be used

as sources of useful information for the people who read them.

Writing can improve and develop language fluency and expressive

vocabulary and compose sentences properly. The more actively practicing

writing, the more fluent an individual will be in writing. The process

experienced by the author will serve as insight and learning for the future.

Various important moments in writing activities will be very useful for a writer.

This is because every part, every writing process, and activity will train a

writer to improve and develop their knowledge and skills to compile good and

correct writing and can be understood and well received by readers. On the

other hand, writing will also train an individual to arrange and organize words

and sentences properly and correctly so that writing will be well structured

and can be understood by readers. The topics to be used can be understood

and understood properly so as not to cause misunderstanding of information.

3. Learning Writing

Writing practice will increase the writing skills and abilities of an

individual so that from previously unable to write and systematically arrange

words and sentences to become a reliable writer whose work will always be

looked forward to by readers and fans. By writing, an individual can arrange

ideas and ideas coherently and systematically. St. Kartono (2013) explains that

writing is a process and activity to express views and images of something to be

informed to readers so that it becomes useful information for society. An

individual will learn how to arrange and arrange words and sentences

systematically by practicing writing. Ideas and ideas that were previously only

stored in the brain can be best expressed through writing. Every individual has

different perceptions and views about something, but by writing they can

express the ideas and ideas they have so that they can be used as a source of

useful information for their readers. Readers will also be greatly helped by the

writings of a writer to get reliable information that can be useful in people's daily

lives. So that it is easier for the community to carry out their daily activities

accompanied by important and useful information for their views and guidance.

Writing can be said as a communication activity between the writer and the

reader. Why is that? Because the content and meaning of the writing will be

used as a source of useful information for the community. Examples include

novels, stories, and others which are a means of communication for writers and

readers. The author expresses and expresses his ideas and ideas for writing a

story through a novel that will be read by the reader. The content and meaning

of the story revealed by the author will be read and understood carefully and the

reader can imagine and describe how the story will go so that the reader feels

as if he is part of the story written by the reader. Therefore the composition of

words and sentences must be considered carefully so that readers can

understand the meaning and intent of the author in writing published papers. So

that readers do not experience a misunderstanding of reading the written work

they read.

According to Saddhono and Slamet (2014), writing is a complex activity and

process. This is because writing requires a good way of thinking and studying

words and sentences. Some important aspects related to writing activities


1) There is continuity and connection to every idea

2) Use clear and effective sentences

3) Writing paragraphs arranged coherently and systematically

4) Use of good and correct vocabulary.

From the several theories regarding writing above, it can be concluded that

writing is a complex activity that requires a variety of skills, skills, and abilities to

process vocabulary, systematically arranging words and sentences, continuity

between ideas, and choosing a good and correct language. An individual or

aspiring writer can become a reliable writer if they continue to practice and do

not never give up even though they repeatedly fail to write a paper that will

benefit society.

4. Process of Writing

Writing is a productive and creative activity that must go through

several processes or stages before being published to the public. Writing

requires skills and abilities and serious intention so that all processes or

stages of writing can run well without any mistakes so that the percentage of

failures in writing activities decreases or even does not exist. This is because

the writing process must be arranged coherently and systematically. So the

process or stages in writing activities must be in order so as not to cause

failure in writing a written work. The following is the process or stages in


1. Pre-Writing

The pre-writing stage is the earliest in writing activities. This stage is

carried out before starting writing activities. This is because pre-writing is a

technique that begins with imagining or thinking about what topics and

ideas we will write about. This stage aims to redefine the ideas and ideas

of a writer before they are expressed in a written work. According to

McLean (2012), pre-writing is an activity in which a writer thinks of an idea

or ideas that must be well organized before being written into a written

work. So it can be concluded that pre-writing is an activity where a writer

collects ideas and ideas to then be compiled as a framework or outline

which will later be developed in the next writing stage.

2. Choosing Topic

The next stage in writing activities is to choose and decide what topic or

theme to write about. If in the pre-writing stage the author collects ideas or

ideas about Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease), then the topics or themes

that will at least be used are factors of Covid-19 transmission, ways to

prevent Covid-19, a Healthy lifestyle during the pandemic, and so on.

McLean (2012: 381) states "The first important step in writing is to identify

your potential why you are writing and inform an idea and who you are

writing for". This can mean that a writer must understand the reasons why

they write a paper and why choose the topic they will write about. This

important concept aims to make it easier for writers to carry out writing

activities of a paper that has good quality.

3. Using Experience and Observation

Using experience and observation can become the alternative way for the

writer to begin their writing. Moreover, the writer can use their experience

during their life as a unique topic and help them to more easily in writing.

Besides, the purpose of observation is to guide the writer to choose

interesting topics based on their experience that has been happened.

4. Outlining

After the prewriting technique has been carried out, the writer must outline

before they begin their scientific work. In addition, the outline is the

process by which the writer writes keywords that will be the object of

scientific work. the purpose of this technique is to help the writer to write

paragraphs that are systematic and focus on the topic chosen by the

author. Moreover, the author only wrote the subject matter.

5. Drafting

Drafting is a process where the writer finishes their paragraph or essay

with a new idea. The purpose of this strategy is to help the reader easily

understand the information. Besides, in the drafting process, the writer

began first writing with the introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion.

6. Revising and Editing

Revising and editing is an important process in writing where the writer

would be checked their scientific work. In this step, the writer read again

the topic of scientific work and match it with the content of sentences

written by the writer. In addition, the author tries to edit his work if there are

errors such as grammar and revises it to be grammatically correct.

7. Publication

The publication stage is the last in writing activities. The publication stage

is the activity of uploading or publishing and distributing a written work to

the public either through print or online media. The publication of a written

work can be in the form of magazines, tabloids, newspapers, novels, story

books, articles, and others that can be used as information by readers. In

this publication stage, writers can send their written works through

publishers or editors, or other institutions.

5. Types of Writing

A. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a type of text that explained about description of

something. The object that is usually discussed in the descriptive text are

people, animal, things. The purpose of descriptive text is to inform about

the condition and characteristics of the object to the reader.

