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1. Tell me about yourself.

My name is Wiesley Tovar I am 21 years old. I am a commercial

consultant, specialized in the area of sales and administration,
certified in the sena More than 3 years leading the area of public and
internet sales. My goal is to continue developing as an administrator
of international companies that bet on technology as a fundamental
part in sales.

2. Why do you want to work for our organization over another

consulting firm?

I see it as a way to advance my career in a challenging, innovative

company and I feel that my skills could fit very well in this job
because I see it as a stepping stone in my career path. I have also
known the company for a long time and I admire its achievements
and position in the market.

3. Tell me about a time when you exceeded the expectations of a


I exceeded the customer’s expectations on a black Friday when there

were super discounts throughout the store, his purchase was so big
that he even had enough to give clothes to his three grandchildren
and still had a little extra money left over to take them out to dinner.
4. Describe a time when you needed to adjust your approach to
communicate more effectively with a client.

When a couple was being affected by so many debts, they felt so

trapped that they did not know whether to wear that shirt they
wanted to give to their friend, I proposed them to open a credit
system so that little by little they could pay for that shirt they wanted
to give him with so much appreciation.

5. What skills or behaviors do you believe a consultant needs to be

successful in this industry?

Is able to relate Is a friendly person who always has a smile on

his face for everyone with optimism has achieved its goal They
are not afraid to speak in public or to introduce themselves to
new people.

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