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Unit 2

The Childbearing and

Childrearing family

Silbert-Flagg, J & Pilitteri, A. Maternal and Child Health Nursing,
Philadelphia. Wolters Kluwer. (8th edition) Pp: 140-175

Family is defined as individuals joined together by

marriage, blood or adoption or residence in the
same household. (US Census Bureau)

Family is defined as two or more persons who are

joined together by bonds of sharing and
emotional closeness and who identify
themselves as being part of a family. (Friedman,
Types of Families
Nuclear family A family comprising the husband, wife and children.

Traditional Husband is working and the earning member while the wife
family takes care of children and household activities.

Dual-career / A two parent family with both parents working. This is a

dual-earner norm in modern society because of financial
family necessities. Because both parents are working, child
care, household chores and spending time with other
family members are challenges faced by these families.

Extended A family that includes other family members such as

(multigenerat grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins
ional) family and grandchildren in addition to the nuclear family.

The extended An extended kin network family a type of extended family

kin network in which two nuclear families of primary or unmarried
family kin live in close proximity to each other. The family
shares a social support network, chores, goods and
Types of Families
Single parent Family consisting of a single parent and children. It can be
family due to death, divorce or due to child bearing outside
marriage. The challenges are if the parent is ill there is no
one to take care of the children, if a child is ill no one for
support or second opinion and low income.

Stepfamilies include a biologic parent with children, and a

Blended family new spouse who may or may not have children. The
(Remarriage challenges are the relationship between stepparent and
/ Stepparent stepchildren can be strained, discipline issues,
family) adjustment problems, role ambiguity, strain with the
other biologic parent and communication issues.

Binuclear This is a post divorced family in which the biologic children

family are members of two nuclear households. The children
spend one week with the father and one week with the
mother. Otherwise called joint custody parenting.

Communal Communes comprise groups of people who have chosen to

family live together as an extended family group; their
relationship to each other is social value or interest
motivated rather than kinship.
Types of Families
Cohabitation A heterosexual couple who may or may not have children
family and live together outside of marriage.

Homosexual Those families in which two or more people of the same sex
(Gay & lesbian live together with or without children

Foster family Children whose parents are unable to care for them may be
placed in a foster or substitute home by a child
protection agency. Foster parents receive remuneration
for their care. While caring for children from foster
homes, the nurse should ascertain who has legal
responsibility to sign for health care of the child.
Children from foster homes may experience some
emotional difficulties as they are removed from their
original homes.

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