B. Narrative Text

The narrative text is a text that explained the telling story and telling the

chronological that happened. The purpose of this text is to entertain the

reader and this text can also bring the reader into the story. This text

usually telling about fable, legend, myth, fairytale. Moreover, the

explanation would be continued in the next point.

C. Expository

An Expository is a text that tells information to the reader. Thus, the

content of this text contains a persuasive element. Moreover, this text

purpose the reader believe and practice based on the paragraph that has

been explained in a paragraph of expository text.

D. Report Text

A report is a text that contains information about what is happening in a

scope. The general purpose of the report text is to provide a general

description of events that have just occurred through systematic

observation and analysis.

E. Argumentative

Argumentative is a text where the content of a paragraph shows the

controversy for the reader. Besides, the content of argumentative text

contains pro and contra from the information that has been shared by the


F. Recount Text

Recount text is a form of text that is usually used to relate past events.

The main characteristic of recount text is the past tense.

G. Procedure Text

Judging from the name of the text, we can be sure that the procedure text

contains text that explains the steps and ways to do things right.

H. Spoof Text

Spoof is a text that contains funny events or experiences that someone

has experienced.

I. Announcement Text

A text in English containing the announcement of an event or public


J. Advertisement Text

Ad text in English is text that contains advertisements that contain

information about a product or event. So, ad text works to promote certain

ad products with persuasive intentions. There are no specific rules for

creating ads, but usually, good ads must be persuasive. So, the format in

ad text must be simple, clear, short, persuasive, and use catchy slogans.

K. Anecdote

Anecdote text in English is text to tell strange things that usually

happened in the past. In addition, anecdote text also serves to entertain

readers through the story.

L. News Item

News item text in English is a text that presents new news to provide the

latest information that is happening.

M. Explanation Text

Explanation text in English is a text that explains the occurrence of an

event clearly and completely and in detail.

N. Discussion Text

A discussion text is an English text that serves to describe a discussion or

debate about a theme or problem that occurs.


In this study, researchers made several relevant journals as guidelines and

guides to help carry out research. The following are similarities and differences

between research and relevant journals:

1. The first research was written and compiled by Geminastiti Sakkir (2016)

with the title Students’ Perception on Social Media in Writing Class at STKIP

Muhammadiyah Rappang, Indonesia. This study examines students’

perceptions of the use of social media in the process of teaching English in

STKIP Rappang Muhammadiyah, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

 The gap between previous research and this research is in the research

subject. Previous research using a mixed-method, including quantitative and

qualitative data and collecting data using a questionnaire but my research

using the qualitative method and collecting data using interviews.

2. The first research was written and compiled by Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat



examines students’ perceptions of the use of social media in the process of

teaching English in STKIP Rappang Muhammadiyah, South Sulawesi,


 The gap between previous research and this research is in the research

subject. Previous research using a mixed-method, including quantitative data

and collecting data using a questionnaire but my research using the

qualitative method and collecting data using interviews.

3. The third research was written by N.P.L Nariyati, Sudirman, and N.P.A

Pratiwi ( 2020 ) with the title Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Toward the

Use Mobile-Assisted Language Learning. This study aims to investigate the

perceptions of EFL pre-service teachers about the use of Cellular Assisted

Language Learning in teaching English as a Foreign Language. The

explanatory sequential mixed research method was used as a research

method. Participants in this study were 70 participants from the 8th semester

of English Education students at the Ganesha University of Education. The

research data were collected through a questionnaire and interviews. As a

result, EFL PAUD teachers have positive perceptions about the use of MALL

(Mobile Assisted Language Learning) in teaching English.

 The gap between the previous study and this research is previous research

used mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) while this study used

qualitative methods. In addition, the research subjects were 70 participants

from the 8th semester who were students of English Language Education at

the Ganesha University of Education while this study only used one English

teacher at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet. In addition, the previous study

examined EFL pre-service teachers' perception toward the use of Mobile

Assisted Language Learning in Teaching English, while the context of this

study was about the application of online media. Collecting data in this study

used questionnaires and interviews, while this study used to interview.

4. The fourth research was written by Mustafa Radif, Nora Ahmed Mohammed

( 2019 ) with the title Computer Science Teacher's Perception and Needs

Towards E-Learning in IRAQ. This study aims to identify secondary school

teachers' perceptions of computer science on the use of e-learning methods

and also to investigate teacher training needs for the use of e-learning for

teaching computer science in Iraq. The results showed that the e-learning

resources available in the surveyed schools were insufficient and teachers

did not make adequate use of e-learning resources.

 The gap between the previous study and this research is in the research

subject. Previous research used teachers from secondary schools in the Al-

Qadisiyah area of Iraq, whereas this study only used one English teacher at

SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet. In addition, previous research examines teacher

perceptions in the context of Computer Science Teachers' Perceptions and

Needs of E-Learning, while the context of this study is about the application

of Online Media in teaching and learning writing. Collecting data in this study

using a questionnaire, while this study uses interviews. In addition, previous

research uses aspects of pedagogical teaching.

5. The last research was written by H Yanti, A Setiawan, Nurhabibah, and

Yannuar ( 2017 ) with the title Teacher’s Perception about the Use of E-

Learning/Edmodo in Educational Activities. This study examined teachers'

perceptions about the use of e-learning / Edmodo in their educational

activities. Teachers consist of diverse subjects. Their perceptions were

investigated in terms of three aspects: the effect of using this technology on

their perceived motivation, perceived usefulness, and ease of use of this

technology. Edmodo formed an online learning management system (LMS)

subject, discussion group. The research was conducted using descriptive

methods. Data collection was carried out by using questionnaires,

interviews, and documentation. The findings of this study indicate that

teachers perceive e-learning / Edmodo as a technology that is both useful

and easy to use. It is known that teachers are satisfied with the benefits of

using this new technology in their LMS.

 The gap between the previous study with this research is previous research

examined teacher perceptions in the context of teachers' perceptions of using

e-learning / Edmodo in educational activities, while the context of this study is

about the application of online media.


Research Method

A. Research Method

Qualitative research is research that is usually descriptive and prioritizes

analysis. In addition, process and meaning will be prioritized in qualitative

research. Qualitative research is carried out to analyze and explain phenomena,

events, beliefs, and perceptions of an individual or group of things. According to

Creswell (2014), qualitative research is an approach that intends to explore and

analyze the meaning of individuals or groups that have a relationship with social

or community problems. In qualitative research, researchers must understand

the views and feelings of a person so that researchers do not only focus on

analyzing surrounding phenomena.

