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Commission: Unido

Name of the student: Ana Sofia Almanza

Country: People's Republic of China
Problematic: Inequality caused by the influence of the economic and technological
factor in developing countries and emerging bellicose situations

Honorable board members, delegates and observers, the delegation of people's republic
of china would like to express his posture about the inequality caused by the influence of
the economic and technological factor in developing countries and emerging bellicose

The Republic of China is one of the countries with highest income inequality in the
world. The strong economic growth of this country has been accompanied by a large
increase in the income gap. However, this trend is reversing since 2008, because the
population is adapting to technological changes, and this takes them to an economical
situation that is going to be better than the one they had before the technological
revolution. nevertheless they need seven generations to adquare a medium level income.

China is now having a lack of energy supplies in their factories, and this is a big worry
for the second biggest economy in the world.
Construction and manufacturing have recovered, but this requires a lot of energy that
comes from coal.
This brings a big problem to China because they don't have enough coal and they also
have to deal with carbon dioxide emissions.
This lack of energy has caused factories to cut down production and some homes to
experience sudden blackouts.

Some proposals have already been heard from the Government that could implement to
improve the distribution of wealth in the country. And they go through raising income
taxes on the wealthiest, giving tax credits to the lowest earners, and charging capital
gains on financial transactions, most of which are tax exempt.

Talking about the industries, China is fighting against the lack of energy, and is looking
for different solutions like the constructions of big reservoirs that bring water energy to
the country.

Finally, the delegation of people's Republic of China would like to make a call to all the
delegations present here, to take conscience about this economic and technology
situations that worries every day, and hopely find a solution to avoid the different
inequality problems.

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