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Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119

Endocrine cell lines from the placenta
M.H.F. Sullivan∗
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Wolfson and Weston Research Centre for Family Health, Institute of Reproductive and
Developmental Biology, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London W12 0NN, UK

Received 16 January 2003; accepted 31 March 2003


Cell-lines derived from human placenta and chorion have been used extensively to model the endocrine functions of human trophoblast. In
general terms, the endocrine functions of the primary cells and tissues are at least partially replicated within the cell-lines, suggesting that they
may be used as appropriate models. There are, however, two major provisos that compromise this generalisation. Firstly, the endocrine function
of placenta represents a complex interaction between cytotrophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast and multiple regulators, so a single cell population
digested from the normal environment is unlikely to represent this. Secondly, the characterisation of primary trophoblast populations and of
cell-lines is incomplete, complicating the assignment of functions to trophoblast populations. Despite these difficulties, useful information
has been obtained from the available cell-lines, regardless of whether they have arisen spontaneously, been transformed in vitro, or derived
from cancers in vivo.
© 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Endocrine cell lines; Placenta; Pregnancy

1. Defining the endocrinology of normal human non-pregnant adult. On this basis factors that have a regula-
placenta tory role in placental endocrine function, but are not present
at increased levels in maternal blood during pregnancy may
The placenta has a very wide range of functions in preg- be included in this review. For a fuller treatment of the HPA
nancy, such that it has been described as an experimental and HPG axes, readers should refer to the appropriate chap-
system in its own right, independently of its interactions ters elsewhere in this special issue of Molecular and Cellu-
with fetal and maternal physiology. In seeking to identify lar Endocrinology, as well as general reviews.
the endocrine functions of the human placenta, it is nec- The human placenta does not generally seem to be de-
essary to consider what might be an appropriate defini- pendent on these maternal endocrine systems, although it
tion. Classically, endocrinology has been defined as “The can regulate the maternal HPA and HPG axes, and there
study of the system of glands and tissues that produce and is cross-talk between the placental and maternal systems
secrete hormones”—the latter being active regulatory sub- (Glinoer et al., 1990; Lockwood et al., 1996; Petraglia et al.,
stances formed in one part of the body and carried by the 1996, 1998; Miller, 1998). It has the capacity to produce
blood to another, where they signal the coordination of cel- factors that typify hypothalamic, pituitary and ovarian func-
lular functions. Placental function does not necessarily fit tions, and the primary placental sources are listed in Table 1;
within these definitions, as placental products may have in- it must be pointed out that some of these factors are in-
trauterine targets as well as extrauterine targets, and only cluded as regulators of placental function, and hence of the
the latter would necessarily include the blood-borne aspect. outcome of pregnancy, rather than being part of the HPA or
In this review I propose to include all factors that are con- HPG axes. These will be considered only in so far as they
sidered to part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) contribute to the regulation of endocrine placental functions.
axis or the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis in the A series of papers and reviews have considered the nature of
placental endocrinology and its control (Albrecht and Pepe,
1990; Evain-Brion et al., 1990; Masuhiro et al., 1991; Shi
∗ Tel.: +44 20 7594 2133; fax: +44 20 7594 2154. and Zhuang, 1993a,b; Stephanou and Handwerger, 1994;
E-mail address: (M.H.F. Sullivan). Petraglia et al., 1995, 1996, 1998; Morrish et al., 1998; Reis

0303-7207/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
104 M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119

Table 1
Endocrine factors, endocrine regulators, and their production by the placenta
Hypothalamic products
GnRH VCT, SYNT Increased in maternal blood (Sorem et al., 1996)
CRH SYNT, VCT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood (Sorem et al., 1996)
Somatostatin VCT Increased in maternal blood (Goldstein et al., 1995)
GHRH No change in pregnancy (Mazlan et al., 1990)
Ghrelin VCT (Gualillo et al., 2001) Decreased in maternal blood (Makino et al., 2002)
TRH SYNT (Bajoria and Babawale, 1998) Increased in maternal blood (Amino et al., 1981)
Dopamine Decreased in maternal blood (Wang et al., 1999)
NPY VCT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood (Petraglia et al., 1989, 1993)
Pituitary products and homologues
Chorionic gonadatrophin SYNT Increased in maternal blood
Placental lactogen SYNT Increased in maternal blood
ACTH SYNT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood (Goland et al., 1992)
␤-Endorphin SYNT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood
␣-MSH SYNT, CHOR No change
Oxytocin SYNT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood
GH SYNT Increased in maternal blood (Mazlan et al., 1990)
Variant GH SYNT (Scippo et al., 1993) Increased in maternal blood (Eriksson, 1989; Frankenne et al., 1987, 1988)
Adrenal products
Deoxycorticosterone Not produced Increased in maternal blood (Dorr et al., 1989; Goland et al., 1992)
Cortisol Not produced Increased in maternal blood (Lockwood et al., 1996)
Aldosterone Not produced Increased in maternal blood (Dorr et al., 1989)
Gonadal products
Progesterone SYNT, VCT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood
Estrogen SYNT Increased in maternal blood
Activins SYNT, VCT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood
Inhibins SYNT, VCT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood (Qu and Thomas, 1998)
Other local regulators
Interleukins CHOR Increased in maternal blood
Nitric oxide SYNT Increased in maternal blood (Shaamash et al., 2001)
TGF-␤ family SYNT
IGF-I, IGF-II SYNT, VCT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood (IGF-I)
IGFBP-1 Decidua IGFBP-1 increased in maternal blood
Colony-stimulating factor-1 Increased in maternal blood (late) (Tsakonas et al., 1995)
Fibroblast growth factors CYT
CRH-BP SYNT, VCT, CHOR Increased in maternal blood
Extracellular matrix Sanyal and Das (1997)
The primary source of information is Petraglia et al. (1996), and references therein. Other papers are given to delineate specific data. No localisation
information is shown if this information is not available.