Qualitative research brings a mixture of researchers with the object of

research, the purpose of this way is that researchers can understand the

phenomena they learn." From the explanation above we can conclude if

researchers who use their qualitative research must be objective to provide

opinions in their research. In addition, researchers must consistently give

opinions because the qualitative results are static. This study discusses

teacher’s and students perceptions on the use of online media in teaching and

learning writing in EFL class at SMPK Santo Yusuf Pacet. The data in this study

were collected naturally through interview.

B. Subject of Study

The basic definition of research subjects, namely individuals or groups that

are used as data sources by investigators or researchers. It should be

underlined here that data can be obtained from the subject through interaction,

or it can also be through the identification of information presented by the

research subject. Interaction can take the form of interviews, discussions in

focus groups, surveys, and so on which can be done directly or through

technology mediation. Identification of information can be in the form of written,

audio, image, or video opinions that have been expressed by the subject. The

research subject is one of the important components in research whether

qualitative, quantitative, or mixed research. Research subjects will be very

useful in the smooth running of research and will help answer problem

statements in a study.

The research subject is anything that can be a person, either an individual or

a group, an item or an organization that is related to the research topic to be

studied. Each study has its characteristics and criteria to determine who can be

the research subject. This depends on the problem statement of the study and

can include limitations from age, characteristics, health, and so on. Research

subjects are also the parties who are used as samples and participants who

take part in a study. The role of research subjects will also greatly help

researchers to provide information, views, or responses related to data that will

be processed in the research carried out. In addition, research subjects can also

provide constructive criticism and suggestions for researchers so that

researchers can make it positive learning and can assess the extent of their

abilities and skills.

In this study, the researcher chose an English teacher at SMPK Santo Yusuf

Pacet. SMPK Santo Yusuf Pacet is known as one of the junior high schools that

uses online media to support learning, especially English.

C. Research Settings

This research took place at SMPK Santo Yusuf Pacet which is located on Jl.

Route Gerilya 257, Pacet, Kec. Pacet, Kab. Mojokerto Prov. East Java

D. Technique Collecting Data

According to Sugiyono (2013), the data collecting method is believed to be

the most effective method in the process of working on a study, this is because

the entire research process aims to obtain information and data sources.

Information and data sources can be obtained through the collecting data

method in which a researcher collects various data sources that are considered

to be following the research topic taken and then analyzed the final results. Data

collection aims to obtain accurate and reliable sources of information. If there

are obstacles where the data collection is inaccurate and inaccurate, then this

will affect the final result which causes the research to be invalid.

In this study, researchers used data collection techniques with qualitative

research methods. According to Polonsky and Waller (2011), data collecting

techniques include vision, images, structural, and forms in various media. Can

be via voice or written recording. There are many simple ways that researchers

can collect data following the research topic they are working on. In this study,

researchers used a technique that would help researchers carry out their

research, here are some of the techniques researchers used to collect data:

a) Interview

Interviewing is the process of obtaining a source of important data and

information that will play an important role in helping researchers complete a

study and answer problem statements according to the research topic.

Interviews are also an activity to obtain information for research through

communication and questions and answers between researchers and

sources or research subjects face to face with the guideline interview media

to support the interview process to obtain accurate and accurate information

and data sources on the topics taken in the research.

Overall, there are several kinds of interviews in a study. The following are

the types of interviews:

1. Structured Interview

A structured interview is a data collection technique in which a data

researcher already knows with certainty about the source of data and

information that will be obtained later. Therefore, in conducting interviews,

data collectors have prepared a research instrument in the form of written

questions for which alternative answers have been prepared. With this

structured interview, each respondent was asked the same questions, and

the data collector recorded them.

2. Semi-structure Interview

This type of interview is a type of interview that is simpler than other types

of interviews, this is because in its implementation it is freer when

compared to structured interviews. The purpose of this interview is to find

problems more openly, in a way that the interviewee is asked for their

opinions and ideas.

3. Unstructured Interview

Unstructured interviews are independent interviews in which the

researcher does not use interview guidelines that have been structured

systematically and completely for data collection. The interview guide used

is only an outline of the problems to be asked.

In this study, researchers used semi-structured interview techniques

that used interviews with open-ended questions as one of the data

collection techniques. This is based on the research method used by the

researcher, depending on the understanding of the researcher and the

information data obtained from observations and interviews.

E. Technique Validating Data

The data analysis technique is a process in which the researcher checks

and re-analyzes all data and information sources from the research subject. In

examining data sources, researchers can analyze notes, documents, interview

results, or recorded interviews. This activity aims to make it easier for

researchers to understand and process data sources properly so that

researchers can formulate a conclusion. Data analysis techniques are also

methods or ways to get data into information so that the characteristics of the

data become easy to understand and also useful for finding solutions to

problems, which are mainly problems concerning a study. Data analysis is a

phase of the research process that aims to investigate, change, and find

patterns of studied social phenomena so that research reports can contain

information, conclusions, and recommendations for policy makers. So data

analysis itself is a process. The data analysis process involves several

techniques. Data analysis is a stage in the research process to investigate,

transform, uncovering the patterns of social symptoms under study so that

research reports can show information, conclusions, and/or provide

recommendations for policy makers. The following are the kinds of triangulation

according to Sugiyono (2011):

1) Triangulation Method

Method triangulation is done by collecting data with other methods. In

qualitative research, researchers use data collecting techniques such as

interviews, observations, or surveys. To get data and sources that are accurate

and based on existing facts, researchers can use this method. So researchers

can combine 2 methods at once such as structured interviews and use

observation to strengthen and check the truth.

2) Triangulation Theory

Theory triangulation is the final result of qualitative research in the form of

information formulation or thesis statement. The information that has been

obtained will be compared with the relevant theoretical perspectives. This aims

to avoid bias of individual researchers with theoretical perspectives that are

relevant to the research or the results and conclusions. The benefit of

theoretical triangulation is that it can improve and develop researchers'

understanding in exploring knowledge and data sources from the results of the

data analysis that has been collected.

