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The internet is one of the results of information technology where the internet is
an information resource that is able to reach the whole world. The information resources
are so vast and enormous that no single person, organization, or even a single country
can handle it alone. However, the internet is not just a network and the usefulness of the
internet is not from the computer itself but from information resources obtained from
the internet. The computer is one of thn e media so that all information can be
connected to the internet, it is important because the computer does the job of moving
data from one place to another, and executing programs that provide opportunities to
access information.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the internet was used as a
way to support government activities in Indonesia, especially in the field of education.
Basically, this is enforced so that learning that is usually done face-to-face will be able
to be changed by doing distance learning. This is important to implement as an
implementation of social distancing in order to break the chain of the COVID-19

In fact, this learning cannot be implemented properly because Indonesia has

different levels of education. This is a separate problem for the elementary school
education level. Elementary schools have fast and slow learning in terms of learning
mastery of online media. As a result of differences in the mastery of online media as
online learning media, it will have an impact on whether or not this learning runs on
every student and student who learns this together with their parents at home.

Based on the problems above, the author has a problem formulation including:

a. How is the mastery of online learning media for students who do this learning only at
b. What are the challenges and obstacles that students have in mastering the learning

Literatur Review

Currently Corona is a hot topic of discussion. In any hemisphere, corona still

dominates the public sphere. In a short time, his name became a trending topic,
discussed here and there, and was reported massively in print and electronic media.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) better known as the
corona virus is a new type of coronavirus that causes infectious diseases to humans.
Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus.
Although it mostly attacks the elderly, this virus can actually attack anyone, from
infants, children, to adults. This corona virus can cause mild disorders of the respiratory
system, severe lung infections, and even death.

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in the city of
Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus spreads very quickly and has
spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months. So that on
March 11, 2020 WHO declared this outbreak a global pandemic. This has made several
countries set policies to impose lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of the corona
virus. In Indonesia itself, a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy was
implemented to suppress the spread of this virus. Because Indonesia is currently
implementing PSBB, all activities carried out outside the home must be stopped until
this pandemic subsides. Some local governments have decided to implement policies to
leave students and start implementing online learning methods (online) or online. This
government policy came into effect in several provinces in Indonesia on Monday,
March 16, 2020, which was also followed by other provincial areas. But this does not
apply to some schools in each region. These schools are not ready with an online
learning system, which requires learning media such as mobile phones, laptops, or
computers. The online learning system (in the network) is a learning system without
face to face directly between teachers and students but is carried out online using the
internet network. Teachers must ensure that teaching and learning activities continue,
even though students are at home. The solution, teachers are required to be able to
design learning media as an innovation by utilizing online media (online).

This is in accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic
of Indonesia regarding Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the
Implementation of Educational Policies in the Emergency Period for the Spread of
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The learning system is implemented through a
personal computer (PC) or laptop connected to an internet network connection.
Teachers can do learning together at the same time using groups on social media such as
WhatsApp (WA), telegram, Instagram, zoom applications or other media as learning
media. Thus, the teacher can ensure that students take part in learning at the same time,
even though in different places. All sectors are feeling the impact of corona. The world
of education is one of them. Judging from the surrounding events that are happening,
both students and parents who do not have cellphones to support online learning
activities feel confused, so the school is looking for solutions to anticipate this. Some
students who do not have mobile phones do learning in groups, so they do learning
activities together. Start learning through video calls that are connected with the teacher
in question, being asked questions one by one, to taking attendance through VoiceNote
available on WhatsApp. The materials are also provided in the form of videos that are
less than 2 minutes long.

There are several reasons behind the learning design, namely, the reality / results
that are not in accordance with what is expected, changes in the work environment /
atmosphere caused by modification of procedures or installation of new equipment; and
the rapid development of the company or industry so that human resources need to be
improved. Analyzing learning needs and learning analysis in learning design are the
first steps that must be taken in learning design activities, when facing problems about
learning. The learning design process first begins with the identification of problems or
learning needs and learning analysis. Activities are a close series that are sequentially
and jointly carried out before the designer designs learning, while learning analysis is a
form of elaboration of general behavior into specific behaviors that are arranged
logically and systematically. Learning design consists of four interrelated elements,
namely students, objectives, methods, and evaluation. These four elements become a
reference for systematic learning planning.

Research Method

This discussion uses a discussion of descriptive analysis methods based on several

journals and responses in supporting journals or articles that have the same discussion
regarding distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and in order to support it
based on conditions in the field the author will conduct several interviews with several
students who do online learning at home.

Data Collection

Based on the explanation above, the author has a determination in grouping the
data where the author will conduct this research with research subjects that will be
applied to research on elementary school students and elementary school students ......
with an age range of 7-10 years and the object of this research is learning design
elementary school.

Data Analysis

Based on the research discussion above, the author has a data analysis method
which uses a qualitative analysis research method where this research will use the
question method with interviews conducted and direct field observations. After
completing the data that has been found by the author, it will be analyzed using a
method that will take the form of a text or narrative essay that will show the results of
the research that has been done. In this final stage, an interpretation of the data will be
made which will carry out the analysis associated with the formulation of the problem in
this study. The author will have the results where the diversity of designs which will be
suitable to be used which shows the effectiveness in learning.
Refrencers :

Nguyen, T. (2015). The Effectiveness of Online Learning: Beyond No Significant

Difference and Future Horizons. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and
Teaching, 11(2), 309–319.

Susilo, A., Rumende, C. M., Pitoyo, C. W., Santoso, W. D., Yulianti, M.,
Herikurniawan, H., Sinto, R., Singh, G., Nainggolan, L., Nelwan, E. J., Chen, L.
K., Widhani, A., Wijaya, E., Wicaksana, B., Maksum, M., Annisa, F., Jasirwan, C.
O. M., & Yunihastuti, E. (2020). Coronavirus Disease 2019: Tinjauan Literatur
Terkini. Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia, 7(1), 45.

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