and Petraglia, 2001; Reis et al., 2001; Lacroix et al., 2002; of function is outlined in Fig. 1, showing that the villous
Schneider-Kolsky et al., 2002); the initial part of this review cytotrophoblast are the main source of regulatory factors,
will cover those aspects that are particularly pertinent to un- whereas the syncytiotrophoblast produce the “classic” pep-
derstanding the data described later from cell lines. In ad- tide and steroid hormones (Gaspard et al., 1980; Morrish
dition, thyroid hormones may amplify placental endocrine and Marusyk, 1997). This is not to say that cytotrophoblast
activity in early pregnancy (Maruo et al., 1991), indicat- cannot produce hCG, hPL or steroids in vitro—many stud-
ing that further regulatory pathways may modulate placental ies have shown that they can do so—but rather to emphasise
function. that the main physiological source is the syncytium of intact
placental villi. The functional differentiation must be consid-
ered in all in vitro studies of placental endocrinology. Any
2. The localisation of placental endocrine functions separation of cytotrophoblast from the overlying syncytium
will immediately affect the functions of the syncytium, as
The primary complication in considering placental en- the normal regulation by cytotrophoblast products will be
docrinology is that different placental cell-types have dif- removed. Furthermore there may be regulation in the op-
ferent functions (Dockery et al., 2000). This differentiation posing direction—some studies indicate that chorionic
M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119 105

Fig. 1. Cellular sources of the main endocrine factors of human pregnancy in (a) placenta and (b) fetal membranes.

gonadotrophin (syncytial product) regulates progesterone differentiated cells; however, some data indicate that differ-
production (a syncytial and cytotrophoblast function) ent factors may also exert specific regulatory effects on hor-
(Bhattacharyya et al., 1992; Chaudhary et al., 1992); again, mone production (Feinman et al., 1986; Ritvos et al., 1988).
this will be lost on tissue digestion. This type of experimen- With these clear differences in cell biochemistry, it is nec-
tal separation is obligatory if the mechanisms controlling essary to have reliable means of identifying the different pla-
hormone production are to be investigated with precision. cental cell populations, and this must be considered before
The localisation of mRNAs or proteins involved in the con- placental pathways and cell functions can be addressed.
trol of placental endocrine functions has been performed
in cultured explants or intact tissue samples, and of course
provides substantial information on the cellular sources, but 3. Characterisation of different placental cell-types
cannot easily be used to investigate intracellular mecha-
nisms and signal transduction pathways. A complication of The digestion of the human placenta produced a range of
differential functions is that factors implicated in the con- cell-types (Aboagye-Mathiesen et al., 1996a). Gentle tech-
trol of placental endocrinology (see Table 1) may primarily niques can be used to obtain preparations that are composed
influence trophoblast differentiation, which in turn leads to mostly of syncytial trophoblast structures, which can then
changes in endocrinology. For example, factors that increase be cultured. More vigorous techniques produce mixed cell
the formation of syncytia (e.g. EGF) (Morrish et al., 1987, populations, which include villous cytotrophoblast, mononu-
1997) will secondarily increase hCG and hPL production, clear syncytial fragments (which may superficially resemble
as these peptide hormones are produced at higher levels by cytotrophoblast cells) (Huppertz et al., 1999), stromal and
106 M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119