3) Data Triangulation

Data triangulation is to find and explore the truth of a data or information by

using various data sources in the form of archives, interviews, observations. In

addition, data triangulation can also be done by interviewing more than one

subject who is considered to have different points of view and perspectives so

that the evidence or data produced is different. The diversity of information and

perspectives can expand the mastery of science for research in carrying out


To obtain valid data, researchers used data triangulation techniques. In this study,

researchers used multiple source data triangulation. Triangulation using multiple

data sources means comparing and cross-checking data collected through

observation with different subjects or backgrounds and interviewing different people

who have different points of view.

F. Technique Analysis Data

In qualitative research, data are analyzed and described in essay form. Data

analysis itself is a systematic search for meaning. This is a process in which the

researcher tries to communicate what he has learned to others. Analysis means

organizing and interrogating data in a way that allows the researcher to see

patterns, identify themes, find relationships, develop explanations, make

interpretations, construct critiques, or generate theories.

Qualitative data analysis is the process of finding and compiling data taken

from observations, interviews, and documentation. Qualitative data analysis

consists of three streams of activity: data reduction, data display, and data


1. Data Reduction

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on

the important things, looking for themes and patterns, and removing

unnecessary. Thus the data that has been reduced will provide a clearer

picture and make it easier for researchers to carry out further data collection.

In data reduction, researchers need to separate accurate from inaccurate

data. Through data reduction, researchers can focus on the data to be

reduced, namely about teacher’s and students’ perceptions on the use of ICT

in teaching and learning writing.

2. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is to present the data. In qualitative

research, data presentation is carried out in the form of brief descriptions,

charts, relationships between categories, flowcharts, and the like. Data

display is the stage of organizing data into relationship patterns. Data display

makes collected data easier to understand.

Data display helps the researcher to understand any ongoing activity and to

make appropriate actions whether the researcher should analyze or take

action based on understanding.

3. Verification

The third step in qualitative data analysis is drawing conclusions or

verification. Conclusions made by researchers when supported by valid and

consistent evidence, then the conclusions put forward are reliable. So of the

three stages of data analysis activities stated above, are interconnected with

one another and take place continuously as long as the researcher conducts



Findings and Discussion

In this chapter, the researcher presents the findings and discussion. The

researcher presents an interview guideline regarding Teacher and Students

Perceptions on the use of Online Media in Teaching and Learning Writing.

Researchers used research instruments, namely interview guidelines to help

researchers take data. Researchers used semi-structured interviews to ask

questions to teachers and students. The instrument was validated by experts on July

50, 2021, and August 4, 2021. And interviews were conducted on August 4, 2021.

This chapter presents the research findings and discussion. In the research findings,

there are 2 formulations of the problem studied by the researchers, namely

Teacher's Perception on the Use of Online Media in Teaching Writing and Students'

Perceptions on the Use of Online Media in Learning Writing

I. Findings

In this study, the researcher examined 2 research questions, namely Teachers'

perceptions on the Use of Online Media in Teaching Writing and Students'

Perceptions on the Use of Online Media in Learning Writing. In Teacher's

Perceptions, the first point describes the teacher's perception, the second point

describes the teacher's perception of the use of online media, the third point

describes the teacher's perception of the use of online media in teaching writing. In

Students' Perceptions on the Use of Online Media in Learning Writing, the first point

discusses students' perceptions of the use of online media and the second point

discusses students' perceptions of the use of online media in learning writing. In this

case, the researcher adopted the interview guide from Michael Patton (2015). The

presentation of the data is based on interviews with the subject, namely 1 English

teacher and 5 8b grade students at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet.

1. Teacher

I.1 Background of the Teacher

Based on the research findings, the researcher chose one English teacher at

SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet, The subject was named Mrs. Tanti, who was born in

Mojokerto, May 2, 1982. She is from Warugunung Pacet. From the educational

background, Mrs. Tanti was from Elementary School 1 Warugunung, Junior

High School 1 Pacet, Senior High School 1 Puri and for college from UMM or

University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

I.2 Teacher’s Experience

a) Experience teaching at SMPK Santo Yusuf

From the teacher's teaching experience, it was explained how long the

teacher taught at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet. Mrs. Tanti has been working as

an English teacher at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet for several years. Coupled

with almost 2 years of online learning using online media, Mrs. Tanti worked as

an English teacher at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet for 10 years.

b) Teacher's feelings during online learning during the pandemic

In addition to the experience of the teaching process, this sub-chapter

describes the conditions currently being faced by teachers which require teachers

to carry out online teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mrs. Tanti answered

an interview related to feelings when teaching online. According to Mrs. Tanti

teaching online during the pandemic is a challenge for teachers, with teachers

having to teach students at home, effectively teachers also want students to

achieve previously targeted indicators, as teachers must be smart in choosing

various things when teaching online. From Mrs.Tanti's explanation above, it can

be concluded that she feels a little tired and is challenged in the implementation

of online learning because she has never carried out online learning as a whole

as it is today.

c) Training related to the use of online media to teach writing

With the facilities that take advantage of technological developments that

are increasingly sophisticated, both workshops and seminars can still be held.

Mrs. Tanti revealed that in this increasingly advanced era, there are many

facilities that she can get. Like the previous workshops and seminars held by

holding large-scale meetings and required to be present at the venue.

According to Mrs. Tanti he can join the webinar with the help of the internet at

home. So that he can stay healthy without having to crowd to attend the


To improve the quality of learning English, especially writing, he often

participates in several webinars that are currently live on Youtube for free. Mrs.

Tanti revealed that with this online-based webinar, she can by the name of

conducting the webinar at home without crowds. Mrs. Tanti also revealed that

the Covid-19 pandemic, educational activities can still be carried out as long as

many online media help carry out educational activities which were previously

hampered due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There are several webinars that Mrs.

Wait for follow that is

 Webinars: Alternative Methods of Teaching English During a Pandemic by


 Fun Project-Based Learning (STEM) by Kemendikburistek

 English Teaching Webinar by UPTPB IAINSalatiga

These webinars are some examples of webinars that Mrs. Tanti participated in

using Youtube which was broadcast live.

