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New Strains of Bacteria and Exacerbations of Chronic

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Sanjay Sethi, M.D., Nancy Evans, R.N., Brydon J.B. Grant, M.D., and Timothy F. Murphy, M.D.

The role of bacterial pathogens in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease is controversial. In older studies, the rates of isolation of bacterial
pathogens from sputum were the same during acute exacerbations and during stable
disease. However, these studies did not differentiate among strains within a bacterial
species and therefore could not detect changes in strains over time. We hypothesized
that the acquisition of a new strain of a pathogenic bacterial species is associated with
exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We conducted a prospective
study in which clinical information and sputum samples for culture were collected
monthly and during exacerbations from 81 outpatients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Molecular typing of sputum isolates of nonencapsulated
Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa was performed. Over a period of 56 months, the 81 patients
made a total of 1975 clinic visits, 374 of which were made during exacerbations (mean,
2.1 per patient per year). On the basis of molecular typing, an exacerbation was
diagnosed at 33.0 percent of the clinic visits that involved isolation of a new strain of a
bacterial pathogen, as compared with 15.4 percent of visits at which no new strain was
isolated (P<0.001; relative risk of an exacerbation, 2.15; 95 percent confidence interval,
1.83 to 2.53). Isolation of a new strain of H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, or S.
pneumoniae was associated with a significantly increased risk of an exacerbation. The
association between an exacerbation and the isolation of a new strain of a bacterial
pathogen supports the causative role of bacteria in exacerbations of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.

1. ¿Dónde pudo ser publicado este texto?

2. Subraye el / los autores del texto.
3. ¿Qué tipo de texto es? ¿A quién está dirigido?
4. En el texto se pueden reconocer “partes” con diferentes funciones. Divida el
texto en constituyentes y subconstituyentes según la función de cada uno.
5. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la investigación?
6. Explique brevemente cada una de las partes del texto.
7. Proponga 4 palabras clave sintetizadoras.
8. ¿A qué se refieren las siguientes expresiones?
- these studies
- of which
9. En las siguientes oraciones, marque el verbo principal y diga si las expresiones
nominales que completan el significado del verbo realizan o reciben la acción.

- Over a period of 56 months, the 81 patients made a total of 1975
clinic visits, 374 of which were made during exacerbations (mean,
2.1 per patient per year).

- Isolation of a new strain of H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, or S.

pneumoniae was associated with a significantly increased risk of
an exacerbation.

- The association between an exacerbation and the isolation of a

new strain of a bacterial pathogen supports the causative role of
bacteria in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary

10. Proponga el equivalente en español de las siguientes nominalizaciones.

- the rates of isolation of bacterial pathogens from sputum

- the acquisition of a new strain of a pathogenic bacterial species

- the causative role of bacteria

11. Busque palabras en el texto que signifiquen:

- Muestras
- Cultivo
- Aislamiento
- Causal

12. Encierre entre paréntesis el segmento del texto que aporta mayor información
sobre las siguientes frases:

- We conducted a prospective study…

- ... an exacerbation was diagnosed at 33.0 percent of the clinic



New England Journal of Medicine

The Effects of Ibuprofen on the Physiology and Survival of

Patients with Sepsis
Gordon R. Bernard, M.D., Arthur P. Wheeler, M.D., James A. Russell, M.D., Roland
Schein, M.D., Warren R. Summer, M.D., Kenneth P. Steinberg, M.D., William J.
Fulkerson, M.D., Patrick E. Wright, M.D., Brian W. Christman, M.D., William D.
Dupont, Ph.D., Stanley B. Higgins, Ph.D., Bridget B. Swindell, R.N., for The Ibuprofen
in Sepsis Study Group
In patients with sepsis the production of arachidonic acid metabolites by
cyclooxygenase increases, but the pathophysiologic role of these
prostaglandins is unclear. In animal models, inhibition of cyclooxygenase by
treatment with ibuprofen before the onset of sepsis reduces physiologic
abnormalities and improves survival. In pilot studies of patients with sepsis,
treatment with ibuprofen led to improvements in gas exchange and airway
mechanics. From October 1989 to March 1995, we conducted a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of intravenous ibuprofen (10 mg per
kilogram of body weight [maximal dose, 800 mg], given every six hours for eight
doses) in 455 patients who had sepsis, defined as fever, tachycardia,
tachypnea, and acute failure of at least one organ system. In the ibuprofen
group, but not the placebo group, there were significant declines in urinary
levels of prostacyclin and thromboxane, temperature, heart rate, oxygen
consumption, and lactic acidosis. With ibuprofen therapy there was no
increased incidence of renal dysfunction, gastrointestinal bleeding, or other
adverse events. However, treatment with ibuprofen did not reduce the incidence
or duration of shock or the acute respiratory distress syndrome and did not
significantly improve the rate of survival at 30 days (mortality, 37 percent with
ibuprofen vs. 40 percent with placebo). In patients with sepsis, treatment with
ibuprofen reduces levels of prostacyclin and thromboxane and decreases fever,
tachycardia, oxygen consumption, and lactic acidosis, but it does not prevent
the development of shock or the acute respiratory distress syndrome and does
not improve survival.

1. Indique la fuente y los autores de este texto.

2. ¿Qué tipo de texto es? ¿A quién está dirigido? Justifique.
3. Indique los constituyentes y subconstituyentes del texto según la función de cada
4. ¿Qué tiempos verbales se utilizan en cada parte? ¿Por qué?
5. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la investigación?
6. Explique brevemente cada una de las partes del texto.
7. Proponga 4 palabras clave sintetizadoras.
8. ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes?

a. these prostaglandins
b. who
9. En las siguientes oraciones, marque el verbo principal y diga si las expresiones
nominales que completan el significado del verbo realizan o reciben la acción.

a. In patients with sepsis the production of arachidonic acid

metabolites by cyclooxygenase increases, but the
pathophysiologic role of these prostaglandins is unclear.

b. However, treatment with ibuprofen did not reduce the incidence or

duration of shock or the acute respiratory distress syndrome and
did not significantly improve the rate of survival at 30 days
(mortality, 37 percent with ibuprofen vs. 40 percent with placebo).

10. Proponga el equivalente en español de las siguientes nominalizaciones.

a. ... inhibition of cyclooxygenase by treatment with ibuprofen before

the onset of sepsis…

b. ... significant declines in urinary levels of prostacyclin and

thromboxane, temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, and
lactic acidosis.

c. ... the development of shock or the acute respiratory distress


11. Busque palabras en el texto que signifiquen:

a. Aumenta
b. Comienzo
c. Tratamiento
d. Mejorías
e. Disminución
f. Sangrado
g. Índice
h. Niveles
i. Prevenir

12. Encierre entre paréntesis el segmento del texto que aporta mayor información
sobre las siguientes frases:

- ... we conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled

trial of intravenous ibuprofen (10 mg per kilogram of body weight
[maximal dose, 800 mg],…

- ... in 455 patients who had sepsis,…

13. En el texto aparecen 2 conectores que establecen una relación de contraste entre
dos ideas. Márquelos y tradúzcalos.

Medline Abstract
J Neuroimmunol, June 26, 2000; 105(2): 124-30

The role of complement anaphylotoxin C5a in neurodegeneration: implications in

Alzheimer´s disease.

P Mukherjee and GM Pasinetti

Neuroinflammation research Center of the Department of Psychiatry, The Mount Sinaí

School of Medicine, One Gustave, L. Levy Place, Brookdale center for molecular
Biology, New York, nY 1000129-6474, USA.

