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Goldcraft: Admin-Attack - Episode 2: Code Name: #VAR!

(Says line as previously scene shows) JESSE: Previously on Goldcraft:

(shows scenes from the last episode) NLOCK: There’s loads of Administrators in
the world but you don’t want to encounter the most dangerous one, the most
evil… Entiey 303! Will the Entity’s eclipse enclose the land in a never-ending
night or will peace and prosperity continue to reign in Viron? Well I don’t know
I haven’t read Episode 3 or 4’s script.
(Screen goes black after Nlock’s speech)


(Cuts to Jesse, Axel, Reuben and Nlock are currently falling through the red
Nether sky)
(after 10 seconds the actor for Axel says his line)
Axel: How long have we been falling for?
I have no idea.

Why are you asking me?
It feels like forever


I have no idea.
Jesse: I don’t know, Axel.
NLOCK: It’s probably been two minutes, but it feels like it’s been a lifetime.
Why are you asking me?
(frustrated) Jesse: Why are you asking me, I don’t know?
Axel: Sorry, I just asked.
It feels like forever
Jesse: It feel like we’ve been falling for years.
Nlock: Agreed.

(No says anything for 10 seconds)
(After the 10 seconds) Axel: Uh, these are one of those moments when you ask
a question and no one answers.
Nlock: I hate those moments
(Reuben squeal sadly)
Jesse: It’s all gonna be ok, Reuben.
(surprised) Nlock: Really?
Jesse: Shh!
Nlock: (sighs) when we land we are going to die, because I can’t stop it due to
my powers getting disabled.
(As the camera cuts to Jesse’s perspective, the Nether Farlands then become
visible to Jesse/the player)
JESSE: What the heck?
Nlock: What do you see, Jesse?
Jesse: A world full of obsidian and fire… and a pool of water!
NLOCK: If you can see the water, aim for it!
(After the conversation ends, the player will control and drive Jesse using
WASD to make him/her land in the pool of water, If the player fails, Jesse dies
and the “You died” screen will show and when ‘Click to Continue’ the player
will have to try again)
(When Jesse land in the water, the camera come out of his/her perspective.
After Jesse, Axel, Nlock and Reuben then fall in the water. They then walk out
of the pool)
(For the entire chapter, when Entity 303 speaks you can only hear him and not
see him)
(You can only hear him) ENTIEY 303: Oh, you didn’t die, well done!

What do you want from us?


Take us home!

What are your plans?


What do you want from us?
Jesse: What do you want from us?
Entity 303: If I told you that I’d spoil the surprise.

Take us home!
Jesse: Get us out of here!
Entity 303: Uh, nope.
What are your plans?
Jesse: What are your plans?
Entity 303: I’m not telling you.

Entity 303: Since you made it down alive, let’s play a game, shall we? Welcome
to Escape the Admin Maze. The objective is to survive this harsh environment.
If you stop for a rest, the game gets harder and remember… make a wish. Go!

(The player must press the up arrow to start running. If you the player fails to
do so after 4 seconds, lightning strikes Jesse and he/she dies)
(Jesse, Axel, Nlock and Reuben starts running)
(Music – Escape the Admin Maze (102 Intro) (Taken from Goldcraft
The player can now control Jesse using WASD to avoid the obstacles and
hostile mobs. In the run, if any mobs get in Jesse’s way, the player can press E
to kill them, if they fail to do so the mobs kill them somehow)
(after 10 seconds of running) ENTIEY 303: Begin #VAR Protocol!
(after Entity 303’s line) AXEL: Nlock, use your powers!
NLOCK: Their still blocked!
(Three Purple Golems come out of the ground, while the gang are running)
Purple Golem: (groans)
JESSE: What the…?
(The player must press the down arrow do slide between the golem’s legs. Axel
and Nlock did the same with the other golems. Reuben just ran through the
gaps of their blockade)
Nlock: Keep going!
(In the corner, Jesse and the Camera can see the Advanced Nether Fortress)
(The Gang have to turn a corner due to dead end. The Camera, Jesse and
Reuben then see Ivor, Petra, Lukas and Olivia trapped in their own cramped
obsidian boxes. Meanwhile, in the backround, Axel and Nlock are fighting more
purple golems)
(When he/she sees them in the boxes) JESSE: Ivor? Lukas, Petra, Olivia?!
(Reuben squeals happily)
(glad) PETRA: Jesse, I am so happy to see you.
IVOR: Jesse, can you please get us out of these smelly boxes?
Olivia: We’ve been here for days!
(talking to Olivia) Lukas: Well, Olivia, you have. The rest of us have only been
here a couple of hours.
Ivor: Jesse, how did you get down here?
It’s a long story

I was teleported down here

How did YOU get down here?