2. Teacher’s Perception

The teacher's perception is the teacher's views and thoughts on something. In this

study, researchers obtained data from interviews regarding the use of online


2.1 Opinion

In this study, the teacher expressed opinions regarding the use of online media.

a) Teacher’s Opinion About Online Media

In this study, researchers explored data related to teachers' opinions about

online media. According to Mrs. Tanti, online media is media that uses the

internet network and uses applications or websites to be accessed and used

according to the needs of its users. Online media is a communication medium

that relies on the internet network to be accessible and can be in the form of

text, sound, photos, or videos.

b) Teacher’s Perception on the Use of Online Media

The teacher's view of the use of online media for learning will affect the

learning process that is being implemented. This is because the teacher's

perception is one of the important points for the smooth implementation of

learning, especially during this covid-19 pandemic. As researched by the

researcher to the English teacher at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet, Mrs. Tanti about

the teacher's perception of the use of online media. Mrs. Tanti revealed that the

use of online media in teaching writing helped her make her job as an English

teacher easier during the covid-19 pandemic. The use of online media makes it

easier to manage learning aspects such as the creation and delivery of materials,

giving assignments to students, and student assessments. As is known by the

government's policy that learning must be carried out at home, Mrs. Tanti is

confused about how she should complete her task as an English teacher if she

cannot carry out face-to-face learning at school. But with the help of online media,

Mrs. Tanti can complete her task in teaching writing.

According to her, online media provides many benefits and easy access to

learning materials, giving student assignments, and student assessments. So that

Mrs. Tanti is still able to improve her quality and performance even though during

the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires the implementation of learning to be

done at home. Online media is considered suitable for learning conditions during

the COVID-19 pandemic which requires new alternatives to support the

implementation of learning so that it can continue even during the Covid-19

pandemic which requires carrying out school activities from home.

c) Kinds of Online Media Used in SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet

Online media is an internet network-based media that has features that will

be very useful for its users. No exception for the English teacher, Mrs. Tanti to

help her carry out online-based learning during the covid-19 pandemic. There are

so many kinds of online media that can be used and adapted to the needs of the

implementation of learning. Mrs. Tanti revealed that she used several online

media to help her task of delivering learning materials to students. The following is

the online media used by Mrs. Tanti in teaching writing :

 WhatsApp

Mrs. Tanti revealed that the online media she uses support learning English,

especially writing. According to Mrs. Tanti, by using WhatsApp the teacher

can easily provide important information about learning. Sending documents

in the form of images, sounds, videos or files can also be done with the help

of WhatsApp. WhatsApp has another convenience, namely being able to

create chat groups that can include or include contacts for both teachers and

students to join a group such as class groups, extracurricular groups, or

student tutoring groups. So that the delivery of important information and the

delivery of learning materials can be done easily and practically.

 YouTube

Youtube is known to be one of the online media that is often accessed by the

public due to the facilities available on Youtube such as being able to

download learning videos, uploading learning videos, or watching live videos

which are carried out directly to provide important information to the

community which will later serve as new knowledge and insights for the

community. Mrs. Tanti revealed that using Youtube as an online medium can

support learning activities carried out during the covid-19 pandemic. Tanti,

Youtube makes it easy for students to access learning videos without

complaining about running out of cellphone memory.

 Moodle

Moodle is one of the online media that can be used to develop electronic-

based learning tools (e-learning). Moodle is an online media that was created

specifically as an online-based learning management system. According to

Mrs. Tanti uses Moodle more often in learning activities, especially in writing

material. This is because with Moodle all learning materials can be

downloaded easily and the assignment and assessment of student

assignments can be well structured as evidenced by the date of the

assignment and the date of collection of student assignments can be

arranged as well as possible so that students do not miss the learning

material that has been taught given.

 Google Meet

Google Meet is an online media that can be used to carry out online-based

video and audio conversations. As reported by, Google Meet allows

users to make video calls with 30 other users per meeting. With the help of

the internet, both students and teachers can meet face-to-face on an online

basis, even though it is hindered by the PPKM policy which requires students

and teachers to study from home.

2.2 Teacher’s Experience

Teacher experience is one of the important points examined in this study. In this

sub, the researcher interviewed Mrs. Tanti, who is an English teacher at SMPK

Santo Yusup Pacet. Researchers explore data related to Mrs. Tanti about the use of

online media in teaching writing

a) When to Using Online Media

During this COVID-19 pandemic, many schools have started looking for new

alternatives to support the implementation of learning which is currently limited.

Just like SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet which is trying to find new alternatives to

continue to carry out learning. As is known, SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet uses

several online media to support the implementation of learning during the COVID-

19 pandemic. Mrs. Tanti, one of the English teachers revealed when she used

online media to facilitate learning. Mrs. Tanti has used several online media

namely WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, and Google Meet since the beginning of this

covid-19 pandemic. But for the use of WhatsApp and Moodle, SMPK Santo

Yusup Pacet already used it before the covid-19 pandemic occurred. Especially

for one of the English teachers at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet, Mrs. Tanti, who has

used WhatsApp as an online medium to support the delivery of material that she

did long before the COVID-19 pandemic existed.

b) The most effective online media

Each online media has different characteristics and benefits. Mrs. Tanti

revealed that not all online media can be adapted to the learning materials that

will be given to students. Mrs. Tanti revealed that several online media are

considered the most effective and best suited to learning. The most effective

online media is Moodle which has complete features in an e-learning-based

website that makes it easier for Mrs. Tanti to manage learning aspects in one

online media.

3. The Use of Online Media in Teaching Writing

The use of online media in teaching writing must be considered carefully by the

teacher. This is because the use of online media will greatly affect the

implementation of writing learning at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet. In this study,

researchers wanted to explore data related to the use of online media in teaching

writing at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet

3.1 Teaching Writing

a) Teaching Writing Using Online Media

Teaching writing is Mrs. Look forward to this new academic year 2021/2022.