There is evidence that the complement system, a major component of inflammatory

responses, may play an important role in neurodegenerative conditions such as
Alzheimer´s disease (AD). Work from our lab demostrated that mice genetically
deficient in the complement component C5 are more susceptible to hippocampal
excitotoxic lesions (Pasinetti et al., 1996) and that the C5-derived anahylatoxin C5a may
protect against excitotoxicity in vitro and in vivo (Osaka et al., 1999).
Potential mechanisms identified in C5a-mediated neuroprotection include activation of
mitogen activated protein (MAP)-kinase (Osaka et al., 1998; Osaka et al., 1999). This
novel neuroprotective role of C5a complicates current theories that complement
proteins augment betaamyloid (Abeta) toxicity in AD. In view of the fact that the
complement system represents a target for therapeutic interventions in AD, further
characterization of the complex role of complement proteins is essential. Towards this
aim, we have characterized a transgenic C5a receptor (C5aR) knockout (KO) mouse.
Recent studies in the lab using C5aR-KO mice show that disruption of C5aR alters
calcium calmodulim kinase (CaM-KII) signal transduction in brain cells. We are
presently using C5aR-KO mice to study the role of C5a in caspase mediated apoptotic
neuronal death. In this review we will attempt to delineate possible neuroprotective
roles for C5a in mechanims of neurotoxicity pertaining to AD.

1. Indique la fuente y los autores de este texto.

2. ¿Qué tipo de texto es? ¿A quién está dirigido? Justifique.
3. ¿Qué constituyentes y subconstituyentes puede distinguir en este texto? Indique.
4. Compare este abstract con otros ya analizados y refiérase a las diferencias en
cuanto a formato, partes e ideas expuestas.
5. ¿Qué tiempos verbales se utilizan en cada parte? ¿Por qué?
6. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la investigación?
7. Explique brevemente cada una de las partes del texto.
8. Proponga 4 palabras clave sintetizadoras.
9. ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes?
a. This novel neuroprotective role of C5a
b. this aim
10. En las siguientes oraciones, marque el verbo principal y diga si las expresiones
nominales que completan el significado del verbo realizan o reciben la acción.

a. Potential mechanisms identified in C5a-mediated neuroprotection

include activation of mitogen activated protein (MAP)-kinase (Osaka et
al., 1998; Osaka et al., 1999).

b. In view of the fact that the complement system represents a target for
therapeutic interventions in AD, further characterization of the complex
role of complement proteins is essential.
c. We are presently using C5aR-KO mice to study the role of C5a in
caspase mediated apoptotic neuronal death.

11. Interprete las siguientes nominalizaciones en español

a. … a major component of inflammatory responses…

b. ... further characterization of the complex role of complement proteins…

c. ... possible neuroprotective roles for C5a in mechanims of neurotoxicity

pertaining to AD.

12. Busque palabras en el texto que signifiquen:

a. importante
b. desempeñar un papel
c. actuales
d. objetivo
e. propósito
f. cerebro
g. muerte
h. intentar
i. concerniente

13. Encierre entre paréntesis el segmento del texto que aporta mayor información
sobre las siguientes frases:

a. There is evidence…

b. Potential mechanisms …

c. Recent studies in the lab…

14. ¿Qué elemento (s) lingüístico (s) sirve (n) de nexo entre las partes del texto
marcadas en los casos del ejercicio 13?

15. En el texto las oraciones guardan distintos tipo de relaciones, por ejemplo, de
contraste, adición, causa / consecuencia, etc. Algunas de estas relaciones están
marcadas por un nexo explícito, otras relaciones están marcadas implícitamente.
- Busque en el texto ejemplos de por lo menos 3 conectores o frases conectoras
explícitas y diga qué tipo de relación establecen.
- ¿Qué conector utilizaría para relacionar la última oración del primer párrafo
con la primera y segunda del segundo párrafo?

Risk of celiac disease autoimmunity and timing of gluten introduction in the
diet of infants at increased risk of disease.
Norris JM, Barriga K, Hoffenberg EJ, Taki I, Miao D, Haas JE, Emery LM, Sokol RJ, Erlich HA,
Eisenbarth GS, Rewers M.

Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado at Denver and Health
Sciences Center, Denver, CO 80262, USA.

