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   Say the number 537 2)    Plural of MOUSE 3)    Past form of LEAVE 4)    Superlative of GOOD 5)    Opposite of TALL

8)    Tongue twister: Romantic Rita

6)    3 forms of BE in the present 7)    Superlative of FAR will receive red roses when her rich 9)    Past form of FEEL 10) Plural of CALF
husband arrives from Rome.

12) Countable nouns: a) little; 14) An example of modal verb

11) Say the number 794 13) Opposite of THIN 15) Plural of FOOT
b) few is: a) do; b) be; c) should

19) Superior comparative of

16) Past form of SPEND 17) Opposite of DUMB 18) Superlative of BAD 20) Say the number 7492

21) Tongue twister: If you write

a copy, you have the right to HOW IS TED GOING
22) Plural of TOOTH 23) Past form of THINK 24) Opposite of OUTGOING
copyright the copy you right, TO GO?


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