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Asep Saepudin
SMA Negeri 19 Kabupaten Tangerang

Since the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak in the hemisphere, it has had a huge
impact on Indonesia. As a result of the outbreak, several government systems underwent
changes. With the circular issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture number 4 of 2020
regarding the implementation of education policies in the emergency period of the spread of
COVID-19, he appealed to all educational institutions from PAUD to tertiary levels not to do
face-to-face learning at school and replace it with learning from home through the system.
online or offline. The process of online and offline learning strategies is expected to be able
to make learning interesting, easy to understand and creative.
This study aims to find out and analyze How is the Learning Optimization Strategy
with an Information and Communication Technology approach during the covid-19 pandemic
at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency?
This research is a type of qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive research
approach. Data collection techniques used are observation methods, documentation methods,
and interview methods. The data analysis technique used is the stages of data collection, data
condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification.
The results of this study indicate that the learning strategy during the COVID-19
pandemic at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency uses online and offline learning strategies and
can collaborate both "blended learning". Offline learning itself, the teacher conveys his
learning using only 4 learning strategies which include guided discovery, discussion,
demonstration and cooperative learning, this is done because of the limited time for offline
learning. Based on the research results, there are inhibiting and supporting factors in online
and offline learning strategies. For the inhibiting factors for online learning strategies, namely
not having a cellphone, data package, difficult signal, parental supervision, children are bored
or lazy to study. The inhibiting factor for offline learning is the limited learning time. The
supporting factors for online learning strategies are more able to utilize information
technology to convey messages and receive messages, it can be done anytime or anywhere
according to a predetermined hour. Supporting factors for offline learning strategies The
opening of a direct learning system in the yellow and green zones.

Keywords: Learning strategy, optimization, Covid-19 pandemic


Strategy is planned steps that have broad and deep meaning or a plan that results
from deep thought patterns based on certain experiences and theories. Learning strategies can
be described as a concept or plan that is systematically arranged by educators and students.
To achieve this goal, it takes educators who are proficient in determining the right methods
and media in the learning process. Effective learning requires a good communication
strategy. Communication strategy is a planning or management to achieve a goal. In addition
to communication strategies, educators must be able to choose appropriate learning strategies
to support the learning process, in the learning process involving learning and teaching
activities that can determine student success in achieving educational goals. Efforts to
improve the quality of education should start from improving teachers, one of the abilities
that teachers must have is how to design a learning strategy that is in accordance with the
objectives or competencies to be achieved so that learning is said to be successful.
According to Hamruni (2013: 3) in his book entitled Education-Based Learning A
Theory Foundation and Fun Active Learning Methods (PAIKEM), states that there are 3
main elements that influence the learning process, namely the state, strategy and content that
"states" create the right atmosphere for learning, “strategy” refers to the style or method of
presentation or delivery of “content” as the topic. In every good learning activity, these three
elements must be present. But unfortunately, many traditional education systems, which
ignore the conditions of the situation, are the most important of the three. There is a term that
opens the door to learning before the learning begins. The success of learning is closely
related to learning strategies and methods. The right strategy will foster students to think
independently, creatively and at the same time adaptive to various situations that occur.
Teachers as the front line in education have the task of teaching, educating, providing
direction and guidance, training, providing assessment and evaluation to providing moral and
mental support to students. The teaching and learning process carried out by teachers and
students is usually carried out by schools or through direct interaction without any media.
However, in the last few months the task of the previously mentioned teacher underwent a
change in the learning process, this happened because of an epidemic that attacked the whole
world, including Indonesia.
The government implements the Work from Home (WFH) policy. This policy is an
effort that is applied to the community so that they can complete all work at home. Education
in Indonesia is also one of the areas that have an impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the restrictions on interaction, the ministry of education in Indonesia has also issued a
policy, namely by closing schools and replacing the teaching and learning process (KBM) by
using an online system.
To support the process of working and online learning, internet media is needed to
produce effective communication and interaction. The development of internet users in
Indonesia has increased every year, this can be seen from the number released by several
survey bodies such as we are social & Hotsuite and APJII every year, digital data for
Indonesia in 2021.
Hootsuite (We are Social) periodically presents data and trends needed to
understand the internet, social media and e-commerce behavior every year in the world,
including Indonesia. Hootuite usually publishes data and trends about the internet and social
media in the second month of each year. This is because Hootsuite held at the end of the
previous year as well as the beginning of the year. And in 2021, Hootsuite has also released
data and trends about the internet and social media on 11 February.
HootSuite released the data due to support their main service, namely content
management services that provide online media services that are connected to various social
networking sites such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Line, Pinterest, Whatsapp,
Fb Messenger, Wechat (Weixin), QQ. , Qzone, Tiktok (Douyin), Sina Weibo, Reddit,
Douban, Linkedin, Baidu Tieba, Skype, Snapchat, Viber and more. The following figure
shows data on trends in internet and social media users in 2021 in Indonesia:

Figure 1.1 Internet User Data in Indonesia

Source : Hootsuite (We Are Social) Indonesian Digital Report 2021
In Indonesia, the number of internet users over time shows
such a significant growth. According to Kemp (2021) in the We Are . report Social
and Hootsuite, the number of internet users in Indonesia in early 2021 reached 202.6 million
people or 73.7% of the total population. In fact, the amount Internet users in Indonesia
increased by 27 million (+16%) between 2020 and 2021, this number has increased
dramatically compared to previous years. As many as 61.8% of the population or 170 million
people are declared active using social media, the number increased by 10 million (+6.3%)
between the years 2020 and 2021.
In accessing media, internet users in Indonesia spend varying amounts of time, as
shown in the figure below:

Figure 1.2 Time to Access Digital Media

Source : Hootsuite (We Are Social) Indonesian Digital Report 2021
In one day, the average Indonesian internet user spends up to 8 hours 52 minutes to
access the internet, streaming 2 hours 50 minutes, hanging out on social media for 3 hours 14
minutes, so that they can spend 1 hour 38 minutes to read online and offline media.
Podcasts, which are the newest types of internet media, are also loved by
Indonesians, spending an average of 44 minutes a day. Although it is still inferior to the time
of Indonesian internet users when streaming music, which is an average of 1 hour 30 minutes
in one day.
The development of technology and information helps the world of education to be a pioneer
in its development, teachers can integrate planning strategies, processes, to evaluation of
learning using technology. Technology-based learning develops conventional learning
techniques into media patterns, one of which uses computer and internet media which results
in online learning. With learning technology, teaching can take place without being limited
by space and time. The learning process can involve many people and can be done at
different times.

Online learning is a learning that is carried out remotely through media in the form
of the internet and other supporting tools such as cell phones and computers. Online learning
is very different from learning as usual, online learning places more emphasis on the
accuracy and foresight of students in receiving and processing information presented online.
Communication Teachers do not meet face-to-face and will know the progress of learning if
the learner responds to the task or learning given by the teacher through online media. The
concept of online learning has the same concept as e-learning.
By using this online learning system, various problems are faced by students and
teachers, such as many educators who still have difficulty using online learning technology,
so they end up only giving assignments without any feedback or interaction with students.
The lesson material that has not been completed is delivered by the teacher then the teacher
replaces it with other tasks. This is a complaint for students, because the tasks given by the
teacher are more.
Another problem with this online learning system is that access to information is
constrained by signals that cause slow access to information. Students are sometimes left with
information as a result of an inadequate signal. As a result, they are late in collecting an
assignment given by the teacher. Not to mention for teachers who check the many
assignments that have been given to students, making gadget storage space increasingly
limited. The application of online learning also makes educators think again about the
learning models and methods that will be used. Initially, a teacher has prepared a learning
model that will be used, then must change the learning model.
Online learning is learning that uses the internet network with accessibility,
connectivity, flexibility, and the ability to bring up various types of learning interactions.
Research conducted by Zhang et al., (2004) shows that the use of the internet and multimedia
technology is able to change the way knowledge is conveyed and can be an alternative to
learning carried out in traditional classrooms. Online learning is learning that is able to bring
together students and lecturers to carry out learning interactions with the help of the internet
(Kuntarto, E. (2017). At the implementation level, online learning requires the support of
mobile devices such as smartphones or android phones, laptops, computers, tablets, and so
on). iphone that can be used to access information anytime and anywhere (Gikas & Grant,
2013). Universities during the WFH era need to strengthen online learning (Darmalaksana,
2020). Online learning has become a demand in the world of education since the last few
years ( He, Xu, & Kruck, 2014) Online learning is needed in learning in the era of the
industrial revolution 4.0 (Pangondian, R. A., Santosa, P. I., & Nugroho, E., 2019).
The use of mobile technology has a major contribution in educational institutions,
including the achievement of distance learning goals (Korucu & Alkan, 2011). Various media
can also be used to support the implementation of online learning. For example, virtual
classes use Google Classroom, Edmodo, and Schoology services (Enriquez, 2014; Sicat,
2015; Iftakhar, 2016), and instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp (So, 2016).
Online learning can even be done through social media such as Facebook and Instagram
(Kumar & Nanda, 2018). Online learning connects students with learning resources
(databases, experts/instructors, libraries) who are physically separated or even far apart but
can communicate, interact or collaborate (directly/synchronously and
indirectly/asynchronously). Online learning is a form of distance learning. remote areas that
utilize telecommunications and information technology, such as the internet, CD-ROOM
(Molinda, 2005).
SMA Negeri 19 Tangerang Regency is a school that implements online/distance learning
through parental guidance during the Covid-19 pandemic. The school prepares all facilities,
materials and information technology to support the learning carried out.
Several previous studies that support this research include, Sapto Haryoko's
research with the title "Effectiveness of Using Audio-Visual Media as an Alternative for
Optimizing Learning Models". The results showed that learning using audio-visual media
was better than learning through conventional approaches. That the paradigm of the learning
process needs to be changed. This is caused by the saturation factor among groups of students
whose teaching development is not paid attention to. Conventional teaching patterns are still
dominant among students of the engineering faculty of the University of Makassar.
Therefore, in this study, variations in learning patterns at the Faculty of Engineering are very
suitable for audio-visual learning models with computer network engineering teaching
because students feel they are in the real world, namely the field has developed so rapidly.
Roida Pakphaan's research, Yuni Fitriani, with the title Analysis of the Use of
Information Technology in Distance Learning in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. The
results of his research show that information technology has a very important role in the
learning process so that learning goes well. Information media that have developed include
Whatsapp, Google Classroom, Zoom, etc., as well as the internet network that can connect
lecturers and students so that the learning process can be carried out as it should even in the
midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Seeing the above phenomenon, the author is interested in conducting a study entitled
"Learning Optimization Strategies with an Information and Communication Technology
approach during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency?.