While gluten ingestion is responsible for the signs and symptoms of celiac disease, it is
not known what factors are associated with initial appearance of the disease. The aim of
this work is to examine whether the timing of gluten exposure in the infant diet was
associated with the development of celiac disease autoimmunity (CDA). A prospective
observational study was conducted in Denver, Colo, from 1994-2004 of 1560 children
at increased risk for celiac disease or type 1 diabetes, as defined by possession of either
HLA-DR3 or DR4 alleles, or having a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes. The
mean follow-up was 4.8 years. The main outcome measure showed risk of CDA defined
as being positive for tissue transglutaminase (tTG) autoantibody on 2 or more
consecutive visits or being positive for tTG once and having a positive small bowel
biopsy for celiac disease, by timing of introduction of gluten-containing foods into the
diet. Fifty-one children developed CDA. Findings adjusted for HLA-DR3 status
indicated that children exposed to foods containing wheat, barley, or rye (gluten-
containing foods) in the first 3 months of life (3 [6%] CDA positive vs 40 [3%] CDA
negative) had a 5-fold increased risk of CDA compared with children exposed to gluten-
containing foods at 4 to 6 months (12 [23%] CDA positive vs 574 [38%] CDA
negative) (hazard ratio [HR], 5.17; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.44-18.57). Children
not exposed to gluten until the seventh month or later (36 [71%] CDA positive vs 895
[59%] CDA negative) had a marginally increased risk of CDA compared with those
exposed at 4 to 6 months (HR, 1.87; 95% CI, 0.97-3.60). After restricting our case
group to only the 25 CDA-positive children who had biopsy-diagnosed celiac disease,
initial exposure to wheat, barley, or rye in the first 3 months (3 [12%] CDA positive vs
40 [3%] CDA negative) or in the seventh month or later (19 [76%] CDA positive vs 912
[59%] CDA negative) significantly increased risk of CDA compared with exposure at 4
to 6 months (3 [12%] CDA positive vs 583 [38%] CDA negative) (HR, 22.97; 95% CI,
4.55-115.93; P = .001; and HR, 3.98; 95% CI, 1.18-13.46; P = .04, respectively).
Timing of introduction of gluten into the infant diet is associated with the appearance of
CDA in children at increased risk for the disease.

PMID: 15900004 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1. Indique la fuente del texto y diga qué tipo de texto es el anterior.
2. Marque los constituyentes y subconstituyentes que reconoce en el texto.
3. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la investigación?
4. Resuma los resultados de la investigación en dos oraciones.
5. ¿Qué pacientes fueron seleccionados para la muestra? ¿Con qué criterios?
6. ¿A qué hacen referencia?
- those

- who
7. En las siguientes oraciones, marque el verbo principal y diga si las expresiones
nominales que completan el significado del verbo realizan o reciben la acción.
- The aim of this work is to examine whether the timing of gluten
exposure in the infant diet was associated with the development of celiac
disease autoimmunity (CDA).
- Findings adjusted for HLA-DR3 status indicated that children exposed to
foods containing wheat, barley, or rye (gluten-containing foods) in the
first 3 months of life (3 [6%] CDA positive vs 40 [3%] CDA negative)
had a 5-fold increased risk of CDA compared with children exposed to
gluten-containing foods at 4 to 6 months (12 [23%] CDA positive vs 574
[38%] CDA negative) (hazard ratio [HR], 5.17; 95% confidence interval
[CI], 1.44-18.57).
8. Interprete las siguientes nominalizaciones y luego parafraséelas utilizando un
- Risk of celiac disease autoimmunity and timing of gluten introduction in
the diet of infants at increased risk of disease.
- Timing of introduction of gluten into the infant diet
9. Busque en el texto palabras que signifiquen:
- enfermedad
- tiempo
- desarrollo
- media
- resultado
10. Marque en el texto la porción que brinda mayor información sobre:
- A prospective observational study was conducted in Denver, Colo, from
1994-2004 of 1560 children at increased risk for celiac disease or type 1
- Findings…