As an English teacher at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet, writing is an important point

in the implementation of learning English. This is because writing is complex

learning that requires accuracy and understanding. Researchers want to dig up

data by conducting interviews with Mrs. What kind of use of online media in

learning to write. She revealed what learning to write using online media in its

implementation. The writing material that is currently being implemented using

online media is Short Functional Text which includes Greeting Cards and

Announcement Text. I think the use of online media is very suitable in learning to

write Greeting Cards and Announcement text materials because Greeting Cards

are basic writing learning materials that must be considered carefully. Besides

that, the generic structure in the announcement text must also be considered

properly so that students can easily understand the learning material. The use of

interesting online media is considered to be able to motivate students to absorb

and understand the material.

b) Teacher's assessment of students' understanding in learning writing with

online media

In the implementation of learning to write, teachers are expected to coordinate

students so that students can easily absorb and understand the learning material

provided. Especially at this time learning to write is facilitated with online media.

Can students easily understand learning materials with the help of online media?

Using online media in learning to write requires the ability and skills to use it. So

far, what I have seen is that not all students can absorb and learn learning

materials easily, even though online media are quite easy and interesting.

Because every student has different capacities and abilities. Moreover, not all

students understand the use of online media to carry out writing lessons. Some

students still don't understand

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that not all students can

understand the delivery of writing learning materials using online media. This is

because each student has different abilities both in using online media and

understanding learning materials.

3.2 Challenges Using Online Media in Teaching Writing

a) Challenges

In the use of online media in learning to write, there are certainly several

challenges experienced by teachers. Just like Mrs. Tanti, who revealed that there

are several challenges in using online media to teach writing, such as :

 Slow Internet Network

One of the challenges that Mrs. Tanti is an erratic internet network. As we

know, online-based learning requires an adequate internet network for the smooth

running of learning. What's more, Mrs. Tanti uses several online media such as

Youtube and Google Meet which require a fairly high internet speed capacity. With

this challenge, Mrs. Tanti must use a stronger internet network to access learning

videos via Youtube and video conferences via Google Meet.

 Limited storage capacity

Despite the many conveniences that Mrs. Tanti in accessing online media to

support learning, but she revealed that there is still limited access to

computers/laptops and smartphones. Mrs. Tanti revealed that sometimes she had

to sort and delete some documents so that she could access some online media

for the smooth delivery of learning materials.

 Lack of mastery of using online media

At the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, where Mrs. Tanti has just

accessed several online media such as Google Meet, she finds it difficult to use

Google Meet. This is because he doesn't understand how to use Google Meet,

such as entering students to attend a video conference that will be held. She even

revealed that she even asked one of the operational staff to teach him in detail

regarding the use of Google Meet.

b) Solutions

As previously explained. Mrs. Tanti experienced several challenges that must

be faced during the use of online media in learning to write. To find out the solution

to overcome these challenges, the researcher collected data by conducting

interviews with Mrs. Tanti. The solution that will be used to overcome the

challenges of using online media in teaching writing is Mrs. Tanti usually goes to

school to strengthen the signal with the help of available wi-fi if her home network

is blocked, sorts out files that are less important so that the storage capacity of the

computer and cellphone is sufficient to access online media, learns how to use

online media through video tutorials at youtube, motivates students to actively

participate in online learning, strongly urges students to submit assignments on

time by contacting students' parents, providing learning materials according to

students’ abilities so that students don't think too hard.

3.3 Teacher’s Experience Using Online Media in Teaching Writing

a) Tips and Trick Using Online Media in Teaching Writing

When using online media in teaching writing, Mrs. Tanti revealed that she

has tips and tricks for the smooth use of online media in teaching writing. tips

and tricks that always Mrs. Tanti is used to teach writing using online media. If

students are late or do not even do the questions given for various reasons

such as not having a quota or cellphone, Mrs. Tanti will directly meet her

parents to provide direct guidance and assistance while still implementing the

health protocol, Mrs. Tanti must act decisively so that students do not

underestimate their duties as a student. Even BK sometimes participates in

solving student problems during the use of online media to learn to write. This is

done so that students do not miss the learning material. From the explanation

above, it can be concluded that the tips and tricks that Mrs. Tanti use are that

he will provide direct guidance to students, even with the help of BK so that

students can continue to carry out learning so that the material is not left


b) Factors supporting the use of online media in teaching writing.

The use of online media cannot be separated from the existence of

supporting factors for the successful implementation of learning. Mrs.

Tanti revealed that several factors support the use of online media in

teaching writing.

 Support from the school

Support from the school is an important point that must be

considered in the use of online media for learning. This is because

the support from the school provides smooth use of online media,

namely WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, and Google Meet. If you do

not get support from the school, online learning and assessment

cannot be carried out.

 There are adequate facilities

Adequate facilities, both from schools and students, will facilitate the

course of learning by using online media. For SMPK Santo Yusup

Pacet itself, it has provided adequate facilities such as

computers/laptops or Wi-fi networks for the smooth implementation

of online learning. SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet also provides several

computers/laptops for students who do not have adequate facilities

to participate in learning using online media.

 The existence of an internet network (Wi-Fi)

As explained, both students and teachers can come to school to use

school facilities to continue learning during the COVID-19 pandemic,

which requires online learning. As expressed by Mrs. Tanti, he will

come to school if he has internet network problems that make it

impossible for him to continue learning.

1. Students

1.1 Students Background

In this study, the researcher chose 5 students in grade 8b who were the

students with the best English scores. Researchers explored data by conducting

interviews with 5 students through a Google Meet video conference. This is because

the school has not allowed holding meetings in person. The following is a brief

biographical data of 5 8b grade students at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet :


Full name : Teguh Pratikno Putra

Age : 14 years old

Adress : Ds. Pandan Arum Kec. Pacet Kab. Mojokerto


Full name : Lidya Mareta Sulistyawati

Age : 14 years old

Address : Jl. Pemandian Ubalan Kec. Pacet Kab. Mojokerto


Full name : Dewi Puspitasari Rafiul Amalia

Age : 13 years old

Address : Dsn. Podo Ds. Sajen Kec. Pacet Kab. Mojokerto


Full name : Meyza Sabria Siswantoro

Age : 14 years old

Adress : Dsn. Kembangsore Ds. Petak Kec. Pacet Kab. Mojokerto


Full name : Hanesy Diyah Sekarwangi

Age : 13 years old

Adress : Jl. Kartini No. 306, Pacet Barat

2. Students’ Perceptions

Students’ perception is a process in which an individual (student) absorbs and

receives a stimulus about something using the help of the senses and will be sent to

the brain to then be concluded into an idea. In this study, researchers obtained data

from interviews regarding the use of online media.

