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3/3/23, 8:53 PM Women's attraction to men

what attracts women to men ?

There are many different factors that can attract women to men, and what each woman
finds attractive can vary depending on her personal preferences and values. However,
some common factors that women may find attractive in men include:

1. Confidence: Women often find confident men attractive, as it can be a sign of

emotional stability and assertiveness.
2. Sense of humor: A good sense of humor can be very attractive to women, as it can
show that a man is fun-loving and able to make light of situations.
3. Kindness and empathy: Many women value men who are compassionate, empathetic,
and kind towards others.
4. Intelligence: Intellectual curiosity and a passion for learning can be very attractive to
women who are looking for a partner who is intellectually stimulating.
5. Physical attraction: Physical attraction is also a factor for many women, and can include
factors like height, build, and facial features.

It's important to note that these are just some common factors that women may find
attractive, and every woman is different. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be
genuine, respectful, and true to oneself, as these qualities can be attractive to many
women. 1/1

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