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(Afterwards, a scream is heard and the camera turns around, pointing towards

a tower, pouring lava out of its mouth and onto the ground. Townspeople are
staring at it in shock. The Camera turns back around pointing at the group who
are now staring at the build.)
Petra: Wow. That's certainly new. It somehow manages to evoke menacing
skulls AND tentacles...
Olivia: Whilst making it look like its “barfing lava.” Gross.

It’s awesome.

That is ugly

That thing is looks completely dangerous


It’s awesome.
Jesse: Wow, this is one epic build! With the lava?
Axel: Yeah! Yeah! And the evil skull?
Jesse and Axel: Awesome!
Olivia: I will never in a million years understand your taste.

That is ugly.
Jesse: Eesh! That is one hideous build. Talk about eyesores.
Olivia: Yeah. If beauty was in the eyes of the builder, he or she must have some
critical eye problems.

That thing looks completely dangerous.

Jesse: Augh, that thing looks completely dangerous!

Axel: Plus, it'll keep people warm at night.
Olivia: Whilst, setting people and their houses on fire.

(shouts from the tower) Ivor: NOT MY FAULT!

Citizen 1: Look out!
Citizen 2: Stay away from the lava!
(The group approach the construct and see Ivor standing above it.)
Ivor: Oh, stop your whining! What are your pathetic injuries in comparison to
my majestic tower?
Jesse: Ivor?
Petra: (sigh) Of course.
Ivor: Jesse, you're back! Don't listen to a word these idiots tell you.
Citizen 1: It's a fire hazard!
Ivor: And your face is an UGLY hazard, so I suppose we’re even.
What is this?

Causing trouble?

This is really cool.


What is this?
Jesse: So, what's this weird structure?
Ivor: This beautiful building is my new house. And additionally, um... my
present to the community. If anyone's short on lava, this is the place to get
(The crowd boos)

Causing trouble?
Jesse: Causing trouble, Ivor?
Ivor: Not at all! Just a little spirited debate with the local community. Brain
function seems to be extremely difficult for them.
Citizen 1: You need to remove this, now!

This is really cool.

Jesse: Ivor... this is really cool!
Ivor: Why thank you, Jesse! It’s so good to finally see someone with some

(Everyone stay slient)

Ivor: Jesse, all I wanted was what any man wants. A little residence of my
own... with loads of lava pouring off it.
Petra: Ivor, I know you mean well... but your "house" wants to kill people.
Axel: Dude, you made a killer house!
Citizen 1: precisely! "KILLER."
(angry) Ivor: Shut. Your. Mouth. Karen.
(angry) Citizen 1: Karen? Me?
Ivor: Do you need me to spell it out for you? K-A-R-E-N!
Jesse: Guys stop!
(Everyone stays silent for a second)
Citizen: Well? We have to tear it down! We can't let that monstrosity stand!
(Ivor jumps down from the house and runs to Jesse.)
Ivor: It's my house, Jesse. I have the right to build something as do all these
people, don't I? They’re just jealous that I’ve got vision, whilst they've got...
they have got... "Community planning." Blech!
Petra: Jesse?
Ivor: Jesse, you’re practically the mayor, can’t you help me out? That’s what
mayors do, right?
(nudges Jesse) Petra: See, I told you. Everyone thinks you’re the mayor.
Tear it down.

Leave it alone.

Tear it down.
Jesse: I’m sorry, Ivor, but your “house” too much of a hazard to the
(The crowd cheers and start tearing down Ivor’s house.) (A message pops up
saying, “Ivor will remember that.”)
Olivia: Good call.
Ivor: BAH! This day you will rue to till your death, Jesse!
Leave it alone.
Jesse: You can see that Ivor obviously put a lot of work into his new house and
we should show it the same respect that we would show a house not...
dripping with lava. Leave it. I'm sure we can find a way to work around it,
(The crowd boos.) (A message pops up saying, “Ivor will remember that.”)
Ivor: Long live my lava house! Long live lava! Thanks, Jesse!
(The crowd start to walk away)
(To crowd) Ivor: That's right. Keep walking. Keeeeeep walking!
Petra: Always nice to see a gracious winner.
Ivor: Ha ha. So what can I do for you, Jesse? Haven't seen you around in a
Jesse: Whilst walking back here, a chunk of land exploded, revealing a ravine.
Down there, there was a mysterious portal made out of…
Ivor: Oh what? You did?! Ha, ha, ha! Yes, great to see you again! Let's do lunch.
I'll bring the apples! (Whispers) There's no telling who's listening! Meet me in
the Order Hall in exactly 10 minutes.
(Ivor strides away. Petra pats Jesse's shoulder.)
This only plays if the play clicked, “Tear it down.”
Olivia: Well, if we are going to tear this down, we better begin getting some
buckets to scoop up all the lava. You got any iron?
Axel: Oh, man. No, I’m all out.
Olivia: Okay, we better go mine some more. (To Jesse) we'll catch up with you
Axel: Yeah, once we give this majestic house the funeral it deserves.
This only plays if the play clicked, “Leave it alone.”
Olivia: well, if we are going to keep that thing up, we should at least encase the
lava in some glass to make it safer.
Axel: but, like, not too safe!
Olivia: Come on. Help me collect some sand and you can ensure that after we
make it into glass, it’s the "right amount" of safe.
Axel: okay!
Olivia: (To Jesse) we'll catch up with you later.
Axel: Yeah, once we make sure this art receives the respect it deserves.