2.1 Opinion

In this study, students expressed opinions regarding the use of online media.

a) Students’ Opinion About Online Media

In this study, researchers explored data related to students’ opinions about

online media. Researchers get the results of the data, namely students’ opinions

about online media according to the following interview:

R1 : Media online adalah media yang harus pakai internet

R2 : Media untuk berkomunikasi yang membutuhkan internet
R3 : Fasilitas belajar dengan bantuan internet
R4 : Media untuk belajar yang menggunakan internet
R5 : Sarana belajar online siswa

From the students' opinions above, it can be said that online media is a medium

used to communicate and learn by using the internet to facilitate student learning.

b) Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Online Media

Students' views on the use of online media for learning will affect the learning

process that is being implemented. This is because students' perceptions are also

one of the important points for the smooth implementation of learning, especially

during this covid-19 pandemic. As researched by the researchers to the students

of grade 8b, totaling 5 students at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet. The students

expressed their perceptions of the use of online media in learning such as

interviews as follows:

R1 : Bagus & bermanfaat untuk fasilitas belajar dirumah

R2 : Bermanfaat untuk mempermudah saya belajar dirumah
R3 : Bermanfaat untuk mempelajari materi dari guru
R4 : Cocok kalau digunakan untuk belajar pada saat covid-19
R5 : Bagus, karena saya bisa menggunakannya dimana saja
From some of the results of student interviews above, it can be concluded

that students' perceptions of the use of online media for learning to write are

positive. They think that online media is very useful to help and make it easier for

them to access learning materials.

c) Kinds of Online Media Used by Students in Learning Writing

Online media is an internet network-based media that has features that will

be very useful for its users. Class 8b students are no exception, online media

helps them carry out online-based learning during the covid-19 pandemic. There

are so many types of online media that can be used and adapted to the needs of

the implementation of learning. the students revealed that they used several

online media to make it easier for them to learn the material according to the

following interview:

R1 : WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, Google Meet, Google Chrome

R2 : WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, Google Meet, Opera Mini
R3 : WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, Google Meet
R4 : WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, Google Meet
R5 : WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle Google Meet, Google Chrome
From the results of the interviews above, it can be concluded that all students

use online media WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, and Google Meet because they

adjust to the teacher's direction. And some of them use additional online media,

namely Google Chrome and Opera Mini.

2.2 Students’ Experience

The students' experience is one of the important points studied in this study. In

this sub, the researcher conducted interviews with 8b grade students at SMPK

Santo Yusup Pacet. Researchers explore data related to students' experiences

about the use of online media in learning writing.

a) Spending internet quota on the use of online media in learning writing

The use of online media, of course, requires an adequate internet network. In

this study, the researcher wanted to find out whether the students spent a lot of

quotas or not, in using online media for learning to write according to the following

interview results:

R1 : Kuota internet saya sering habis setelah pakai Google Meet

R2 : Google Meet menghabiskan banyak kuota dan jaringan

harus kuat
R3 : Karena dirumah saya jaringan agak lambat, kuota internet

saya malah sering cepat habis kalau pakai Google Meet

R4 : Google Meet membutuhkan kuota internet yang banyak

karena seperti video call

R5 : Ibu saya mengeluh kalau saya sering membeli kuota

internet untuk Google Meet

From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that using

Google Meet requires more internet quota and a strong internet network to

access it. Students feel that they often run out of internet quota after using

Google Meet.

b) Ease of using online media for learning to write

With the existence of online media, the students admitted that there were

many conveniences they got during the use of online media for learning English

during the pandemic, according to the following interview results:

R1 : Media online bisa digunakan dimanapun, dirumah juga bisa

R2 : Media online adalah media yang menarik, saya jadi

semangat belajar dirumah

R3 : Saya bisa membukanya kapan saja, terkadang saya melihat

video pembelajaran sambal makan atau rebahan

R4 : Banyak materi yang berupa video, gambar dan suara yang

bisa disimpan. Jadi saya bisa melihatnya lagi

R5 : Masih bisa berkomunikasi dengan guru dan teman-teman

saya, walaupun tidak sekolah

From the results of the interviews above, it can be concluded that students

find a lot of convenience in using online media. Online media is a flexible and

practical medium to be accessed anywhere and anytime.

3. The Use of Online Media in Learning Writing

The use of online media in learning to write must be done carefully by students.

This is because the use of online media will greatly affect the implementation of

writing learning at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet. In this study, researchers wanted to

explore data related to the use of online media in learning to write at SMPK Santo

Yusup Pacet.

3.1 Learning Writing

a) The most effective online media

Each online media has different characteristics and benefits. The students

revealed that online media were considered the most effective and best suited to

their learning needs as described in the interview as follows:

R1 : Moodle, karena bisa mendownload materi dan mengirimkan

tugas jadi satu

R2 : Moodle, karena bisa mengerjakan tugas di situ langsung
R3 : Moodle, bisa mengerjakan tugas & nilainya langsung

R4 : Moodle, skor dan nilai bisa langsung terlihat
R5 : Moodle, materi bisa di download dan disimpan buat belajar.
From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that Moodle is

the most effective online media in using online media for learning writing at SMPK

Santo Yusup Pacet, especially grade 8b.

3.2 Challenges and solutions on the use of online media

a) Challenges

In the use of online media in learning writing, there are certainly several

challenges experienced by students. Just like students 8b, who revealed that

there are several challenges in using online media in learning writing, such as

interviews as follows:

R1 : Jaringan internet kadang lemot, saya jadi tidak bisa

membuka media online untuk belajar

R2 : Memori hp saya sering penuh karena media online butuh

penyimpanan yang besar

R3 : Memori hp selalu penuh, saya jadi tidak bisa mendownload

gambar dan video pembelajaran

R4 : Internet sering lemot karena rumah saya di pegunungan


di desa, jauh dari jalan raya

R5 : Memori hp penuh, materi belajar tidak bisa saya simpan
From the explanations of the students above, the challenge of using online

media in learning to write is when they experience slow internet network and

mobile phone memory capacity which requires larger storage.

b) Solutions

As previously explained. The students experience several challenges that

must be faced while using online media in learning writing. To find out solutions

to overcome these challenges, the researcher collected data by conducting

interviews with students like this:

R1 : Saya akan pergi ke warnet yang menyediakan wi-fi

R2 : Saya membeli memori card baru
R3 : Membeli memori card untuk penyimpanan baru
R4 : Pergi ke sekolah dan izin kepada guru untuk menggunakan

wifi sekolah

R5 : Menghapusi file yang tidak penting
From the brief explanation above, it can be concluded that students are

trying to solve the challenges in using online media in learning writing by going

to school or internet cafes that provide wi-fi to access learning materials. In

addition, the students also sort and delete files that are less important so that

the memory capacity of the cellphone is sufficient. Some of them even bought

new memory cards so that learning materials could be downloaded and stored.

