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Ryan Paul D.


Soil Variability and Fertility Management

As a future agriculturist, soil management is very important in agriculture because it

maintain and enhance the productivity of crops, reduce the level of production risk, and
enhance soil capacity to buffer against degradation processes, protect the potential of natural
resources and prevent degradation of soil and water quality. The importance of soil
management is crucial as poor land management practices can cause considerable harm to the
soil’s ability to absorb rainfall. Continuous arable cropping of agricultural land results in a
reduction in soil organic matter and deterioration in the structure that helps to keep soil pores
and voids open. Reduced infiltration also results from soil becoming over-compacted by ill-
timed cultivation or harvesting.
Knowing soil variability and fertility management is very important, especially in
agricultural production and the sustainable use of soil. The amount and rate of water, oxygen,
and nutrient absorption by plants depend on the ability of the roots to absorb the soil solution
as well as the ability of the soil to supply it to the roots.

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