New England Journal of Medicine
Weekend versus Weekday Admission and Mortality from Myocardial Infarction
William J. Kostis, Ph.D., Kitaw Demissie, M.D., Ph.D., Stephen W. Marcella, M.D.,
M.P.H., Yu-Hsuan Shao, M.H.S., Alan C. Wilson, Ph.D., Abel E. Moreyra, M.D., for the
Myocardial Infarction Data Acquisition System (MIDAS 10) Study Group
Management of acute myocardial infarction requires urgent diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures, which may not be uniformly available throughout the week. We examined
differences in mortality between patients admitted on weekends and those admitted on
weekdays for a first acute myocardial infarction, using the Myocardial Infarction Data
Acquisition System. All such admissions in New Jersey from 1987 to 2002 (231,164)
were included and grouped in 4-year intervals. There were no significant differences in
demographic characteristics, coexisting conditions, or infarction site between patients
admitted on weekends and those admitted on weekdays. However, patients admitted
on weekends were less likely to undergo invasive cardiac procedures, especially on the
first and second days of hospitalization (P<0.001). In the interval from 1999 to 2002
(59,786 admissions), mortality at 30 days was significantly higher for patients admitted
on weekends (12.9% vs. 12.0%, P=0.006). The difference became significant the day
after admission (3.3% vs. 2.7%, P<0.001) and persisted at 1 year (1% absolute
difference in mortality). The difference in mortality at 30 days remained significant after
adjustment for demographic characteristics, coexisting conditions, and site of infarction
(hazard ratio, 1.048; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.022 to 1.076; P<0.001), but it
became nonsignificant after additional adjustment for invasive cardiac procedures
(hazard ratio, 1.023; 95% CI, 0.997 to 1.049; P=0.09). For patients with myocardial
infarction, admission on weekends is associated with higher mortality and lower use of
invasive cardiac procedures. Our findings suggest that the higher mortality on
weekends is mediated in part by the lower rate of invasive procedures, and we
speculate that better access to care on weekends could improve the outcome for
patients with acute myocardial infarction.
1. Indique la fuente y los autores de este texto.
2. ¿Qué tipo de texto es? ¿A quién está dirigido? Justifique.
3. Marque los constituyentes y subconstituyentes que reconoce en el texto.
4. ¿Qué tiempos verbales se utilizan en cada parte? ¿Por qué?
5. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la investigación?
6. Explique brevemente cada una de las partes del texto.
7. Proponga 4 palabras clave sintetizadoras.
8. ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes?
a. those
b. at 30 days
c. it
9. En las siguientes oraciones, marque el verbo principal y diga si las expresiones
nominales que completan el significado del verbo realizan o reciben la acción.

a. We examined differences in mortality between patients admitted on weekends

and those admitted on weekdays for a first acute myocardial infarction, using
the Myocardial Infarction Data Acquisition System.
b. For patients with myocardial infarction, admission on weekends is associated
with higher mortality and lower use of invasive cardiac procedures.
c. Our findings suggest that the higher mortality on weekends is mediated in part
by the lower rate of invasive procedures,…

10. Traduzca las siguientes nominalizaciones y luego parafraséelas utilizando un verbo.

a. … urgent diagnostic and therapeutic procedures…

b. ... adjustment for demographic characteristics, coexisting conditions, and site of

infarction …

c. ... the outcome for patients with acute myocardial infarction.

11. Busque palabras en el texto que signifiquen:

a. manejo
b. disponibles
c. ingresos al hospital
d. significativo
e. permaneció
f. tasa / índice
g. mejorar
h. resultados

12. Encierre entre paréntesis el segmento del texto que aporta mayor información sobre las
siguientes frases:

a. Management of acute myocardial infarction requires urgent diagnostic and

therapeutic procedures, …

b. Our findings suggest …

c. …, and we speculate…

13. ¿Qué elemento (s) lingüístico (s) sirve (n) de nexo entre las partes del texto marcadas
en los casos del ejercicio 12?

14. En el texto las oraciones guardan distintos tipo de relaciones, por ejemplo, de
contraste, adición, causa / consecuencia, etc. Algunas de estas relaciones están
marcadas por un nexo explícito, otras relaciones están marcadas implícitamente. -
Busque en el texto ejemplos de por lo menos 3 conectores o frases conectoras
explícitas y diga qué tipo de relación establecen.
- ¿Qué conector utilizaría para relacionar la primera oración y la segunda?

Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis.
Prat A, Antel J.
Neuroimmunology Laboratory and Multiple Sclerosis Clinic, CHUM Notre-Dame Hospital b Neuroimmunology
Unit, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

The aim of this article is to describe recent observations regarding the basis for the
initiation and disease evolution of multiple sclerosis. A current debate is where and
what initiates the neuroinflammatory reaction that characterizes the acute multiple
sclerosis lesion. Immune sensitization to neural antigens could develop within the
systemic compartment consequent to exposure to cross-reacting, possibly viral derived,
peptides (molecular mimicry). Although CD4 T cells are considered central to initiating
central nervous system inflammation, the actual extent and specificity of tissue injury
reflects the array of adaptive (CD8 T cells and antibody) and innate
(microglia/macrophages) immune constituents present in the lesions. Neuropathologic
studies indicate that lethal changes in neural cells (oligodendrocytes) could also be the
initiating event, reflecting as yet unidentified acquired insults (e.g. exogenous virus or
reactivated endogenous retrovirus) or intrinsic abnormalities ('neurodegenerative'
hypothesis). Recurrence or persistence of the disease process can reflect events
occurring at multiple sites including expansion of the immune repertoire in response to
neural antigens transported to regional lymph nodes (determinant spreading), especially
if immune regulatory mechanisms are defective; alterations in blood-brain barrier
properties consequent to initial cellular transmigration; and participation of endogenous
(microglia, astrocytes) or long lived infiltrating cells (macrophages, B cells in ectopic
germinal centers) in regulating and effecting immune functions within the central
nervous system. Accumulating neurologic deficit reflects the balance between injury
and repair; the latter also being negatively or positively (trophic support and clearance
of tissue debris) impacted by inflammatory processes. Understanding the full spectrum
of multiple sclerosis presents a continuing challenge for both immunology and

PMID: 15891404 [PubMed - in process]

1. Indique la fuente y los autores de este texto.

2. ¿Qué tipo de texto es? ¿A quién está dirigido? Justifique.
3. Marque los constituyentes y subconstituyentes que reconoce en el texto.
4. Compare este abstract con otros ya analizados y refiérase a las diferencias en cuanto a
formato, partes e ideas expuestas. ¿Qué tipo de artículo resume?
5. ¿Qué tiempos verbales se utilizan en cada parte? ¿Por qué?
6. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la investigación?
7. Explique brevemente cada una de las partes del texto.
8. Proponga 4 palabras clave sintetizadoras.
9. ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes?
a. the latter
b. both
10. En las siguientes oraciones, marque el verbo principal y diga si las expresiones
nominales que completan el significado del verbo realizan o reciben la acción.

a. A current debate is where and what initiates the neuroinflammatory reaction
that characterizes the acute multiple sclerosis lesion.
b. Although CD4 T cells are considered central to initiating central nervous system
inflammation, the actual extent and specificity of tissue injury reflects the array
of adaptive (CD8 T cells and antibody) and innate (microglia/macrophages)
immune constituents present in the lesions.

11. Traduzca las siguientes nominalizaciones.

a. … the initiation and disease evolution of multiple sclerosis

b. ... alterations in blood-brain barrier properties

c. ... participation of endogenous (microglia, astrocytes) or long lived infiltrating

cells (macrophages, B cells in ectopic germinal centers)

12. Busque palabras en el texto que signifiquen:

a. propósito
b. concernientes
c. actual
d. desarrollarse
e. real
f. mortales
g. adquiridos
h. desafío
13. Encierre entre paréntesis el segmento del texto que aporta mayor información sobre las
siguientes frases:

a. The aim of this article is …

b. A current debate is …

c. Neuropathologic studies indicate that lethal changes in neural cells

(oligodendrocytes) could also be the initiating event …

14. ¿Qué elemento (s) lingüístico (s) sirve (n) de nexo entre las partes del texto marcadas
en los casos del ejercicio 13?

15. En el texto las oraciones guardan distintos tipo de relaciones, por ejemplo, de
contraste, adición, causa / consecuencia, etc. Algunas de estas relaciones están
marcadas por un nexo explícito, otras relaciones están marcadas implícitamente. -
Busque en el texto ejemplos de por lo menos 3 conectores o frases conectoras
explícitas y diga qué tipo de relación establecen.
- ¿Qué conector utilizaría para relacionar las dos últimas oraciones del texto?


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