II. Discussions

The main research objective in this study is about Teacher and Student

Perceptions about the Use of Online Media in Learning Writing at SMPK Santo

Yusup Pacet. The researcher formulated two research questions, namely how the

teacher's perception of the use of online media in teaching writing and how the

students' perception of the use of online media in learning writing. The researcher

gives further interpretation and discussion as follows :

1. Teacher’s Perception on the Use of Online Media in Teaching Writing

Based on the research findings above, the researchers found that the

English teacher of SMPK Santo Yusup used several online media, namely:

WhatsApp, Youtube, Moodle, and Google Meet in teaching writing during the

covid-19 pandemic. The researcher found that the teacher's perception of the use

of online media in teaching writing was that the teacher found it easy to use

online media in teaching writing. Teachers also get many benefits from using

online media in teaching writing. In addition, the teacher also revealed that he

could manage learning aspects with the help of online media. This perception is

supported by the theory of Dimiyati and Mujiono in Yuswardi and Rizal. Dimitri

and Mujiono (in Yuswardi and Rizal, 2016: 67) stated, "One of the factors that

greatly affect learning outcomes is good learning management". The relationship

between the results of interviews with Dimiyati and Mujiono's theory is the

effectiveness of teaching writing using online media.

The teacher also revealed that the use of online media made the teacher's

performance increase. The teacher revealed that when responding to the

pandemic, the teacher must be able to understand and explore a lot of

information about the use of online media. Initially, the teacher only used the

closest application, namely Whatsapp and Moodle. The use of WhatsApp has

been done before long before the covid-19 pandemic existed, so teachers don't

need to study anymore. Teachers are grateful that even though during the covid-

19 pandemic which has caused some activities to be hampered, teachers can still

attend online-based training and seminars called webinars for free and can be

held anywhere at any time. So that teachers get a lot of important information,

new knowledge, broad insights related to teaching writing using online media

during the covid-19 pandemic. In addition, teachers also receive training on how

to make interesting material or how to motivate students to continue to be

enthusiastic in implementing learning using online media during the covid-19

pandemic. This perception is reinforced by the journal from Retno Puji Rahayu &

Yanty Wirza (2020: 398) which states "Learning systems using online media can

improve the quality of teachers in delivering learning materials during the COVID-

19 pandemic". The relationship between the results of the study and this theory is

the benefits of online media as supporting the performance and quality of

teachers in the implementation of learning during the covid-19 pandemic.

2. Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Online Media

Based on the research findings above, the researcher found that 5 8b grade

students at SMPK Santo Yusup used several online media, namely: 3 WhatsApp,

Youtube, Moodle, Google Meet students, and 2 of them used Google Chrome

and Opera Mini in learning writing during the pandemic. covid-19. The researcher

found that students' perceptions of the use of online media in teaching writing

were that students found it easy to use online media in learning writing. Although

there were some challenges faced, the students were able to overcome these

challenges with the solutions they had. The students are also active in

participating in learning writing using online media. This is because students are

interested in online media features to carry out learning writing even if only at

home. According to Laxmi Mustika Cakrawati (2017: 29) The use of online media

can attract students' interest because it satisfies their technology addiction. The

relationship between the results of this study and the theory is that online media

can attract and motivate students to use online media in learning writing.

Students' perceptions of the use of online media in learning writing are that

students find it easy to use online media during writing lessons during a

pandemic that requires students to study at home. The students also get many

benefits from using online media in learning writing


Conclusion and Suggestions

I. Conclusion

A. Teacher’s Perception on the Use of Online Media in Teaching Writing

This research is descriptive research conducted at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet.

This study aims to determine the teacher's perception of the use of online media in

teaching writing during the pandemic covid-19. Based on the interview data that

has been carried out, the results of the study show that teachers find it helpful to

have online media to teach writing at SMPK Santo Yusup Pacet. The teacher

revealed that many conveniences were obtained by using online media to facilitate

teaching writing. Teachers can also manage teaching aspects using online media.

So that learning management can run quickly and practically. On the other hand,

the teachers agree that online media is suitable for use in teaching English. So it

can be concluded that teacher's perceptions of the use of online media in teaching

writing are positive.

B. Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Online Media in Learning Writing

Students' perceptions of the use of online media in learning to write gave a

positive response. This is because students find it easy to access online media to

support their learning to write during the covid-19 pandemic. Students can also

increase their knowledge and insight into the use of online media. In addition, the

features provided in online media can make it easier for students to access sources

of information or materials related to learning writing during the COVID-19

pandemic. So it can be concluded that students' perceptions of the use of online

media in learning writing are positive.

II. Suggestion

a) For School

It would be nice if the school continued to provide support for the use of online

media in the implementation of teaching and learning to write during the covid-

19 pandemic. In addition, schools should facilitate teachers and students in

using online media. This is so that teachers and students remain active and

enthusiastic about learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

b) For Teacher

Teachers are expected to continue to improve their quality and performance in

using online media to teach writing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers

are also expected to make good use of online media according to learning

needs. Teachers can add other online media to facilitate learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic.

c) For Students

It would be nice if students continue to learn to write actively using online

media. Students are also expected to use online media as well as possible

and use it according to the writing learning that is being carried out.

d) For Other Researcher

Other researchers are expected to be willing to provide new theories or

solutions to the use of online media in the future. Researchers hope that other

researchers will continue to improve their knowledge and insight in the use of

online media in learning during the covid-19 pandemic


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