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i) You are required to form a group four to five students for each group (one leader and
three or four members) and register in the forum platform in the portal JKP417E/513E
Southeast Asian Politics

ii) Choose the topic of assignment below this instruction.

ii) Write an assignment in the form of 6000 word essay.

iii) You may write the essay in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
iv) The deadline of submission of your essay in hard copy to PPPJJ’s office on 21/3/
2022(last day intensive) for bar code scanning.
vi) You are required to follow the guidelines below when doing your research and in
writing the paper;
a. Define concepts clearly.
b. Concentrate on the key issues related to the essay topic.
c. Provide evidence to back up your position, bibliography and footnotes.
d. Provide examples, case studies and relevant diagrams and maps, etc.
Basically the essay covers such as 1) Introduction 2) findings and discussion 3)
Conclusions and recommendation
vii) Each group required to present their assignment in intensive week (depends on
Covid-19 situation).
viii) Guideline for presentation;
a) Format of presentation- Forum, debate, acting, lecture, etc.
b) During the presentation- 1) Introducing the audience to the topic, 2) Introduce group
and contribution of each members.
c) Time Management- Every group has 10 minutes (presentation, question and
d) Assessment; 1) Creativity of Presentation (2%), Content (6%) and cooperation (2%)
overall 10 marks for presentation.
e) You are required to submit one hard copy of slide power point to my office on the
second day of intensive week (Room 160) or email soft copy to
Note: Overall 20 Marks for assignment.
1)      Describe briefly the traditional communities in Southeast
Asian before the era of colonialism regarding; a) Political Culture,
b) Power and authority, c) Political and social structures, d)
Political leadership, e) Political recruitment.(PO1 C2)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

2)      Analyse the effect of colonialism in South East Asian Countries.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

3)      Explain the emerging of nationalism in South East Asian Countries.(PO1 C2)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

4)      Most countries in South East Asian experience crisis of political development in
their post-colonialism era. With reference to any country in South East Asian, describe
briefly their experience in managing political crisis related to; a) The development of
nationalism, b) Legitimate government, c) development of the administrative machinery,
d) The distribution of wealth and service, e) provision of opportunities for political
participation.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

5)      Choose one country in South East Asian and describe; a)

Legislative, b)voters, c) Political Party d) Bureaucracy e) Cabinet.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

6)      Compare the role of military in the political system in South East Asian with
reference to any two or more countries.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

7)      Analyse the patterns of development of nationalism in South East Asian

Countries.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)
8)      Analyse the separatist movement in South East Asian Countries.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

9)      Compare the Indonesian political system during the regimes of Sukarno and
Suharto.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

10)  Analyse People’s Action Party (PAP) and Lee Kuan Yew leadership in Singapore.
(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

11)  Explain why Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted from his office in September 2006?
(PO1 C2)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

12)  Describe the “Guide democracy” or “Democracy Terpimpin” regime that was
introduced by President Sukarno in 1958-1965 and why Guided democracy failed?(PO3
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

13)  Analyse the Presidency of Suharto from 1990 to 1998.(PO3 CO4)

Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

14)  Demonstrate the successes and failures of Orde Baru Regime (1970-1998) of
Indonesia. (PO3 C4)

Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)

Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

15)  With reference to Indonesia discuss what is meant by “Dwi-Fungsi”. Analyse why
“Dwi- Fungsi” change since 1998?(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

16)  Discuss why political observers of Philippines politics say that the election for the
Senate and the House of Representative is dominated by the prominent families of land
owning class.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4marks)

17)  Discuss the factor has led to the protest movements and political instability in
contemporary Philippines.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

18)  Discuss why political parties of Thailand appear to be ineffective in controlling

governments.(PO3 C4)
Answer scheme: Introduction (4 marks)
Findings and discussion(12 marks)
Conclusions and suggestion (4 marks)

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