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Bacterial cell structure

Assistant Professor Dr.Sanaa Khudhur
Ph.D Medical Microbiology

Bacterial cell structure

(Figure 1)

Intracellular structures
1) The bacterial cell is surrounded by a lipid membrane (also
known as a cell membrane or plasma membrane). This
membrane encloses the contents of the cell and acts as a
barrier to hold nutrients, proteins and other essential
components of the cytoplasm within the cell.
2) Bacteria do not usually have membrane-bound organelles in
their cytoplasm, and thus contain few large intracellular
structures. They lack a true nucleus, mitochondria.
3) Most bacteria do not have a membrane-bound nucleus, and
their genetic material is typically a single circular chromosome
located in the cytoplasm in an irregularly shaped body called
the nucleoid which contains the chromosome.
4) Like all living organisms, bacteria contain ribosomes, often
grouped in chains called polyribosomes, for the production of
proteins, but the structure of the bacterial ribosome is different
from that of eukaryotes .

5) Some bacteria produce intracellular nutrient storage granules
for later use, such as glycogen, polyphosphate, sulfur.

Inclusions The most common inclusions are glycogen, lipid

droplets, crystals, and pigments.

Volutin granules are cytoplasmic inclusions of complexed

inorganic polyphosphate. These granules are called
metachromatic granules they appear blue when stained with
the blue dyes methylene blue .

6) Plasmid

• Many bacteria have double stranded small circular pieces of

DNA called plasmids.
• Genes that allow bacteria to be resistant to antibiotics are often
located in a plasmid.

The medical importance of plasmid are carry genes for antibiotic

resistance and for exotoxins production.

Extracellular structures

In most bacteria, a cell wall is present on the outside of the

cytoplasmic membrane . A common bacterial cell wall material is
peptidoglycan (called "murein" in older sources), which is made
from polysaccharide chains cross-linked by peptides containing D-
amino acids.

There are broadly speaking two different types of cell wall in

bacteria, called Gram-positive and Gram-negative. The names
originate from the reaction of cells to the Gram stain.

Gram-positive bacteria possess a thick cell wall containing many
layers of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids.

Functions of teichoic acids.

a-Major surface Ag.

b –L .T.A protrudes from cell membrane trough P.G and form

microfibrils that facilitate attachment.

c-Bind to Mg ion and supply this ion to the cell.

d –Make the cell resist to outolysis .

e –C.W.T .A Provides the cell external permabillity

In contrast, Gram-negative bacteria have a relatively thin cell wall

consisting of a few layers of peptidoglycan surrounded by a second
lipid membrane containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins.
Lipopolysaccharides, also called endotoxins, are composed of
polysaccharides and lipid A

Lipid A responsible for much of the toxicity of Gram-negative

bacteria but polysaccharide responsible for immunogesity.

L-form bacteria
L-form bacteria are strains of bacteria that lack cell walls. The
main pathogenic bacteria in this class is Mycoplasma (not to be
confused with Mycobacteria).

A Capsule:is gelatinous layer composed of polysacchride except
in B.anthraces which composed of D-glutamic acid.

Functions of capsule

1-It is a determinant of virulence of many bacteria.
2-Used for identification of some organism.
3-Used as Ag for synthesis vaccin.
4-Play a role in adherence bacteria to the human tissue.

Figure 1 :Intracellular structures and extraracellular structures of bacteria


Long whiplike appendage Flagella are rigid protein structure that

are used for motility .

Medically important of flagella:

1-Play a role in pathogenesis.

2-Identification of some bacteria.


Sometimes called "attachment pili" are fine filaments of protein,
They are distributed over the surface of the cell, and resemble fine
hairs when seen under the electron microscope.

Fimbriae are believed to be involved in attachment to solid

surfaces or to other cells and are essential for the virulence of some
bacterial pathogens.

Pili (sing. pilus) are cellular appendages, slightly larger than

fimbriae, that can transfer genetic material between bacterial cells in
a process called conjugation where they are called conjugation pili
or "sex pili" they can also generate movement .


Glycocalyx are produced by many bacteria to surround their

cells, and vary in structural complexity: ranging from a disorganised
slime layer of extra-cellular polymer, to a highly structured capsule.

Functions of Glycocalyx

1. These structures can protect cells from engulfment by

eukaryotic cells, such as macrophages.
2. They can also act as antigens and be involved in cell
3. Aiding attachment to surfaces and the formation of biofilms.


(figure 2 A and B)

Certain genera of Gram-positive bacteria, such as Bacillus,

Clostridium, can form highly resistant, dormant structures called

endospores. In almost all cases, one endospore is formed and this is
not a reproductive process.

Endospores have a central core of cytoplasm containing DNA and

ribosomes surrounded by a cortex layer and protected by an
impermeable and rigid coat. Dipicolinic acid is a chemical compound
that composes 5% to 15% of the dry weight of bacterial spores. It is
implicated as responsible for the heat resistance .

Endospores show no detectable metabolism and can survive

extreme physical and chemical stresses, such as high levels of UV
light, gamma radiation, detergents, disinfectants, heat, freezing,
pressure, and desiccation.In this dormant state, these organisms may
remain viable for millions of years.

Endospore-forming bacteria can also cause disease: for example,

anthrax can be contracted by the inhalation of Bacillus anthracis
endospores and contamination of deep puncture wounds with
Clostridium tetani endospores causes tetanus.


Figure 2,B:Spore structures

Binary fission
Figure 3
1. Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission
2. The single, circular chromosome attached to the plasma
membrane is copied.
3. Then the chromosomes are separated as the cell enlarges.
4. The newly formed plasma membrane and cell wall separate
the cell into two cells.
5. Bacteria can reproduce rapidly under favorable conditions,
with some species doubling their numbers every 12

Figure 3:The steps of binary fission


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