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S1 – Bit fo information about the paper, paper was published in august 2021, had 24 citations and

almost 10k accesses. The paper has a very high attention score, which means the paper when it was
published created a lot of ripples and was widely shared between the readers. We had 52 news
outlets covering this, almost 300 people tweeting about it and decent number on Mendeley.

S2 – twitter- We have the twitter breakdown here, mostly people sharing the article. We have the
most tweets about this topic in uk followed by Rwanda in east Africa. The users have been identified
in the map. Safe to say this research paper was widely shared and hence kind of justifies the high
attention score in altmetric


S4 – Reader breakdown- we have the reader breakdown here, majority was the researchers reading
about this 20% followed by phd and masters students. If we look at readers by discipline, the major
chunk was in environmental science obviuously followed by agricultural sciences, there were 3
engineering students who were also interested in the above ground biomass haha

S5- abb and def

S6- paper aims – SO what are the aims of this paper, the authors wanted to quantify the above
ground carbon stocks as they are obviously poorly represented specially when compared to the

Paper also sheds light upon the variables that could affect the above ground biomass, elevation,
sites selected and the climate factor in the montane regions

It also compares the carbon stocks of African montane forests to that of the lowlands, and montane
forests in other regions

Finally it aims to discuss the potential implications for directing conservation efforts for the TMF and
get the attention of the policy makers in Africa and also globally

S7 – Predictions -

S9 –

S10 –

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