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Design document for: IP Camera Link Verification and Location

Check Design Document 

Implementation Details 

System Architecture 

The IP Camera Link Verification and Location Check system will be designed with a

microservices architecture to ensure modularity, scalability, and easy maintenance. 


The following components will be included in the system: 

Camera Link Verifier 

This component will be responsible for connecting to the IP camera link and verifying its


Resolution Validator 

The Resolution Validator component will capture the image size and encoding, and validate the

camera's resolution. 

Location Checker 

The Location Checker component will accept supplied longitude and latitude coordinates and

compare them with the camera's actual location to verify if they match. 

Location ID Generator 

This component will generate a unique Location ID for each camera location. 
Image Saver 

The Image Saver component will save images with the generated Location ID for future



The following APIs will be used in the system: 

Camera API 

The Camera API will be used to connect and interact with the IP cameras. 

Geolocation API 

The Geolocation API will be used to fetch the actual location of the camera and compare it with

the supplied coordinates. 

Testing Plan 

Unit Testing 

Each component will be individually tested to ensure it meets the functional requirements.

Mock IP camera links, resolutions, and coordinates will be used for this purpose. 

Integration Testing 

After successful unit testing, the components will be integrated and tested together to ensure

smooth communication between them and to verify that the system's overall requirements are met. 

Performance Testing 

The system will be tested for its ability to handle multiple camera links concurrently and for its

latency while processing the verification and location checks. 

User Acceptance Testing 

The system will be tested by potential users to ensure it meets their expectations, is user-

friendly, and easily configurable. 


The IP Camera Link Verification and Location Check system will ensure that IP camera links

are functional and accurately located by validating resolutions and comparing the supplied coordinates

with the actual location. The system's design based on a microservices architecture will provide

modularity, scalability, and easy maintenance, making it a valuable tool for security professionals,

businesses, and other stakeholders who rely on IP cameras for monitoring purposes. 

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