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Famous people have a responsibility to be good role models

Celebrities are will-know or famous people in public which are popular because of their actions, such
as singing, acting, modelling, sports… Good role models use their fame to draw attention on some
important points however, bad ones can promote violence and hate.

Your model is someone who you admire and inspires you to follow their steps. He/she must be
tough, capable, brave, and passionate about their work. A good example of brave and tough women
is Oprah Winfrey. She is actresses and journalist and first black women who owns production
company. But before popularity, she had a traumatic childhood, she was living in poverty and got
pregnant by age of fourteen. However, despite all barriers, she didn't give up. Also, a lot of people
found Emma Watson positively inspirational. She is a huge advocate for women’s rights and
encourages sustainable fashion. Because of her actions on humanity, a lot of people want to be like

Sometimes, popularity can spoil people, especially when you have a lot of attention. A bad influence
on people has celebrities who are bigoted and defensive. Usually, people like that support what
most don’t. A shining example of a famous singer who was popular and a role model for thousands
of teenagers and now is a “bad guy”, is Justin Bieber. He sang songs about girls and love but now is
addicted, takes a high speed around the neighbourhood, and is immature. In terms of women's hate,
there is an example of a man who is a misogynist, Andrew Tate. He became popular by competing as
a professional kickboxer and since that he has had a million followers. From the last news, Tate is
suspected of human trafficking and organized crime groups. Despite all his actions, some people
defend him.

People must be careful when choosing their role models. Furthermore, some famous people can be
good examples of your life. I personally idol choose from my environment, which one I see and hear
every day.

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