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Bài 1

Topic 1:

There are several resons why public libraries still have more advanteges than the Internet.
Citizens have more opportunities to make friends and exchange learning experiences with
each other when they are studying in library. People will find it difficult to have this
chance while they study in front of the computer. Take a graduation thesis writing, one of
the most academic objectives as an example. Students can study in more peaceful and
professional environments than study on the Internet. As an result, learing in public
library will make students have a good success in studying.

Topic 2:
There are several reassons why teamcher plan an important role in ecouragement to
develop intelligent of children. The truth is, it’s not every teacher can inspire students,
but their was trained to impart knowledge about subjects in imaginative way. Take
History, one of the most difficult subject to study, as an example. Some children love this
subject because their conscientious teachers taught them in middle school. As an result,
the assistance of teachers play an important role in children academic achievement.

Bài 2

Thera are several reasons why the Internet play an important role in communication with
other citizens. Firstly, the development of teachnology, especially the Internet make
communication with other can be done. Take phone calls as an example, people can make
a phone call though the screen in a jiffy. This makes them can strengthen their social
relationships. Secondly, Joining in social medias on the Internet make citizens can
communicate with a number of people around the world without having to go on a trip.
This make them expand their social replationships.

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