It’s a long story

JESSE: It’s a long story, I’ll tell you later. Getting you guys out is what’s
important now.
I was teleported down here
JESSE: I was teleported down here by that guy wearing the white hood
Ivor: I thought his powers weren’t actually real
Jesse: Well they are.
How did YOU get down here?
Jesse: Not how I got down here, How did YOU guys get down here?
Camera facing Olivia: I was taken from Redstonia
Camera facing Lukas: I was teleported from Enderbuild
Camera facing Petra: I was taken from cave with the amethyst Crystal
Camera facing Ivor: I was taken from my lab
(The Camera then faces Jesse for his/her line)
JESSE: You were all taken from somewhere and brought here? But why all of

(A zombie spawns in behind Jesse, ready to attack him/her. Jesse then turns
around when he hears to zombie groaning)
Press E to kill the zombie (If you don’t you die)
(Ivor, Olivia, Lukas and Petra then see Axel and Nlock fighting the golems)
Ivor: Is that the Master Admin? (Pointing at Nlock)
(He/She turns aronds to see the fight) JESSE: Uh, yeah
(excited) Ivor: The most powerful Admin in the world is standing right out
there, oh I need to know everything.
(In the backround, Nlock and Axel defeated the golems)
(calls Jesse over) NLOCK: Jesse, you might want to take a look at this
(Talking to the gang in the boxes) Jesse: Guys, I’ll be back in a sec, ok?
(After Jesse says his/her line, he/she runs to Nlock to find out what’s going on.
Jesse turns the corner and then the camera and Jesse then see Nlock looking at
the Nether Farlands)
What the heck?

I don’t get it

Where are we?


What the heck?

JESSE: What the heck is that?
NLOCK: We’re in The Nether. But we’re at the corner of the Piglin Kingdom.
Jesse, welcome to the Nether Farlands.

I don’t get it
Jesse: Uh, Nlock, what are we looking at?
Nlock: We are at the furthest place anyone can go to in the Nether. We’re at
the corner of the Piglin Kingdom. Jesse, welcome to the Nether Farlands.

Where are we?

(sounds curious and confused) Jesse: Nlock? Where are we?
Nlock: Welcome to Nether Farlands, Jesse.

(Jesse says nothing for 5 seconds)
Nlock: Jesse, welcome to the Nether Farlands.
Jesse: Wow, this place looks freaky.
Nlock: This is the most dangerous place in the Nether.
Jesse: Nlock, My friends are in the trouble, do you have a pickaxe on you?
Nlock: I don’t normally but, I have one today.
(Nlock passes Jesse a diamond pickaxe)
Jesse: Thanks.
NLOCK: You’re welcome. I’ll go and explore the Farlands. You, save your
(Music Ended. Jesse runs of. He/she turns the corner and the camera then
shows Axel, Reuben and the others talking)
Jesse: I got a pickaxe!
Ivor: Great, now get us out already!
ENTIEY 303: REBOOTING #VAR! Drone Sequencing Activated!
Lukas: What’s happening?
ENTIEY 303: Termination sequence: deactivated.
Olivia: Jesse, come on!
Jesse: sorry, I’m coming.
(Jesse runs to the boxes. Afterwards, the player must spam Q to destroy the
boxes. The episode doesn’t continue if the player doesn’t mine out the gang
with the pickaxe)
(The of the dialog continues after the gang are out of the boxes)
Ivor: Thanks, Jesse.
(The diamond pickaxe breaks and then disappears from Jesse’s hand. When
Entity 303 speaks everyone looks up to the sky)
Entity 303: Well done. You have survived level 1, now try to make a wish as you
wait for the next level.
(After Entity 303’s line the gang stop looking up)
Lukas: We gotta to find a way out of here.
I like it here.

A new level will be starting soon, we need to be quick.

This place is annoying me already.


I like it here.
Jesse: I actually like this place, it’s pretty cool.
(Nlock shouts all the way from the Nether Farlands)
(echoed) Nlock: Well I don’t!
(Jesse’s perspective Jesse turns around and looks at the Farlands. Jesse and the
camera then see Nlock waving at the group from the Farland’s mountains.
After 5 seconds Jesse and the camera turn back around)
A new level will be starting soon, we need to be quick.
Jesse: Entity said a new level will be starting soon. We need to leave the
Nether before the beginning of that level.

This place is annoying me already.

Jesse: This place is annoying me already, all this lava and fire.
Ivor: Agreed.