endothelial cells. This applies equally to first trimester and membranes provide a larger area of interface with the mater-
to term preparations, as well as to chorion cells from fetal nal tissues than does the placenta; as cervix and myometrium
membranes, which may be contaminated with decidual or are integral to the process of parturition, the regulation of
amnion cells. Extravillous trophoblast may also be obtained their activity by chorionic products may be important in the
from first trimester tissues (Tarrade et al., 2001). continuation of human pregnancy.
Purified cells must be used if the data is to inspire confi-
dence that the data truly pertain to trophoblast, but this may
further remove the cells from their in vivo function which 4. The endocrinology of primary cells from the human
may be controlled by the surrounding cells and matrix. Pla- placenta
cental cell preparations may be crudely assessed by con-
firming the output of expected hormones (e.g. progesterone, It is necessary to review the information obtained from
hCG), but more specific markers are needed to purify tro- isolated human primary placental and trophoblast cell prepa-
phoblast cells. Cytokeratin-7 seems to be expressed by all rations, so that the data from cell lines can be placed in the
trophoblast, and few other cells within the pregnant uterus correct context. These primary cultured cells, and villous
(Potgens et al., 2001). This is an intracellular protein, so it explants, have been used to generate a large body of data on
is not of use in selecting viable cells, but it seems to be a the regulation of placental endocrine functions. Primary tro-
valid way to assess the overall purity of cell preparations. phoblast cells have generally been prepared from two major
The selection of viable cells has been considered in a sources, namely first trimester termination tissue, and term
number of studies and summarised in Workshop Reports placenta or fetal membranes after delivery by elective Cae-
(Frank et al., 2000a, 2001; Guilbert et al., 2002; Morrish sarean section or after normal labour. First trimester samples
et al., 2002). The overall conclusion is that villous cytotro- generally consist of villous and extravillous cytotrophoblast,
phoblast do not express any HLA class-I markers (Frank et which remain as individual cells during culture, whereas
al., 2000a, 2001), so these cells can be purified by removal term tissues can be differentially processed to produce syn-
of all other cell-types by pan-HLA antibodies. Such cells cytial structures or villous cytotrophoblast. The latter may
are also CD9-negative, so depletion of CD9+ cells may also fuse during in vitro culture to form syncytial homologues.
purify villous trophoblast (Yui et al., 1994). The main con- They produce increased quantities of hCG and hPL (Kliman
clusion is that careful characterisation of primary cell prepa- et al., 1986) in culture without additional stimuli, which par-
rations is desirable if reliable data are to be obtained. This allels the in vivo situation—syncytia express higher levels of
is critical in the production of cell lines from primary cells, these peptide hormones than the underlying cytotrophoblast
as mixed cell starting populations may give rise to heteroge- (Morrish and Marusyk, 1997).
neous cell lines, and heterogeneous data. Gestational age will A variety of methods have been used to deal with
also have an impact on the data obtained, as first trimester the problem of contamination of cell preparations by
cytotrophoblast do not form syncytia in vitro, whereas third non-trophoblast components from the villous core. The
trimester cytotrophoblast do, and the reasons for this dif- most robust of these combine immunomagnetic bead selec-
ference in differentiation of these apparently similar villous tion with density gradient separation. The first stage may
cells are not understood. be positive selection (e.g. CD9+ for extravillous cells) or
Villous trophoblast are not the only possible type of negative (e.g. pan-HLA class-I removal of all cells that are
cells that may be appropriate for endocrine studies. There not villous cytotrophoblast). The second step is particularly
are many different cell-types within the trophectoderm- useful for removing cell debris that may accompany neg-
trophoblast lineage, but it seems likely that only two of these ative selection procedures, but may be used to clean up all
are likely to have a major impact throughout pregnancy as cell preparations. Most preparations are >95% CK7 posi-
they are present in significant numbers. Extravillous cells tive, and can be used for a variety of in vitro investigations.
within the placental bed and anchoring villi are CK7 posi- A large number of regulatory interactions between the
tive, but also express HLAG and CD9, which can be used factors produced within the placenta have been identi-
for definitive selection (Tarrade et al., 2001; Hirano et al., fied. These are summarised in Fig. 2, which shows that
1999a). These cells are in immediate contact with maternal most data is available for relatively few of the endocrine
cells, and may therefore play a critical role in regulating factors—primarily GnRH and CRH (hypothalamic-type),
the feto-maternal interface, and preparations of this type hCG, hPL, ␤-endorphin, oxytocin and vGH (pituitary-type),
have been used to study aspects of trophoblast motility or and progesterone, activins and inhibins (gonadal-type).
invasion. There is obviously extensive cross-talk between the factors
The chorion is also CK7 positive (Fig. 1b) and HLAG produced within the placenta, but our knowledge is incom-
positive (Hutter et al., 1996), and can synthesise a range of plete, and the physiology may be more complex than this
endocrine products including progesterone, CRH and hCG diagram indicates. Typical of this may be the control of hCG
(Tonkowicz and Poisner, 1985; Jones et al., 1989; Cooper production by cytokines such as interleukin-1␤ (IL-1␤) and
et al., 1994). It is in immediate proximity to the maternal interleukin-6 (IL-6) (Yagel et al., 1989; Nishino et al., 1990).
decidua, and close to the cervix and myometrium. The fetal It has become clear that some of the regulatory pathways do
M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119 107

Fig. 2. Summary of the relationships between endocrine factors and regulators in the human placenta. Known stimulatory (→) and inhibitory ( ) effects
are shown. Main sources are: Petraglia et al. (1996), Margioris et al. (1988), Cronier et al. (1999). Groupings are ‘hypothalamic’ ( ), ‘pituitary’ ( ),
‘gonadal’ ( ) and ‘other’ ( ). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

