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(wonderful hummingbird)


•It has four feathers that come from the back of its small body, and two of these feathers end
in two black and metallic blue rackets.

• Due to its attractiveness, it is known as "the most beautiful hummingbird in the world", but
its real name is marvelous hummingbird or spatula-tailed hummingbird.

• It has an iridescent color, that is, it changes metallic colors depending on the angle in which
you look at it.

Habitat: It is endemic to the Amazonas region, northeast of Peru.

Most hummingbirds live in wooded and wooded areas where there are many flowers, as well
as in grasslands and meadows.

Diet: Hummingbirds feed mainly on large amounts of nectar, some consuming half their weight
in food.

Curiosities: They mainly eat sugar but also get protein from small insects.

•A hummingbird has the largest brain in the bird world in proportion to its body size.

•The hummingbird goes to the flowers to get its nectar, but when it gets it on its forehead, the
pollen sticks, which it leaves on other flowers when it is going to consume the nectar.

•The main threat to the Spoontail-tailed Hummingbird was the loss of its habitat due to

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