(No one says anything for 7 seconds)
Ivor: I suggest we start looking around for our escape.
Jesse: Yeah, everyone try not to get lost.
(End of chapter)


(The player now has the opportunity to walk around and explore using WASD
and left click on the mouse)
JESSE: We need to find a way out of here
Talk to Petra

Talk to Axel’s group (Axel, Olivia and Reuben)

Look at Wall

Talk to Ivor

Talk to Lukas
Go to Temple of Madness

Talk to Petra
Jesse: Hey, Petra, did you actually mine the crystal before Entity 303 took you
Petra: Unfortunately, No. I just wouldn’t stop admiring how cool it looked.

Talk to Axel’s group (Axel, Olivia and Reuben)

Jesse: Hey, guys.
Axel: Jesse, Olivia asked me if I rather fought the Ender Dragon or a Wither,
what do you think?
Stop joking around

Ender Dragon



(If the player runs out time, the game chooses the “…” option)
Stop joking around.
Jesse: Guys, we shouldn’t be joking around now, level two could start any
minute now.
Axel: Oh come on, Jesse
Olivia: Yeah, we gotta at least try and keep our spirits up.

Ender Dragon.
Jesse: Ender Dragon, definitely. That wither back home was first and last time I
ever want to see a Wither.
Olivia: Wow, you guys saw a Wither?
Jesse: Yeah, it had tentacles and a funny block in its middle.
Olivia: Wow.

Jesse: A wither, but I want to fight that wither Entity 303 made back home.
Olivia: He unleashed a wither?
Jesse: Yeah, he spawned it on this huge crowd of people.

(Jesse says nothing)
(After 5 seconds, Jesse walks off)
(The End of the “Talk to Axel’s group (Axel, Olivia and Reuben)” option)
Look at Wall
(Jesse looks up at the clean netherrack wall)
Jesse: This wall looks different to the others, there must be something behind
it. Too bad that diamond pickaxe broke.

Talk to Ivor
(Ivor is facing the other way looking at the mountains)
Jesse: Hey, Ivor.
(Ivor then turns around to face Jesse)
Ivor: This place is like being inside a furnace, but those mountains are
Jesse: Talking of those mountains, do you see a way out near the mountains?
Ivor: No, I’ll keep looking.
(Ivor turns back around)
Talk to Lukas
Jesse: Have you found an exit, Lukas?
Lukas: No, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.
(Jesse wide his/her eyes)
Lukas: While Petra, Ivor and Olivia were asleep in their boxes, I saw Entity 303
talking to some guy with red markings all over him. They were talking about
three towers, one was named the V, another was named the A and the last
was called the R.
Jesse: Wow, that was informative, how did Entity 303 not
Go to the Advanced Nether Fortress
(Cuts to inside the Fortress. The room is dark. Jesse is seen walking into the
building and then he/she looks around)
JESSE: Dark, dark, very dark in here
(The lights turn on. Jesse looks up to the platform at the top of the stairs.
He/she sees an ardoni standing on the platform with an iron sword in his left
hand. The ardoni is Tygren Voltaris)
(The Camera zooms in to him as he speaks) Tygren: Ah, another foolish person
entering the fortress. Who are you?
I’m Jesse

No one

Who are you?


I’m Jesse
(Camera faces Jesse again) JESSE: The name’s Jesse, what’s it to you?
(Camera faces Tygren) Tygren: I’m guessing you’re from Viron. You look like all
the other Vironic idiots I have seen.
No one
(Camera faces) Jesse: I have no name!
(Camera faces) Tygren: and you except me to believe that?!

Who are you?

Jesse: Who are you?
Tygren: I asked first.
Tygren: I, am Tygren Voltaris.
Jesse: You’re an ardoni!
Tygren: Did it take you that long to notice? (sighs)
Tygren: Necromancers!
(From behind the pillars, Dream and Vicious Encounter come out)
(The camera turn to faces Jesse as he/she widens her/his eyes)
(The Camera swiftly turns back to the Necromancers. Feramax and the Mother
Guardian jump down from the roof)
(The Necromancers all look at Jesse)
Jesse: What’s happening?
Tygren: Don’t you see what’s about to happen? The necromancers will attack
you, on my command.
(The Mother Guardian uses her laser to knock the pillar nearest the door,
down, blocking the entrance. Jesse looks back at the entrance)
Tygren: Dream!

PETRA: What happening?

Reuben: Makes Scared pig sounds

The King of the Necromancers: Duh Duh, Duh Duh! (SPEAKS KRAKEN)

What did he say?

Duh Duh, Duh Duh, to you too


What's happening?



What did he say?

JESSE: What did he say?