not reflect those in the HPA and HPG axes. In particular, the appropriate substrates, and the determination of estrogenic
control of CRH production from the placenta is stimulated product levels (Wunsch et al., 1986).
by glucocorticoids (King et al., 2001), which may depend The placenta does not express CYP21A2 (21-hydroxy-
on novel interactions between cyclic AMP-dependent and lase), CYP11B1 (11␤-hydroxylase) and CYP11B2 (al-
glucocorticoid-regulated pathways, and the tissue-specific dosterone synthase), and cannot therefore produce any
expression of transcription factors (Cheng et al., 2000; King corticosteroids or aldosterone (Fig. 3). The increased levels
et al., 2002). In addition, some data are contradictory, in that of these steroids found in pregnancy may be derived either
both progesterone (Maruo et al., 1986) and antiprogestin de novo from maternal biosynthesis, or from the further ma-
(Das and Catt, 1987) may inhibit hCG production. ternal metabolism of placental progesterone. The placenta
The placenta also contains steroidogenic enzymes expresses enzymes that can metabolise glucocorticoids,
(Fig. 3), but the placenta cannot synthesise all the primary most notably type-2 11␤-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
steroid hormones of pregnancy. The primary biosynthetic (11␤-HSD) (Stewart et al., 1995); this enzyme may be stim-
pathway, including cholesterol recruitment from LDL, and ulated by cyclic AMP (Sun et al., 1998), and down-regulated
cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc, by catecholamines (Sarkar et al., 2001) and steroids (Sun
CYP11A1) is present (Albrecht and Pepe, 1990; Chaudhary et al., 1998). This converts cortisol to the relatively inactive
et al., 1992; Tuckey et al., 1994), leading to the produc- cortisone, and is thought to protect the fetus, and its devel-
tion of pregnenolone. 3␤-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase oping HPA axis from the increased levels of glucocorticoids
(3␤-HSD) converts this to progesterone, one of the pri- present in maternal blood during pregnancy. There is there-
mary steroids of pregnancy. The placenta lacks the enzyme fore a placental–maternal system which parallels adrenal
17␣-hydroxylase/17, 20 lyase (CYP17), and thus cannot steroid production, as well as a placental–fetal system which
further metabolise the progesterone to androgens or es- parallels gonadal steroidogenesis (Fig. 3). In contrast, the
trogens. The production of these steroids relies on fetal type-1 11␤-HSD enzyme is differentially regulated (Sun
and maternal production of dehydroepiandrosterone sul- et al., 1997); this applies particularly to an up-regulation by
phate (DHEAS) and fetal 16␣-OH-DHEAS (Fig. 3). These glucocorticoids in vitro (Sun et al., 2002), which implicates
steroids pass to the placenta, where they are converted to this enzyme in labour rather than pregnancy maintenance.
17␤-estradiol and estriol, respectively. This complex in- These interactions do not provide any information on the
teraction is shown in Fig. 3, and serves to emphasise the intracellular mechanisms through which these effects may
relationship between maternal, fetal and placental tissues. be mediated, which can also be addressed in primary cell
Placental pregnenolone could also be metabolised through or cell line cultures. The main regulatory information from
this route, although the major sources of DHEAS are the primary placental cells in vitro is summarised in Table 2.
adrenals (Fig. 3). The placenta also interconverts estrogens The most general finding is that membrane-permeant cyclic
through the action of 17␤-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase AMP analogues (dibutyryl (db)- or 8-bromo-derivatives)
(17␤-HSD, CYP19). In vitro studies of aromatase activity increase the output of hCG and of progesterone from these
in cultured trophoblast normally involve the addition of cultured cell preparations. This has been reported in many
108 M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119

Fig. 3. The primary steroidogenic pathways of human pregnancy are outlined. The main tissues involved are the placenta ( ), fetal adrenals ( ), fetal liver
( ) and maternal adrenals ( ). Mechanisms and enzymes involved are shown in red. HSD: hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; S: DHEA sulphotransferase;
16␣OH: 16␣-hydroxylase; S-Sul: steroid sulphatase; CYP11A1: P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme; CYP11B1: P450 11␤-hydroxylase; CYP11B2: P450
aldosterone synthase; CYP17: 17␣-hydroxylase/17, 20 lyase; CYP19: P450 aromatase; CYP21A2: P450 21-hydroxylase (Salido et al., 1990). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

studies (e.g. Feinman et al., 1986; Zhou et al., 1987; Nulsen mal trophoblast function. Such stimulation of progesterone
et al., 1989; Ringler et al., 1989; Dodeur et al., 1990; production clearly parallels the role of cyclic AMP in other
Strauss et al., 1992; Seki et al., 1997; Matsumoto et al., steroidogenic tissues (ovary, adrenal, testis), and suggests
1998), and may clearly be taken as representative of nor- that similar mechanisms may be involved. This may be an

Table 2
Summary of trophoblast regulation
Regulator Target Nature of effect

Cyclic AMP Progesterone Positive (Feinman et al., 1986)

3␤-HSD Positive (Mason et al., 1993)
P450scc (CYP11A1) Positive (Hum and Miller, 1993)
HCG Positive (Feinman et al., 1986)
TGF-␤1 Positive (Ritvos and Eramaa, 1991)
Calcium Progesterone Negative (Zosmer et al., 1997)
HPL Positive (Zeitler et al., 1983)
Inhibin, hCG Positive (Keelan et al., 1994)
PLA2 and melittin hPL Positive (Zeitler et al., 1983, 1991)
Arachidonic acid hPL Positive (Handwerger et al., 1981)
hPL Positive (Zeitler and Handwerger, 1985)
Dexamethasone Inhibin, hCG Positive (Keelan et al., 1994)
CRH No effect (Siler-Khodr et al., 1997)
Norepinephrine hCG, progesterone Positive (Shi and Zhuang, 1993a,b)
Phorbol ester Activin, hCG Positive (Keelan et al., 1994)
HPL Positive (Harman et al., 1986)
M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119 109

