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1. Which is NOT an input device?

a. keyboard

b. mouse

c. processor

d. scanner

e. motherboard

2. Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT are known as what?

a. processors

b. domain names

c. modems

d. operating systems

e. permanent memory

3. The computer monitor is which type of device.

a. output

b. input

c. processor

d. software

e. special unit

4. A keyboard is this kind of device.

a. black

b. input

c. output

d. word processing

e. special unit
5. If you want to move an icon on your desktop, this is called....

a. double clicking

b. dragging

c. highlighting

d. pointing

e. selecting

6. A blinking symbol on the screen that shows where the next character will appear.

a. delete key

b. arrow key

c. cursor

d. return key

e. print screen key

7. Which one is the device that is the "brain" of a computer system?

a. CPU


c. Mouse

d. Scanner

e. Keyboard
8. Which one is an OUTPUT device?

a. Joystick

b. Microphone

c. Monitor

d. Hard Disk

e. Camera

9. An example of an input device is:

a. speaker

b. mouse

c. monitor

d. printer

e. microphone

10. The computer screen is also called the:

a. viewer

b. TV

c. monitor

d. video output device

e. desktop
11. RAM stands for:

a. Really Accessable Memory

b. Real Access Memory

c. Random Available Mode

d. Random Access Memory

e. Random Accessable Memory

12. What is the CPU of a computer?

a. The Central Processing Unit

b. The Central Production Unit

c. The Centrifugal Processing Unit

d. The Central Processing Unilever

e. The Central Protection Unit

13. Software is:

a. a plush baby toy

b. a CD

c. soft silverware

d. a set of electronic information telling the computer what it is to do

e. a print out on paper

14. What is the default file extension name of MS PowerPoint 2010 program?

a. .dat d. .xlsx

b. .pptx e. .txt

c. .docx
15. The name of the each individual page in MS PowerPoint is called __________ .

a. paper d. slide

b. document e. text page

c. Presentation

16. What is the function of this icon?

a. Insert a picture from the Internet d. Link to separated objects

b. Link the pictures e. Connects to the internet

c. Insert a Hyperlink

17. By using ___Save as_________ command you can :

I - save your file with a different file name

II - change file type

III - select the place to save your file

a. Save d. Edit

b. Save as e. Paste

c. Copy

18. How can you copy a file or a folder by using keyboard?

firstly click file or forder icon and press ___CTRL +C________ and than press CTRL+V

a. CTRL + X d. ALT + C

b. CTRL +C e. ALT +X

c. ALT +V
19. Which one of the following is not a keyword in C++?

a. using namespace std;

b. int

c. variable

d. float

20. Which of the following statement in C++ will not display 3 on the screen?

a. cout<< "2+1";

b. cout<< 3*1;

c. cout<< "3";

d. cout<< 10/3;

21. Which of the following statement in C++ prints Hello everybody on the screen?

a. cout<<"Hello "<<endl;


b. cout<<"Hello ";


c. cout<<"Hello Everybody"<<endl;

d. cout<<"Hello";

22. What is the output of the following C++ program statements?

cout<< "It";

cout<< ' ';

cout<< "is" ;

cout<< "a computer"<<endl;

a. It is

a computer

b. It


a computer

c. It is a computer

d. It isa computer

23. What is the output of the following C++ program statements?

int age = 15;

cout<<"You are " << age << "years old"<< '.' <<endl;

a. You are 15 years old.

b. You are 15years old.

c. You are age years old.

d. You are ageyears old.

24. Which is not the way of saving a workbook?

a. <Ctrl+F5>

b. Click Save on the File menu.

c. Click the Save button on the Home Ribbon menu.

d. <Ctrl+S>

25. The most useful functions of a spreadsheet are

a. drawings and pictures

b. typing and printing

c. formulas and graphs

d. labels and envelopes

26. Which is not one of the main function of Excel?

a. making simple Database applications

b. making presentations

c. making calculations

d. typing text

27. ............... display the information about your current operations.

a. Formula bar

b. Title bar

c. Review Ribbon

d. Status bar
28. .................. gives the address of the active cell.

a. Formula Bar

b. Control Box

c. Status Bar

d. Name Box

29. In MS Excel, what is the basic element?

a. row

b. worksheet

c. workbook

d. cell

30. What is the extension name of the MS Excel files?

a. doc

b. Exe

c. .xls

d. exc

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