Research methods
The type of research applied in this thesis research is qualitative research.
According to Creswell defines qualitative research methods as an approach or search to
explore and understand a central phenomenon. To understand the central phenomenon, the
researcher interviewed the research participants or participants by asking general and rather
broad questions. Information is then collected in the form of words or text. The collection of
information is then analyzed. From the results of the analysis, the researchers then describe it
with the studies of other scientists made previously.
The final results of qualitative research are stated in the form of a written report
While the approach used by researchers in this study is qualitative research (Field Research),
where researchers conduct research in the field by presenting and analyzing facts
systematically about the actual state of the object. The goal is to describe what is currently
happening, in which there are attempts to describe, record, analyze and interpret the existing

The strategy used by the teacher uses online and offline learning strategies and can
collaborate both "blanded learning". Distance learning in a network or online (Online or E-
Learning) is a learning process using an interactive internet-based model and learning
management system (LMS). E-learning is the first finding from according to the newspaper
E-Learning as learning that uses electronic devices (LAN, WAN, or internet) in order to
convey learning content, interaction, or guidance. This online learning greatly facilitates the
interaction between students and teachers and parents. Here, students can share information
with each other, help each other or work together and can access learning materials every
day. While distance learning outside the network or offline (Offline) is learning that is carried
out at home using media aids in the form of television, radio, self-study modules or it can
also be worksheets or printed teaching materials and objects in the surrounding environment.
Teachers can also use a blended learning system, a learning that collaborates online and
offline systems in learning. The flexibility of the method is left to each work unit, how in five
days of learning can be divided into two stages. The first stage of the offline system, students
meet directly with teachers at school, then the rest of the day an online system is carried out
to do the tasks carried out by students. Blended learning is a learning model that combines
face-to-face learning with e-learning. Blended learning is a new concept in learning where the
delivery of material can be done in class and online. A good combination of face-to-face
teaching where teachers and students meet face-to-face and through online media that can be
accessed at any time. The combination of face-to-face learning with e-learning is due to the
limited time and easy to make students feel bored quickly in the learning process and the
demands of increasingly widespread technological developments.
The learning process that took place at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency was adapted
to the conditions and emergencies in the school environment. So there is no specific strategy
used by the teacher or homeroom teacher for the distance learning process. Teachers and
homeroom teachers adjust the form of the material with a strategy model that is suitable for
distance learning. However, learning that has taken place using Online, Offline and also
Face-to-face or often referred to as learning consultation.
Online and offline learning strategies inevitably have to be carried out in the midst
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Because it is impossible for students to be left on long holidays
until this corona virus leaves or disappears from the earth's surface. In the process of online
and offline learning there are several difficulties encountered including:

1. Slow internet network. Meanwhile, online and offline learning can run effectively if
the internet network is good. and vice versa if the network is bad, then the online
KBM process is hampered.
2. Limited internet quota. Economically inadequate parents affected by COVID-19 also
make it difficult to buy internet quota.
3. KBM is not effective. learning strategies online and offline is certainly not as
effective as learning in schools face-to-face. This may be due to several reasons,
including cutting/reducing teaching hours. which should teach face-to-face 4 jpl,
because online becomes 1 jpl. As a result, students will have difficulty understanding
a lot of material, which must be understood in a fairly short time span. means that the
time used is not sufficient. The above difficulties are to find a solution so that the
quality of education does not decrease and students continue to study as they should
during this pandemic. SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency applies face-to-face
learning/study consultations during this pandemic. understand a lot of material, it
must be understood in a fairly short time span. means that the time used is not
sufficient. The above difficulties are to find a solution so that the quality of education
does not decrease and students continue to study as they should during this pandemic.
SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency applies face-to-face learning/study consultations
during this pandemic.
Face to face / study consultation
Learning consultation is a solution taken at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency to
overcome student boredom / boredom in learning during the pandemic which is carried out
online. The face-to-face learning process/study consultation at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency
is carried out in shifts and complies with health protocols. Shift consists of 1 class which is
divided into two. Held every 2 weeks. Each study consultation meeting contains 2 hours of
lessons. And 1 hour lesson 30 minutes. Learning consulting learning materials only contain
certain subject matter that is considered difficult by students and in solving problems they get
difficulties. Like math lessons. Learning consultation learning is only carried out and
followed by students who get permission from their parents. This activity was carried out
starting because the environmental conditions at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency had
improved from the corona situation and were declared clean from the corona virus by the
local area. This study consultation lasts only a few weeks. because after the news improved in
SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency, it turned out to have attacked the SMAN 19 Tangerang
Regency environment again until this moment so that the study consultation had to be
stopped and the teacher had to return to WFH.
a learning consultation activity that took place in SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency
during the pandemic. Before students enter their respective classrooms, students are also
required to wash their hands and wear masks and check body temperature first. Study
consultation activities are carried out while still adhering to health protocols and social
distancing is followed to maintain distance and avoid crowds. This learning consultation
activity is very helpful for students in supporting learning during the pandemic because in
this learning consultation activity students can pour out their difficulties in understanding the
material. The teacher responded well to this activity, because apart from being able to meet
face-to-face, the teacher was also more flexible in explaining the material clearly, in detail
and more effectively.
Inhibiting and supporting factors for optimizing learning strategies with the
Communication Technology approach during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMAN 19
Tangerang Regency.
1. Supporting and inhibiting factors for the online and offline learning process, but the
teacher tries to ensure that the learning gained during the COVID-19 pandemic,
children continue to learn in safe and secure conditions. Cooperation and
communication between parents and teachers are the main benchmark in supporting
the learning process. Learning materials that facilitate the main thing in supporting the
learning process. Monitoring of teachers and parents must also be well established.
2. Inhibiting factors for optimizing learning strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic at
SMAN 19 Regency. In addition to supporting factors, there are also factors that
hinder the implementation of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMAN 19,
Tangerang Regency. although learning from home, whenever and wherever, but too
little time to understand the subject matter becomes less than optimal. So that the
teacher's explanation or the material provided by the teacher is not very well absorbed
by the students. Another inhibiting factor is that students feel bored and bored with
distance learning.

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers obtained the following conclusions:

1. Learning optimization strategy using the Communication Technology approach

during the covid-19 pandemic which was applied at SMAN 19 Tangerang Regency
using online and offline learning, both of which can be collaborated into "blanded
learning". For learning using an online strategy, the teacher uses a constructivist
pedagogical strategy which includes interaction, collaboration, exploration, projects,
simulations and discussions in the delivery of learning so that the learning process is
not easily left behind by the COVID-19 pandemic. As for learning with offline
strategies, the teacher conveys learning such as discussions, demonstrations and
cooperative learning.
2. upporting and inhibiting factors in implementing learning strategies at SMAN 19
Tangerang Regency during the Pandemic, factors that support online learning
strategies, namely teachers and students are more able to use technology in learning,
parents are closer to their children and know the results of their learning, utilize
learning media in conveying messages and receiving information, the supporting
factor for offline learning strategies is the opening of face-to-face learning directly in
the yellow and green zones.
The inhibiting factor in the application of online strategies is that not all students have
cellphones (Hand Phones)/Laptops, and the internet network is not good, in online
learning the teacher cannot monitor student learning activities, lacks focus in receiving
material and KBM is considered less effective. The inhibiting factor for offline learning is
the limited time and students' independence in learning acceptance.

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