over-simplification, as one study indicates that the effects of syncytialisation, whereas the type-2 enzyme is mainly cy-
dibutyryl cyclic AMP on progesterone production are more totrophoblastic and decreases in vitro; these findings suggest
variable (Zosmer et al., 1997). The greatest effects of db that these isoforms are differentially regulated (Beaudoin
cyclic AMP were observed when it was added to the cells et al., 1995).
immediately the cultures were set up; a delay of 24 h sub-
stantially decreased the impact of db cyclic AMP on proges-
terone output, and this decrease in steroidogenic capacity has 5. Cell lines from human placenta
been identified previously (Ferguson et al., 1986). Further-
more, the sustained addition of relatively low concentrations There are three main types of cell lines derived from
of db cyclic AMP maintained progesterone production for the human placenta; those which have arisen spontaneously
up to 96 h in vitro; only at higher concentrations of stimulus from cultured cytotrophoblast in vitro, those which have
could any evidence of desensitisation be obtained (Zosmer been immortalised by in vitro transfection with viral genes,
et al., 1997). In other steroidogenic cells, desensitisation may and those from spontaneous choriocarcinomas, which have
be found within a few hours (Sen et al., 1979; Rani et al., been maintained in vitro.
1983; Lefevre et al., 1985). This major difference can easily While many of these cell lines have been used to inves-
be related to the different functions of the product steroids. tigate the control of endocrine functions, there has recently
In the testis and ovary, steroids are produced to (a) develop been some debate about the precise nature of these cells. The
and maintain sexual differentiation and (b) to allow the primary problem seems to be that of defining trophoblast
development of gametes. In both cases these are under the cell-types—for example, many of the choriocarcinoma cell
primary pulsatile control of pituitary products (luteinising lines have been defined as such on the basis of their tissue
hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone) as well as more origin, and by their production of hCG, hPL or steroids. It
local regulators, which leads to a pulsatile hormone release. is now clear that other, non-trophoblast, tumour cells may
Adrenal glucocorticoid production must also be dynamically produce hCG (Duffy, 2001), so that these definitions may
responsive to the body’s requirements. In contrast, proges- not be entirely secure. Ideally, cell lines from the human pla-
terone production in pregnancy must be maintained for 9 centa should be cytokeratin-7 positive (trophoblastic), and
months—it is well established that oophorectomy in the either HLA-negative (villous) or HLAG and CD9 positive
first 2 months of pregnancy (Diczfalusy and Borell, 1961), (extra-villous). Summaries of the characteristics of the main
or administration of progesterone receptor antagonists (e.g. trophoblast cell lines has been published (King et al., 2000;
RU486) (Baulieu, 1985; DeHart and Morehead, 2001) lead Shiverick et al., 2001), which serve mainly to emphasise the
to loss of the conceptus. It should thus be no surprise that lack of rigour that has been applied to the characterisation
placental progesterone production is not readily desensitised of many cell lines. The data from cell lines should be con-
in the presence of stimulus, but rather is sustained. sidered with this proviso in mind.
The nature of the physiological stimulus for placental
progesterone production is not entirely clear. Some in vitro 5.1. Spontaneous cell lines
findings implicate hCG (Shi et al., 1991), but local factors
including GnRH (Shi et al., 1991) and IL-1␤ (Seki et al., A series of primary cell lines have been described, and
1997) may also be involved. Clearly at least one physiologi- these are listed in Table 3. Most of these are spontaneous
cal regulator of placental progesterone production increases transformants, and can be cultured for very many passages.
intracellular cyclic AMP levels, and is itself a placental prod- They may not have been completely characterised, but they
uct; this implicates hCG, but more work is needed to fully all are of placental (or chorionic villous) origin, and may
identify how placental progesterone production is controlled. therefore reflect villous trophoblast function. The character-
The mechanisms have been explored in a series of studies, isation of these cell lines has included some assessment of
which have shown that the uptake and utilisation of LDL endocrine functions (peptide or steroid hormone production)
(Chaudhary et al., 1992), cholesterol transport (Strauss et al., (Table 3), but few studies have used them to investigate the
2000) and expression of CYP11A1 (P450scc) (Chaudhary control mechanisms involved. They have been used exten-
et al., 1992; Tuckey et al., 1994; Hum et al., 1995; sively to investigate other aspects of trophoblast function,
Yamamoto et al., 1994, 1995; Babischkin et al., 1997; including migration and invasion. HT and TL cells both ex-
Beaudoin et al., 1997a) are upreglated during trophoblast pressed estrogen receptor (Ho et al., 1998), but the addition
differentiation and by cyclic AMP analogues. The IGFs of tamoxifen was without effect on cell numbers, which was
can also increase CYP11A1 activity (Nestler, 1987, 1990), in contrast to an antiproliferative effect on BeWo cells. The
while inhibiting aromatase (CYP19) activity (Nestler, 1990, biosynthesis of progesterone by NPC cells was inhibited
1993a). IL-1␤ stimulates CYP19 activity under similar con- by TGF-␤1 (Luo et al., 2002), resulting from a decrease in
ditions (Nestler, 1993b). 17␤-HSD type-1 (which mainly cholesterol transport to mitochondria. They have not been
converts estrone to the more active 17␤-estradiol) is ex- used for any mechanistic studies of placental endocrinology,
pressed primarily in syncytium (Beaudoin et al., 1995; but rather to examine other aspects of trophoblast function,
Bonenfant et al., 2000), and is up-regulated during in vitro including invasion, migration and immunology.
110 M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119

