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Department: TVE Student: Ashiru Ahmad Rufa’I

Programme: MScTE Student ID: 201031405


The Arabic language is a vital tool for communication and understanding in the global economy.
According to a report by the Arab League (2017), Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language
in the world, with over 420 million speakers. Additionally, the Arab League states that the Arab
world is home to some of the world's fastest growing economies, making the study and use of
Arabic increasingly important for those looking to do business in the region.
Furthermore, many multinational companies have a significant presence in the Arab world and
require employees who are proficient in Arabic. A study by the American-Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee (2015) found that proficiency in Arabic is a desirable skill for job
applicants in fields such as finance, energy, and government relations.
Additionally, the study of Arabic can provide a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical
context of the Arab world. As the Arab League (2017) notes, the Arab world has a rich cultural
heritage and a history that has greatly influenced the world. Understanding the language and
culture of the Arab world can thus provide valuable insights for those looking to do business there.
Language and the Economy
The Arabic language is not only a means of communication but also a bridge to understanding the
culture and history of the Arab world. The study and use of Arabic are becoming increasingly
important for those looking to do business in the Arab countries, which constitute a significant
market for trade and investments.
The Arab world comprises a diverse group of countries that have a combined GDP of over $2
trillion, making it an attractive market for international businesses. According to a report by the
Arab League (2017), the Arab countries are home to some of the world's fastest-growing
economies, such as UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. The Arab League also states that the Arab
world is rich in natural resources, including oil and gas, which are essential to the global economy.
With the ongoing development of new technologies and diversification of the economies, the Arab
world is becoming an increasingly important market for international trade and investments.
Furthermore, many multinational companies have a significant presence in the Arab world, and
they require employees who are proficient in Arabic. A study by the American-Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee (2015) found that proficiency in Arabic is a desirable skill for job
applicants in fields such as finance, energy, and government relations. For instance, Arabic-
speaking employees are essential for interpreting business contracts, interpreting negotiations, and
communicating with local partners and customers. Additionally, many international organizations,
such as the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund, also have a significant
presence in the Arab world, which creates more job opportunities for Arabic speakers.
In addition to being a valuable tool for business, the study of Arabic also provides a deeper
understanding of the cultural and historical context of the Arab world. The Arab world has a rich
cultural heritage, and its history has greatly influenced the world. Understanding the language and
culture of the Arab world can provide valuable insights for those looking to do business there. For

Department: TVE Student: Ashiru Ahmad Rufa’I
Programme: MScTE Student ID: 201031405
example, it can help in understanding the customs and traditions of the Arab countries, which can
be crucial for building successful business relationships. Furthermore, Arabic literature and poetry
are an essential part of Arab culture, and they can provide an insight into the values and beliefs of
the Arab people.
In conclusion, the Arabic language is a crucial tool for communication and understanding in the
global economy, particularly as the Arab world continues to experience economic growth. It is
also a valuable asset for employees in various industries, and studying Arabic can provide a deeper
understanding of the Arab culture and history. Therefore, learning Arabic is not only beneficial for
business but also for personal and professional development.
The Arabic language is a vital tool for communication and understanding in the global economy,
particularly as the Arab world continues to experience economic growth. The Arab world
comprises a diverse group of countries that have a combined GDP of over $2 trillion, making it an
attractive market for international businesses. Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language in
the world, and it is spoken by over 420 million people. Furthermore, many multinational
companies have a significant presence in the Arab world, and they require employees who are
proficient in Arabic. According to a study by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
(2015), proficiency in Arabic is a desirable skill for job applicants in fields such as finance, energy,
and government relations.
Additionally, the study of Arabic can provide a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical
context of the Arab world. The Arab world has a rich cultural heritage and its history has greatly
influenced the world. Understanding the language and culture of the Arab world can provide
valuable insights for those looking to do business there. Furthermore, Arabic literature and poetry
are an essential part of Arab culture and they can provide an insight into the values and beliefs of
the Arab people.
Finally, the Arabic language is a crucial tool for communication and understanding in the global
economy. It is also a valuable asset for employees in various industries and provides a deeper
understanding of the Arab culture and history. Therefore, learning Arabic is not only beneficial for
business but also for personal and professional development.
 Arab League. (2017). Arabic Language: A Living Language. Retrieved from
 American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. (2015). Arabic Language Skills in
Demand. Retrieved from


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