Jesse: Come on, let’s go and find Ivor.

Petra: Later, guys! (She waves).
(Cuts to the Order Hall. Jesse, Reuben and Petra make their way through the
treasure room, checking out the objects on the pedestals. The pedestals have
loads of different artefacts such as: The Wither Storm’s Nether Star, Enchanted
Golden Apple, King Orange’s ultimate command block and more.)
Petra: Wow, this place is really shaping up. Especially with all of our new
(Lukas is waiting at the top of the stairs.)
Petra: Whoa! Lukas! Hi!
Lukas: Oh! Hey, guys! You have some pretty cool stuff in here.
Petra: Heh. Yeah, no doubt!
(Reuben smiles at Lukas and oinks)
Jesse: Hey, Lukas! Great to see you.
Lukas: It's been a while. I really missed you guys.
Petra: We missed you, too.
Lukas: So what brings you guys in here?
Jesse: We’re waiting for…
(Ivor suddenly appears. Reuben jumps in fear as Ivor scares the group.)
Ivor: You found it!
Lukas: Woah!
Jesse: Dude! What's wrong with you?!
Ivor: If what you were saying was true, this is the greatest find of our time! You
have discovered the Farland Terminal!
What is it?

What does it do?

Why is it there?


What is it?
Jesse: And that is?
Ivor: The Farland Terminal is believed to be portal to a world that seems to like
to bend the “rules”.

What does it do?

Jesse: It’s a terminal, so what does it do?
Ivor: It acts as a manifestation gateway for a world that likes to bend the
“rules”. If the portal is used the wrong way, the manifestation begins. The
terminal’s world would start pouring its ideas into our reality. Which would be
very bad.
Why is it there?
Jesse: Why was it there?
Ivor: No one knows.

Ivor: The Farland Terminal is believed to be portal to a world that seems to like
to bend the “rules”.
Ivor: For hundreds of years, no one has ever found the Farland Terminal, until
the destruction of the Wither Storm, six months ago.
(Shows scenes from the last episode whilst Ivor talks)
Ivor: When the Command Block was destroyed, the Wither Storm fell into a
large ravine. Someone tried really hard to cover it up. That ravine happened to
be the home of the Farland Terminal.
(Cuts back to the group)
Petra: Who covered it up?
Ivor: That I don’t know, but now the portal is no longer covered up, it can
spread its corrupt and evil influence.
Jesse: How powerful is this Farland Terminal, Ivor?
(subtle) Ivor: Powerful enough to encase this whole world in a never-ending
Petra: So how do we stop it?
Ivor: We’d have to find someone who would know where the portal’s key is.
Plus after we find the portal lock, the portal will be useless, which means we
can mine the riches used to make the portal! And if we take those, we could
create armour and weapons of great power.

This sounds way too dangerous.

Where is the portal key?

(excited) Jesse: Did you say riches?
Ivor: Ancient riches. If we can get our hands on them, they will be capable of
tremendous power!
(Jesse smiles)
This sounds way too dangerous.
Jesse: This sounds way too dangerous, even for you, Ivor. I mean we’ve fought
witherstorms, piglins and necromancers, but… this sounds really freaky.
Ivor: Actually, I never thought the Farland Terminal would be discovered… well
not on our lifetime at least.
Where is the portal key?
Jesse: Wait? How would we find the key? We can’t just go around asking
people if they know where a portal’s key would be, it could be anywhere!

(Jesse stays silent, so those everyone else)

Ivor: I happen to have a contact who may know where to find our portal key.
Jesse: And where are they?
Ivor: He is normally nearby the Admainian Border, in the Lavalands.
Jesse: Then we need to find this portal key!
Petra: Rare loot, “Portal keys,” ancient mysteries... you know I’m in.
Ivor: excellent! I’ll pack my adventuring things, immediately!
(Ivor starts to run off)
Petra: Wait... HE’S coming?
Lukas: Okay. It sounds like you guys have a lot to do. I guess I’ll take off-
(cuts him off) Petra: Nope, you're coming with. I need a buffer among me and
(Lukas smiles)
Jesse: Let's get moving.
(The group and Reuben leave the Order Hall.)
(Cuts to outside the town gates. The group is there. Jesse is explaining to
Reuben why he shouldn’t come on the mission.)
Jesse: Reuben, you remember what happened on our last major adventure?
You fell out of Entity 303’s tower and nearly died. You should stay here.
(Reuben grunts and then nods his head and walks back into the town. The
others start to walk down the path. Ivor runs ahead and stop when he sees the
sign Jesse placed down, above the Heckmouth)
(reading the sign) Ivor: (Depends on your choice): “WARNING: HECKMOUTH?”
(The others caught up with him)
It’s straight to the point.