Table 3
Summary of data obtained from spontaneous cell lines
TL Ho et al. (1987) CG− PL−
NHT Nagami et al. (1991) CG+ PL−
ED77 Diss et al. (1992) CG+ PL+
HT Ho et al. (1994) CG+ PL−
NPC Rong-Hao et al. (1996) CG+ PL?
ED27 Morgan et al. (1998) CG+ PL+
ED31 Morgan et al. (1998) CG+ PL+
Extravillous primary lines
HTR-8 Graham et al. (1993) Not immortal: 12–15 passages CG− PL+
HT-116 Zdravkovic et al. (1999) Not immortal: 12–15 passages CG? PL?
CG: chorionic gonadotrophin; PL: placental lactogen; (+) positive; (−) negative; (?) not tested.

Two lines with limited life-spans have been described extravillous phenotypes (CK7+/HLAG+/CD9+) are lack-
(Table 3). These cells are grown from villous explants, ing. Most of these cell lines are therefore potential mod-
and have been much more fully characterised as ex- els for investigating the control of endocrine functions, but
pressing an extravillous phenotype (Graham et al., 1993; generally this has not proceeded much beyond demonstra-
Aboagye-Mathiesen et al., 1996b; Zdravkovic et al., 1999). tion of peptide hormone production as part of the charac-
Both can be cultured for 12–15 passages, and HTR-8 cells terisation (e.g. Logan et al., 1992, using SPA-26 cells). The
in particular have been used extensively to investigate the methods used (viral genes and transfection techniques) are
functions of this cell population. These have concentrated summarised in Table 5, and show there is a broad similar-
on the expected in vivo functions of these cells in human ity between the methods used. The precise place these cells
pregnancy, including invasion, apoptosis, proliferation or occupy in trophoblast lineages has been the subject of some
survival, cytokine production and cell–matrix interactions debate (Choy et al., 2000; King et al., 2000; Manyonda et al.,
rather than any possible endocrine functions. NTR-8 cells 2001).
have also been used as the parent cells for the generation of We have investigated the control of hormone production
a transformed cell line (NTR-8/SV40neo) (Graham et al., in TCL-1 cells (Seki et al., 1997), and found that db cyclic
1993), which will be considered in more detail in the next AMP increased progesterone production from these cells.
section of the review. IL-1␤ had similar effects on progesterone production, and
Within the last 18 months, it has become apparent that increased cyclic AMP levels in parallel, implying that there
that one of these cell lines (ED27) is not a reliable model. It might be a functional link. HCG was produced by TCL-1
appears that this cell line became accidentally contaminated cells, but none of the factors tested had any effect on its
with the WISH cell line, which has itself been contaminated production. We attributed this to the insertion of an SV40
by HeLa cells. WISH was originally amniotic epithelium sequence into the promoter region of an hCG subunit, thus
(Hayflick, 1961), but now seems to be genetically indis- damaging the regulatory pathways but permitting a consti-
tinguishable from HeLa, and this also applies ED27 cells tutive synthesis. This emphasises one of the problems with
(Kniss et al., 2002). There are notable phenotypic differ- transfected cells, that alterations to the genome may affect
ences between the cell preparations, which have not yet been endocrine functions and render them less useful models for
elucidated. It is not clear when the contamination occurred, functional studies.
but it must be pointed out that the ED27 cell line still ex-
presses a number of markers and biochemical features that 5.3. Choriocarcinoma cells
are considered typical of human trophoblast (Kniss et al.,
2002). These cells have been used to investigate a number The main choriocarcinoma cell lines are listed in Table 6.
of trophoblast functions (e.g. Kniss et al., 2001), but not The great majority of work has been performed on the old-
specifically endocrine events, so these complications do est cell lines, namely BeWo, JAR (Jar or JAr) (Pattillo and
not impact immediately on our understanding of placental Gey, 1968; Pattillo et al., 1971) and JEG (JEG-3) (Kohler
endocrinology. and Bridson, 1971). These choriocarcinoma cells have been
available for over 30 years, and a correspondingly large lit-
5.2. Transfected cells erature is available. Their characterisation depends partly
on their known origin (in vivo choriocarinoma), and partly
A series of cell lines that have been generated by specific on their production of placental-type hormones (hCG, pro-
transfection with viral genes are listed in Table 4. All these gesterone). In addition, BeWo cells can express mRNA for
cell lines are positive for at least one of hCG or hPL, which is HLAG (Risk and Johnson, 1990) and CD9 protein (Hirano
consistent with trophoblastic origin, but more detailed char- et al., 1999b), which is indicative on an extravillous pheno-
acterisation to identify villous (CK7+/HLA-I−/CD9−) or type. These degree of characterisation may not be considered
M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119 111

