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Nama : Lutfi Fanani

NIM : 042681243
Matkul: Bahasa Inggris Niaga

A. Understanding Business Cycle really helps business people to operate his business
Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Agreed, because
The business cycle is certainly very influential on the periodic but irregular phases of rising
and falling economic output. Understanding the business cycle certainly helps us in predicting the
future direction of the economy, it is also important information in preparation for running a

The economy is related to every joint and sector of life. So do not be surprised if so many
factors both internal and external that affect its growth and development. However, when it comes
to economic growth, every country really wants a high level of economic growth and every business
wants to be successful in carrying out its activities. Where job opportunities are wide open so that
employment levels are high, commodity prices are stable, people's purchasing power is high, and
thus can affect a stable level of the economy.

But to make it happen is certainly easy to do. So it is very natural that the economy in every
country always fluctuates. So this is what then gives rise to the business cycle. The occurrence of
changes in conditions on an economic scale is caused by the level of employment, productivity, cost
of goods sold, and the demand for a supply of goods and services in a country. However, in the short
term, long term, a volatile economy can provide economic growth, because the authorities of a
country can have the opportunity to increase its potential output from time to time.

The time that occurs in the business cycle also varies, from the shortest of more than a year
to the longest of up to ten or twelve years. Although it fluctuates, this period cannot be predicted
with certainty. That is, the cycle is a series of repeated economic conditions, but the period that
occurs repeatedly cannot be predicted in the same time frame.


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