Will anyone listen to it?
It’s for safety.


It’s straight to the point.

Jesse: It’s straight to the point, don’t go this area of land.
Ivor: Hmm, yes. This sign won’t protect everyone from the Farland Terminal for
long if we don’t find the portal key.

Will anyone listen to it?

Jesse: Do you think anyone will listen to it?
(depends on the players sign choice) Ivor: “Not if you call it a ‘heck-mouth’”

It’s for safety.

Jesse: It’ll help protect everyone from the area.
Ivor: Hmm, yes. This sign won’t protect everyone from the Farland Terminal for
long if we don’t find the portal lock.

(Jesse stays silent)
Ivor: This sign won’t protect everyone from the Farland Terminal for long if we
don’t find the portal lock.

(Everyone continues to walk down the path)

(The chapter ends here and the screen goes black)

Chapter 3 – ACHIEVEMENT: The New Trail Unfolds.

(The chapter starts outside the Kingdom of Admainia, the group is walking on
the path which is being towered over by spruce trees. Ivor is walking a bit in
Ivor: this is so thrilling! Ha ha ha! Adventure!
Petra: Lukas, I know it's daytime. But watch our backs, ok? (Whispers) I can’t
believe we’re bringing Ivor with us. I mean, it is nice that he's so excited? But,
ugh. Not my top choice for “adventuring partner.”

Why are you so hard on him?


He makes me laugh.

He’s quite smart.


Why are you so hard on him?

Jesse: What’s up, he's not so bad. Why exactly have you been being so hard on
him lately?
Petra: Remember when he gave me the tip on finding that crystal cave?
(Jesse nods)
Petra: Well, all the tips before that were a total bust and I was this close to
succeeding on one adventure and then POW! Entity 303 came and messed it
up. We all nearly died. I just really hope Ivor isn’t setting us up for another fail.
I just don’t like losing… especially when it comes to treasure.
He makes me laugh.
Jesse: He’s super funny and he makes me laugh.
Petra: I guess.

He’s quiet smart.

Jesse: You can't argue that on the subject of all this ancient history and
treasure... Ivor knows a lot.
Petra: Sure, but so does Nlock. (whispers) Ivor’s old but Nlock older, he would
know more about ancient history and magic more than Ivor.

(Jesse stays silent)
(excited) Ivor: These trees are enormous! I love it so much!
Petra: He simply just gets on my nerves, sometimes.
(Ivor runs up to the entrance of Admainia.)
Ivor: We are close! The Lavalands are just ahead.
(The group continue to walk)
Jesse: I never been to the Lavalands before. What’s it like?
Ivor: It’s like the Nether just not in the Nether.
(Jesse’s eyes widen)
(The next shot is a view of the entire Lavalands. In the next you can see people
mining, talking and moving stuff)
(The group are now walking into the Lavalands, Jesse, Petra and Lukas are
looking around the area, they see some of the miners staring at them. The
group are coming up to the train tracks that run through the mines, when a
steam train zooms in front of them, they then walk over the tracks and see
Ivor’s contact: Waltlix, ordering miners about)
Waltlix: Go deeper in them mines! The deeper you go the better riches you
get! Diamonds, Emeralds, heck! We’re in the Lavalands, ain’t we? You may
even netherite underneath this place.
(The group walk over the tracks as Waltlix’s miners go walk into the mines)
Ivor: Waltlix!
(sees Ivor) Waltlix: Ivor. Long time, know see. I see you’ve brought friends.
Ivor: Yes. We came here because you know where the Farland Terminal’s
portal key is.
Waltlix: The portal key is useless without the Terminal, which we don’t know
where it is.
Jesse: Actually, we do. We discovered it was underneath our town.
Waltlix: And you want me to tell you where the portal key is?
Jesse: Uh, yes.
Waltlix: My mind gets weaker in my old age, the last I remember the key is
linked to the villages of Grianvile and Vitality Village and their conflict with the
Kraken cult… and themselves.
Ivor: The Kraken cult?
Waltlix: “The Terminal was the key.” – That’s what they always yapped on.
That’s all I can tell you.
Kraken cult?

So where do we go?

Why did they battle with themselves?


Kraken cult?
Jesse: Who are the Kraken cult?
Ivor: The Kraken cult is a race of warlords that live underwater. They are the
same species that King Orange of the Piglin Kingdom belongs to.

So where do we go?
Jesse: Where do we go now?
Ivor: The villages of Grianvile and Vitality Village, where the portal key is
apparently located at.
(Waltlix nods his head)
Why did they battle with themselves?

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