Table 4
Summary characterisation of transfected cell lines
SPA-26 Chou (1978a,b) CG+ PL− HLAG? CK7?
Primary first trimester cells
HP-W1 Lei et al. (1992b) CG+ PL? HLAGm+ CK7?
Primary term placental cells
HP-A1 Lei et al. (1992b) CG+ PL? HLAGm+ CK7?
Primary term placental cells
HP-A2 Lei et al., 1992b CG+ PL? HLAGm+ CK7?
Primary term placental cells
HTR-8/SV40neo Graham et al. (1993) CG+ PL− HLAG? CK7?
HTR-8 cell line CG- PL+ HLAGic+ CK7?
TCL-1 Lewis et al. (1996) CG+ PL? HLAG− CK7+
Primary term chorion cells CG? PL? HLAG+ CK7+
IST-1 Shih et al., 1998 CG− PL+ HLAG− CK7+
Primary first trimester explants
SGHPL-4 Choy and Manyonda (1998) CG+ PL+ HLAG? CK7?
Primary first trimester cells
SGHPL-5 Choy and Manyonda (1998) CG+ PL+ HLAG? CK7+
Primary first trimester cells
RSVT-2 Khoo et al. (1998) CG− PL+ HLAG? CK7+
HTR-8 cell line CG− PL+ HLAGic+ CK7?
RSVT-2/C Khoo et al. (1998) CG− PL+ HLAG? CK7+
HTR-8 cell line CG− PL+ HLAGic+ CK7?
The source and characterisation where available of parental cell for these cell lines is given to allow comparisons. CG: chorionic gonadotrophin; PL:
placental lactogen; HLAG: human leukocyte antigen-G; CK7: cytokeratin-7; (+) positive; (−) negative; (?) not tested; (m+) mRNA positive; (ic+)
intracellular protein positive.

definitive for trophoblast cells, given the earlier considera- Five cell lines have been generated from combinations
tion of these matters, so all data obtained should be taken of JEG-3 mutants and chorion leave cells, using the meth-
in this context. There are also a small number of studies ods described by Frank et al. (2000b). These cell lines have
in which choriocarcinoma tissue has been studied, showing been deposited at the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorgan-
that expression of the LH/hCG receptor is increased in such ismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSMZ; German Collection
cells (Lei et al., 1992a). of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures), and more informa-
tion is available through They are all
Table 5
cytokeratin+; AC-1M32 is GFAP+, vimentin−, whereas the
Methods to generate transfected cell lines other four cell lines display the opposite phenotype. It is not
known whether the JEG mutants and hybrids are endocrino-
Sequences from SV40
TCL-1 Recombinant retrovirus ZipSV40-6—infection logically active.
HTR-8/SV40neo pSV40neo with large T early region In some studies two or three of the established choriocar-
only—electroporation cinoma cell lines are compared to gain insight into how nor-
SGHPL-4 pSV40neo with large T antigen—poly-l-ornithine mal trophoblast cells might function, and these are outlined
SGHPL-5 pSV40neo with large T antigen—poly-l-ornithine
in Table 7. In general the cells behave very similarly (e.g.
SPA-26 tsA255 temperature sensitive mutant—infection
Bahn et al., 1981; Taylor et al., 1997) suggesting that these
Sequences from other viruses
are at least consistent models for these endpoints. In some
HP-W1 Adenovirus (ori-)SV40 wild type—infection
HP-A1 Adenovirus (ori-)SV40 A209 temperature sensitive studies, cell line specific differences were observed. This is
mutant—infection clearly shown in the work of Mandl et al., 2002 (Table 7);
HP-A2 Adenovirus (ori-)SV40 A209 temperature sensitive none of these studies showed that a factor could stimulate
mutant—infection one cell line, and inhibit the same endpoint in a different cell
IST-1 Recombinant retrovirus coding E6 and E7 proteins
line, indicating that the overall differences were moderate.
from HPV (LXNS16E6E7)—infection
RSVT-2 Plasmid coding for Rous sarcoma In other investigations, more detailed studies have been
virus-T—electroporation performed on one of these cell lines, and these are listed
RSVT-2/C Plasmid coding for Rous sarcoma below. Sometimes these studies included direct compar-
virus-T—electroporation isons with primary trophoblast; these are considered in
112 M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119

Table 6
Choriocarcinomas and choriocarcinoma-derived cell lines
BeWo Pattillo and Gey (1968) Choriocarcinoma
JAR Pattillo et al. (1971) Gestational choriocarcinoma
JEG Kohler and Bridson (1971) Choriocarcinoma explants—CK7+
AC1-1 + others Funayama et al. (1997) JEG mutant
ACH1P Frank et al. (2000b) Fusion of AC1-1 (JEG mutant) with term trophoblast
AC-1M32 Frank et al. (2000b)a Fusion of AC1-1 (JEG mutant) with term chorion cells—CK7+
AC-1M46 Frank et al. (2000b)a Fusion of AC1-1 (JEG mutant) with term chorion cells
AC-1M59 Frank et al. (2000b)a Fusion of AC1-1 (JEG mutant) with term chorion cells
AC-1M81 Frank et al. (2000b)a Fusion of AC1-1 (JEG mutant) with term chorion cells
AC-1M88 Frank et al. (2000b)a Fusion of AC1-1 (JEG mutant) with term chorion cells
Only the three initial cell lines are hCG-positive. The AC1 and AC derived cell lines have not been tested.
a The method described in this paper was used to generate these clones, but the clones are not described in detail in the paper.

