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Gyakorlati tanacsok A vizsgén nyelvtani és székinesismeretet méré ket feladat megoldasdra sszesen 45 perc all a rendelkezéste. Ne feledje, hogy ezen idé alatt a megoldasokat at kell mdsolnia a vilaszlapra is. Ebben a részben sz6tar nem hasznalhaté, Az elsé feladatban egy dsszeftiged sziveget taldl, amelyb6l hidnyzik 20 elem. Egy mentibol kell kivalasztani az adott helyre illé sz6t vagy kifejezést. A menti 25 elemet tartalmaz abécé sorrendben, Mindig adunk példat, ennek jele 0”. Hogyan dolgozzon a lyukas szveggel? © Olvassa el a szOveget, hogy megismerje annak tartalmét. © Nézze végig a menilben megadott szavakat és kifejezéseket. © Elészir probalja meg a mentl segitsége nélkiil a szdveget kiegésziteni. Mindig ellendrizze, szerepel-e a meniiben az a sz6, amire gondolt. Ha igen, ceruzival irja be a lyukba, a mentiben pedig irja a sz6 mellé, melyik helyre tette. © Ha nem tud egy-egy hidnyz6 elemet dndlléan kiegésziteni, menjen tovabb, s ha a szdveg végére ért, térjen vissza a problematikus részekhez. © Sokat segit, ha étgondolja, milyen sz6faja Iehet a hiényz6 elem. Ne feledje, hogy a beillesztett szénak nem csak tartalmilag, hanem nyelvtanilag is helyesnek kell Jenni. «© Hakész, még egyszer olvassa At a teljes sziveget. © Végiil megoldésait (a szavakat) irja At a valaszlapra. Erre a feladatra mAsoldssal egylitt kortilbelill 20 percet sz4njon. A miésodik feladatban révidebb lyukas szévegekkel kell dolgozni. Eztittal a hidnyz6 elemeket harom adott Iehetés¢gb6l (A/B/C) kell kivalasztani. Hogyan dolgozzon a feleletvalasztés teszitel? © A megoldisnél a fenti eljérdst érdemes kévetni, viszont elég a j6 vélaszt bekarikézni, majd a valaszlapon a megfelelé bettinél jelblni. Erre a feladatra is kériilbeliil 20 percet szanjon, aztén masolja at megoldasait. Ertékelés: Mindkét feladatban valamennyi helyes megoldésért 0,5 pont jar Maximilisan elérheté pontszdm 25. ‘Complete the text below by writing a suitable word from the list in each space provided. There are 20 gaps but 25 words are given, Use each word once only. There is one example (0) for you. Write the correct word in the chart on your separate answer sheet. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. In 1983 ,.., the ....(0) United States Congress passed a law ...,.,........ (1) made the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a national holiday. The new holiday, Q)is celebrated every year on the third Monday in January, honours Dr. King’s work for the promotion of peaceful ways to secure freedom « @) equality. (4) a black child growing up in the South in the 1930s, Martin Luther cusses: @) to face the problems of segregation and racial injustice, He wanted (6 help change things for the better. First he thought . (7) becoming a lawyer or a doctor. Later, ........... (8), impressed by his father’s work for civil rights and .............. (9) own feeling of the importance of religion, he decided to become a priest. .............. (10) he was 17, his father Jet him preach in his church, .............. (11) was such a success that he was sure he had found his calling, and went .. (12) to study at a theological seminary in Pennsylvania. Always . (13) good student, King enrolled at Boston University for King, Jr. .. .. (14) study, and eamed a Doctor of Philosophy degree. ... (15) the ‘50s and '60s he was an untiring worker for the civil rights movement, leading - (16) peaceful protests, and insisting on non-violence .............. (17) when he and his family (18) attacked. cscs (19) his prominence as a leader in the civil rights movement, Dr. King received threats to his life. On April 4, 1968 as he stepped out of his hotel room a rifle shot anf . (20) heard. At the young age of 39, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. 21 Read the texts below and decide which answer A, B or C best fits each space. Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet. Only one answer is correct. FISH SCULPTURES My father died when I was eight years old. Due ........... (21) my mother’s modest income, there was neither enough food to eat ........... (22) fancy clothes to wear. To .. 23) to take up a job .......... (24) a shopkeeper’s supplement the family income, I... help. Eventually our situation got .. (25) bad that I had to abandon school and take (26) the workshop paid me . @N,1 still stayed. There I started pursuing an activity (28) kept me hooked to the job. While attending to the spare parts of vehicles, I started collecting ........... (29) I stumbled .. G0) fish bones from my .. 1) ... (32) out of the waste. up a mechanic’s job in a car workshop. ... upon in the workshop — empty plastic bottles, wires, . colleagues’ sandwich boxes. I then moulded these things into interesting objects ~ . flowers, birds and trees, so slowly a fascinating collection ... ‘My artworks impressed even my boss, ... (33) encouraged me to exhibit them. T started taking part .......... (34) trade fairs and exhibitions. I began travelling around the country, owing to ........... (35) [had to quit my job. I didn’t have any regrets, for it gave me an opportunity to make a living ........... (36) something I loved to do. [ 22, | A either | B [nor | C for D2. | Aas |B like | C similar an Pt tC a [32 [A emerged | B [bas emerged | C |hademerged 22 SPAIN TREATS CHILD PHONE ADDICTS Two children in Spain (37) to a mental health institution to be treated for addiction to their mobile phones. The children, aged 12 and 13, were sent to the clinic cssssesses (38) their parents, who said they .......... (39) carry out normal activities without their handsets. They were doing badly at school and lying to relatives .......... (40) get money to spend on their phones. They .......... (41) to cope without their phones for three months. Dr Maria Utges, (42) runs the Child and Youth Mental Health Centre, said .......... (43) the first time the clinic .......... (44) children who were dependent .......... (45) their mobile phones. "They both showed disturbed behaviour and this exhibited .......... (46) in failure at school. They both had serious difficulties . (47) normal lives," she was quoted in Spanish papers as saying. The children .... . (49) effort to restrict their use before noticing .. had become. . 48) their phones for 18 months, and their parents had made .. (50) serious their dependence eC Pan A hon Be | 44. [A [treated |B [had treated | C [hastreated | | 46. | A [oneself |B inser | C themselves | Lit flr Cato 23 Date: Part 1 1, il. 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9%. 19. 10. 20. Correct answers x0,5= Part 2 A|BIC A|BIC A|BIC 21. 31. 4. 22. 32. 42. 23. 33. 43. 24, 34, 44. 25. 35. 45. 26. 36. 46. 27. 37. 47. 28. 38. 48. 29. 39. 49. 30. 40. 50. Correct answers | x05= 24

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