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Gyakorlati tanacsok A yizsgézénak egy kb, 300-500 szavas sz6veget kell clolvasnia, melybél hidnyzik &t mondat. ‘A szbveg utén megadott hat mondatbél kell az 6t megfelelét visszahelyezni a tartalom és a nyelvi szerkezetek figyelembevetelével. Hogyan dolgozzon? © Elészér olvassa el a széveget, hogy megismerje annak tartalmat. ® Olvassa el a megadott mondatokat is. © Térjen vissza a széveghez, és a tartalmi dsszefiiggésck, utalésok segitségével valassza ki a hat mondat kéziil a megfeleléket. Ellenérizze, hogy a kivalasztott mondat tartalmilag és nyelvileg illik-e a szévegkémyezetbe: szerves folytatasa-e az elézé mondatnak, illetve kapesolédik-e hozza az 6t kivetd szdvegrész. © Ha elkésziilt, még egyszer olvassa at a teljes széveget. ® Végiil megoldésait (a mondatok bettijelét) irja 4t a valaszlapra. Erre a feladatra kériilbeltil 20 percet sznjon. Ertékelés: Valamennyi helyes megoldas 2-2 pont ér. Maximélisan elérheté pontszdm 10. 42 UL Write the letter of the most suitable sentence (A-F) in the text below. There is one extra sentence, which you do not need. Write the letter of your answers on the separate answer sheet. COUPLES FREE TO MARRY AT HOME The govemment gave the go ahead yesterday for marriage ceremonies at home or in open air locations such as beaches. Like Pamela Anderson, brides could wear a bikini on their big day. ve (1)....... This change will allow local authority officials to conduct weddings at any hour and in any place that provides safe access to the public. Under current law, ceremonies must be held before 6pm inside churches, registry offices or buildings with a special marriage licence. .......(2)....... The deadline was introduced before electric light for fear people might marry the wrong partner in the dark. The system is expected to be introduced in 2004 and will include changes in the registration of births and deaths to allow parents and relatives to provide information online or by telephone. .......Q).-... Len Cook, the registrar general, said the reforms would increase choice and convenience for people registering births, marriages and deaths, while saving 30- 40% of central and local government costs. But the new rules will restrict public access to information that has been available for centuries on birth, marriage and death certificates. .......(4). The report proposes licensing about 15,000 local authority registration officers as “celebrants“ with powers to conduct marriages in any safe location with public access, Mr Cook said the proposal was likely to exclude ceremonies underwater with scuba diving equipment or in mid-air with parachutes. .......6)..... ‘A standard wedding in a registry office would still cost £30 each for the couple to register their intention to marry and £36 for the ceremony. A) So there will not be any need to visit a registry office. B) But couples could marry at their home if they let the public in for the ceremony. ©) Most of it is privately owned but you could request permission to be married from the Property manager. D) When these are replaced by a central electronic register, most personal particulars will become confidential. E) A report on the reform of civil marriages in England and Wales promised a change in the law, F) Flexibility on timing of weddings would be popular with couples marrying close to the deadline because they wanted the reception to take the form of an evening dance. Correct answers

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