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Name : Muhammad Aris Sholihin

Course :PKP 16 BRAVO

No :17

Learning cannot be separated from language, because language is a medium of understanding in
conveying information to our students, especially in learning English. So what do you think about
Learning to use English? Learning English can be done anywhere in the world because English is widely
used all over the world. However, if we want to learn English in a natural and appropriate way, an
English speaking country is one of the main solutions.

Before getting to the point, it would be nice for me to introduce myself, the name of young cadet
Muhammad Aris Sholihin, I was born on July 15, 2002 in Magetan, East Java, which is my mother's

English course is one of the courses in this PPIC. My English subject lecturer is Mrs. Suparti, Mrs. Suparti
is a lecturer whose way of teaching is very easy to understand. During class learning there were 6
materials delivered by Mrs Suparti, namely the first English tenses, the second conditional sentences,
the third compound sentences, the fourth complex sentences, the fifth ground and the last infinitive.

I am in group 1 which explains about English tense material, I will explain a little about English tense and
various types of English tense, Tense is a form of a verb in English to show the time (present, future or
past) of an action. or events. various English tenses, namely simple present tense, present continuous
tense, perfect present tense, perfect continuous tense, simple past tense, past continuous tense, past
perfect tense, past perfect continuous tense, simple future tense, future continuous tense, future
perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense, simple past future tense, past future continuous tense,
past future perfect tense, past future perfect continuous tense.

Group 2 discussed conditional sentence material. Conditional sentences are compound sentences that
have a condition about imagination, supposition, and something that has never happened. This
presupposition expressed may or may not materialize. Conditional sentences consist of independent
clauses and dependent clauses which usually start with the word 'if' or if. A sentence that consists of
both clauses can then be called a conditional sentence. However, there are some sentences that can be
started with 'when' or when. The form of a conditional sentence is an if-clause + main clause. if clause is
a clause that is part of the conditional. main clause is a sentence that contains the consequences of the
conditional presupposition at the beginning of the sentence. Besides that, the conditional sentence
formula can also be reversed into a main clause + if-clause.

Group 2 discussed conditional sentence material. Conditional sentences are compound sentences that
have a condition about imagination, supposition, and something that has never happened. This
presupposition expressed may or may not materialize. Conditional sentences consist of independent
clauses and dependent clauses which usually start with the word 'if' or if. A sentence that consists of
both clauses can then be called a conditional sentence. However, there are some sentences that can be
started with 'when' or when. The form of a conditional sentence is an if-clause + main clause. if clause is
a clause that is part of the conditional. main clause is a sentence that contains the consequences of the
conditional presupposition at the beginning of the sentence. Besides that, the conditional sentence
formula can also be reversed into a main clause + if-clause.

Group 4 discusses complex sentence material. Complex sentences are sentence types consisting of one
independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Independent clause is a group of words that
contain a subject, verb, and usually other components to form a complete thought. The dependent
clause also contains a subject and a verb but does not yet express a complete thought.

Group 5 discusses gerund material, a gerund is a form of a verb that is added with the letter -ing and
functions as a noun or a verb object. The difference between a gerund and a present participle is that a
gerund is a kind of noun, but a present participle is a kind of adjective. has a moderate meaning.

Group 6 discussed infinitive material, Infinitives are basic verbs that have not changed form, either due
to changes in tenses or the addition of the ending -s/es/ies”. In several references, this verb is often
referred to as the first form of the verb abbreviated as "V1" For example: see (see); bear (hear); look
(see); go (go); to smoke, to read, to speak, etc.

After explaining the material, each group will later give a quiz to the audience and the audience is
required to work on the quiz.

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