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Research how the world will be in 50 years’ time with the advent of modern
technology. Include the positive and negative impacts of modern technology in
our society.
The world seems to be moving more quickly than ever. Our environment appears
to be growing worse every year, cellphones are getting smarter every day, artificial
intelligence is getting smarter, and so on. What would the world look like if you traveled
50 years into the future? What would happen if you lived 50 years in the future? Glance
down at your phone and consider how far technology has advanced in the previous ten
years. How much technology has advanced in the previous ten years. Have you ever
considered what technology would look like in 50 years? What about your relatives and
friends? What will happen to them? We may look back in 50 years and chuckle at how
we had to hold our phones, cellphones will be worn or implanted in us via contact lenses.
Imagine having your GPS implanted in your vision rather than needing to look down at
your phone. Nevertheless, as great as this all sounds, there will be issues. If you don't
want to fast-forward into the future because you're concerned about your family's
survival, you may rest easy knowing that the average life expectancy in 50 years will be
about 80 to 90 years. It is more than ten years longer than it is now. Our population
percentages have consistently resembled a pyramid since the 1960s. Yet, in 50 years, that
pyramid will resemble a rectangle. This indicates that there will be an equal number of
seniors and toddlers. This will have a significant impact on the economy. Particularly
given that AI is anticipated to take over 800 million of our old occupations by 2030. The
global population will reach an all-time high. By this time, the world's population will
have surpassed 9 billion people. More people equals more issues. Food shortages will
become far more likely as we strive to increase crops to feed everyone. Crops will be
difficult to cultivate as well, with higher temperatures. Yet, with cities housing 70% of
the world's population, disease transmission will be accelerated. The environment, on the
other hand, does not appear to be in excellent shape. The Amazon rainforest will continue
to be deforested, and in 50 years, half of it will be gone. Don't expect it to return either.
Increasing climate change will turn it into an arid shrubland. Rising temperatures will
lead the polar ice caps to be less than half of what they are now. Now the Dead Sea may
truly live up to its name, as its water continues to evaporate. Thus far, the human race and
the environment, but what about you? What will happen to you in the next 50 years? To
begin with, you won't need to go to the doctor for your yearly checkup. You'll have a
gizmo that allows you to scan yourself for ailments. Body alterations are becoming
increasingly fashionable. And we're not talking about body piercings or tattoos. You'll be
able to obtain items like cybernetic eyes, which will allow you to see better and notice
things that are now invisible to humans, such as radiation. If your Bitcoin investment has
made you wealthy, you can even afford a fancy kid. From their appearance to their
conduct and IQ, these newborns may be entirely altered. A.I. will have the same
intelligence as humans. They won't have taken over the world yet, but they'll be well on
their way. A.I. will always advance in intellect, eventually becoming smarter than
humans could possibly fathom. Expect them to collaborate with us while humans take on
more sophisticated responsibilities in our occupations. So, are you prepared for the
future's good and bad? Just live in the moment and gradually grow into it over the
following 50 years.

2. Watch one movie with a theme about technology/humanity/environment and give

a short review about it.
"Ready Player One" is like a world like no other you've ever seen
before. It's called the Oasis, and it's basically a virtual reality world where
you can enter inside yourself and have these suits that you can put on and
feel the other person if they choose to touch you so you're completely
immersed in this world, and it's kind of like an escape code for the outside
world; you don't have to pay attention to what's going on outside and inside
the game, to the point when the main characters have both their video game
names and their real names, it follows those five people on their adventure to
conquer the game. The designer died, and the storyline is that they must find
out how to beat the game, obtain three keys, and finally obtain the egg. The
egg will give you a share in the corporation as well as total control of the
ASIS of the Oasis, and you will have to compete for the keys. But, you must
also try to find out how Oasis' creator worked and his thought. It's a journey,
but there are some small things that help keep him alive, like a gigantic
library with video diaries and all of their memories kind of backed up into
this one area where you can simply visit anybody and witness different
points in their lives, which is kind of interesting but kind of weird. They try
to gather three keys and get rid of the evil man who wants to tear them all
down, which eventually happens, but one of the designers got one of them
and won the game, but it was selfish of him to steal all the credit. So his
team that he established and won obviously got everything, so they signed it
as the five of them and they are a team and That's where it leaves you,
knowing that it's in excellent hands, but what does it look like? That is the
question today, it is shadow.
On certain days, individuals just require time away from their work to
see the actual world, reflect on who they are and where they are, and explore
it. Not everything is virtual; not everything can be found on a computer, yet
everyone has a phone in this decade. Everyone is walking down the street,
reading their emails and doing other things, but no one is paying attention to
what is going on outside. They leave us with the lesson that just because we
live in a virtual world doesn't mean we have to be completely tied to
technology. Go outside, explore, and don't be a part of nature.

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