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Have you ever wondered if it's possible to fall in love with an opera�ng system, kind of like falling in love

with Siri
or Cortana, your Windows assistant? The movie "Her" explores this possibility. The film is directed by Spike
Jonze, the movie presents how, in a complex and innova�ve way, a rela�onship between a man and his opera�ng
system could happen or occur.

The film revolves around Theodore, played by American actor Joaquin Phoenix, who in this film is a lonely leter
writer. In addi�on to this, he is dealing with the end of his marriage and the demo�va�on that is constantly
present in his life. Theodore falls in love with his opera�ng system, which has been programmed to adapt to the
personality of its consumers and to feedback and evolve over �me. The AI, whose name is Samantha, is played
by the voice of Scarlet Johansson, she learns from Theodore and helps him in very basic things of his daily life
such as answering emails, knowing current news or playing music, even composing it according to his tastes. In
this way together, they experience a very complex rela�onship that, at the same �me, is fascina�ng and
somewhat disturbing, I won't deny it, it's quite weird and leaves you with quite a few ques�ons of what love is.

The rela�onship between Theodore and Samantha is very good in many ways, but it also raises some
uncomfortable ques�ons about the way people trust and give themselves over to technology so that they can fill
the emo�onal voids in their lives, which is not too far from reality.

Throughout the film, certain types of skills are evident that are relevant to the development of the rela�onship
between Theodore and Samantha. Flexibility, for example, is one of the main quali�es that is highlighted, which
is of vital importance to this rela�onship. Theodore must be willing to accept that Samantha is not a real person
and to adapt to her constant emo�onal and cogni�ve evolu�on. Also, Samantha must be flexible enough to
understand some complexi�es on an emo�onal level that Theodore presents and adapt to them and his

Another key skill that is evident in the film is the degree of crea�vity that can be managed. In this futuris�c
world, crea�vity is an important trait that helps the characters to solve some issues and overcome impediments,
for example, in the case of Theodore, the sensi�vity and imagina�on he manages to write leters from people he
does not really know, but with the passage of �me in his work he has been integra�ng those skills and has
developed a great skill in what he does.

In addi�on, cri�cal thinking is a trait that is subtly presented in the film. Theodore must be able to cri�cally
reflect and do some introspec�on about his rela�onship with Samantha and thus ques�on his own dependence
on technology and try to see how he might solve that drawback. Samantha must also be able to think cri�cally
about her own limita�ons as an opera�ng system and find ways to overcome them.

Finally, technological skills are a fundamental part of the plot of "Her." The film takes place in a futuris�c world in
which technology has evolved to an astonishing degree, but also shows how poor management and handling of
technology can greatly affect the lives of the characters.

Overall, "Her" is a fascina�ng film that raises some prety important and interes�ng ques�ons about the nature
of human rela�onships and how technology can intervene in our lives. Thus, Theodore and Samantha's
rela�onship is very striking and, in a way, creepy. It presents us with a future in which so� skills will become
essen�al for our emo�onal and cogni�ve development, such as, for example, adaptability to technology, but, on
the other hand, other skills may disappear completely, such as the ability to relate to other human beings and as
presented in the film, where it is difficult to have real contact with people and it is not far from what happens
today. If you are interested in technology, romance, deep ques�ons, and part of the nature of human
rela�onships, "Her" is a movie you must see at least once, and if you like colorful scenarios, full of magical
simplicity, almost impercep�ble, "Her" is definitely for you. Oh, by the way, it has some very funny and quite
awkward moments as well. So, enjoy it and don't forget to say I love you to Siri.

Cris�an Felipe Devia Ticora

Cód. 902212059

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