Duh Duh, Duh Duh, to you too

JESSE: Duh Duh, Duh Duh, to you too

NLOCK: He’s speaking the Ancient language of Kraken, Let me talk to him, Vul
Duh, Orh Fa (What do you want?) (looking at the king)
King of the Necromancers: Tragur, Ga Jhat von (Revenge, on that one)
(Pointing at Jesse) M recon York, yorks Nlock, ehe Arch Necromancer of Tivl,
vhy ara York hopping ehe Entiey’s news tragorts? (I recognise you, you’re
Nlock, The Arch Necromancer of Evil, why are you helping the Entiey’s new
Nlock: M Naon Entiey 303, bedsides tags grameode necromancer potata gant
Har von steel. (I hate Entiey 303, besides, a real necromancer wouldn’t work
for that idiot)
King of the Necromancers: M ta no woking fork bim, M ta woking wick bim. (I
am not working for him, I am working with him)
NLOCK: I think it our cue to run away, run away! (NLOCK RUNS)

CHAPTER 3 – ACHEVEIMENT: The tunnel at the start of the game

(Everyone Else runs)

Walk to the Farlands
NLOCK: Are you going in the Farlands?
JESSE: Yes, come on Reuben!
(Music – Cell Block X (Taken from Goldcraft Soundtracks)
HACKSAW: Hello, Jesse


What do you want?

Go away

What do you want?

JESSE: What do you want, Hacksaw
Go away
JESSE: Go away, Hacksaw
HACKSAW: I just came down here to see, how you are doing
(Teleporting Sounds)
JESSE: How did you?
HACKSAW: Get one of The Admin’s gauntlet? Ha, you have a lot to learn
(Teleporting Sounds)
JESSE: Argh!
JESSE: This place is so creepy

Look at Enderman head


Look at Hoglin
Look at Enderman Head
JESSE: There’s even mobs heads, not so creepy
Reuben: Oink
JESSE: Ah, Hoglin!
Press E to mine the crimson fungus
JESSE: There you go

Look at Hoglin
JESSE: Ah, Hoglin!
Press E to mine the crimsion fungus
JESSE: There you go
JESSE: There’s even mobs heads, not so creepy
Reuben: Oink
(Music Ended)

Look at Terminal
JESSE: This looks like something that would be in the Terminal Zone

Look at PAMA
JESSE: Wow, PAMA’s back

Olivia: I keep looking at that Terminal, and I think there might be something
behind that iron door
Press E to mine the iron door
ENTIEY 303: Rebooting #VAR!
JESSE: Argh!
Olivia: What’s that?
(Left click to pick up the enchanting book)
NLOCK: I’m sorry to crash the party but we have an iron golem that is trying to
kill us.
ENTIEY 303 Golem: It’s time to die, you lot have cheated too many times, so
now it’s time to die, Muhahahaha!
Press E to dodge the fire balls
(If you didn’t)
Click to Continue
IVOR: Jesse, he has a week spot on his back

CHAPTER 5: ACHEVEIMENT: A place near home

JESSE: On it!
Lukas: Endermen!
Press E to jump
PRESS Q to stab the week spot
ENTIEY 303 Golem: No!!!
(Endermen teleported away)
ENTIEY 303: You might have won this battle but haven’t won the war!
PETRA: Let’s get home before anything else happens
OLIVIA: Agreed
AXEL: So how do we get home?
JESSE: Nlock, if we are in the nether, why isn’t this a normal portal
NLOCK: It’s called The Nether Terminal, it can take you anywhere as long as
you have book with the coordinates of the location we want to go
(Right click to place down the book)
NLOCK: Let’s go home

(screen goes black. Portal Sounds. They are now in a forest as )

JESSE: Where are we?
IVOR: We seem to be in a forest
LUKAS: Ow, that really hurt
AXEL: Ah!!
LUKAS: That’s my body again, Axel
AXEL: Oh, I’m sorry
Petra: We are alive! We are alive!
NLOCK: I know exactly where we are, Muhahahaha!
(Cuts to the Temple of Madness. Tygren lies at the bottom of the staircase of
the temple entrance and the other necromancers are all knocked out on the
floor of the maze)
(angry) ENTIEY 303: Tygren!
(He get of the stairs nervously) Tygren: Oh, Entity 303.
(angry) ENTIEY 303: You were supposed to kill Jesse, Tygren! And what happen
to the other Necromancers? And King Orange!
Tygren: I know who the Chosen One is, and you need to destroy the town Jesse
ENTIEY 303: Hmm, the Entity’s Eclipse… part 2!
(screen goes black)
To be continued
Episode 7: Code Name: #VAR!
(screen is black)
JESSE: Next Time on Goldcraft Admin-attack
NLOCK: Entiey 303 and The Aggressium have started up an ultimate takeover,
will Jesse’s gang save the world before it’s too late because a world war has
begun, you and the gang vs. the Aggressium Order.
(In the backround) ENTIEY 303: (evil laugh)

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