the next section of the review, in conjunction with the by EGF (Sanyal and Das, 1997). Our unpublished findings
comparisons between different papers which have investi- (Seki et al., 1997) showed that db cyclic AMP increased
gated the same endpoints in choriocarcinoma or primary progesterone production time and dose-dependently.
cells. JEG-3 cells: cAMP analogues increase P450scc (CYP-
BeWo cells: the production of hCG is dependent on cyclic 11A1) by transcription and adrenodoxin post-transcription-
AMP, protein kinase C and calcium (Kaiho et al., 1984; ally (Brentano and Miller, 1992; Moore et al., 1992; Guo
Futamura et al., 1987; Nishino et al., 1991), and is also et al., 1994; Beaudoin et al., 1997b), 3␤-HSD (Beaudoin
increased by LHRH (GnRH) (Kaiho et al., 1984), EGF et al., 1997b), and TGF-␤1 production (Ritvos and Eramaa,
(Futamura et al., 1987), keratinocyte growth factor (Matsui 1991). Calcium decreased CYP11A1 and 3␤-HSD activity
et al., 2000). HCG production (used as a differentiation (Beaudoin et al., 1997b). 17␤-HSD-1 was increased by cal-
marker) was also increased by culture on Matrigel (Hohn cium and cAMP synergistically (Beaudoin et al., 1997b).
et al., 1992, 1996), and by the addition of methotrexate 11␤-HSD was increased by cAMP, but not by protein kinase
(Taylor et al., 1991); the latter increased aromatase activity. C (Pasquarette et al., 1996). Activin A may be an autocrine
11␤-HSD activity was decreased by catecholamines (Sarkar regulator of JEG-3 cell steroidogenesis (Ni et al., 2000),
et al., 2001). Proliferation of BeWo cells was decreased by and TGF-␤1 inhibited progesterone and estradiol production
estradiol or progesterone (Kaiho et al., 1984), and increased (Luo et al., 2002). TNF-␣ increased estrogen and hCG pro-

Table 7
Regulation of choriocarcinoma cells

cAMP analogues on hCG production + + nd Chou et al. (1978)

Progesterone produced, no estrogens + + + Bahn et al. (1981)
Retinoic acid on hCG + + + Kato and Braunstein (1991)
Retinoic acid on progsterone + + No Kato and Braunstein (1991)
T3 on vGH family members +++ ++ + Nickel and Cattini (1991)
Insulin on hCG production nd + + Ren and Braunstein (1991)
␤FGF on 17␤-HSD-1 No ++ ++ Lewintre et al. (1994)
VGH and hCS RNA Present Present Present Lytras et al. (1994)
M-CSF on proliferation and hCG No No No Saito et al. (1994)
Benzo[␣]pyrene on hCG production − No nd Zhang et al. (1995)
Nitric oxide on hCG − − nd Myat et al. (1996)
cAMP on CRH promoter activity + + nd Scatena and Adler (1996)
Hypoxia on hCG − − − Strohmer et al. (1997)
Hypoxia on VEGF ++ ++ ++ Taylor et al. (1997)
Hypoxia on hCG +/− +/− +/− Taylor et al. (1997)
Tamoxifen on growth − − − Ho et al. (1998)
Steroid uptake and steroyl-sulphatase Present Present Present Ugele and Simon (1999)
Chemokines on proliferation and hCG + + + Ishii et al. (2000)
Insulin on proliferation No + ++ Mandl et al. (2002)
IGF-I on proliferation No No – Mandl et al. (2002)
Insulin on hCG + + No Mandl et al. (2002)
IGF-I on hCG No + ++ Mandl et al. (2002)
Trialkyltin compounds (endocrine disruptors) on hCG and progesterone ++ ++ ++ Nakanishi et al. (2002)
(+) positive effect; (−) negative effect; no: no effect; nd: not done.
M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119 113

duction, and decreased progesterone production (Pedersen transfected human genes. Progesterone inhibits hCG pro-
et al., 1995). duction from transfected Rcho-1 cells (Yamamoto et al.,
Jar cells: hCG production was increased by 8-bromo-ade- 2001). Human CRH promoter is active in BeWo and JEG-3
nosine or db cyclic AMP (Hussa et al., 1975, 1977; Martell cells, but not in Rcho-1 cells; this species difference is
and Ruddon, 1990; Sibley et al., 1991), IL-1␤ and TNF-␣ attributed to the presence of different transcription factors
(Yanushpolsky et al., 1993), GnRH (Ertl et al., 1993), and (Scatena and Adler, 1996). BT-1 trophoblastic cells from
PGE2 (Yagel et al., 1989). This latter paper found no ef- bovine blastocyst express interferon-␶ and bovine placental
fect of IL-1␤ on hCG output (Yagel et al., 1989), which lactogen (Shimada et al., 2001).
differs from the later results of Yanushpolsky et al., 1993.
The reasons for this difference are not clear. Early data sug-
gested that EGF did not affect hCG production from this 7. Summary of studies performed and limitations
cell line (Huot et al., 1981), but recent findings show that
EGF increases hCG production, through a mechanism in- A wide range of endpoints have been investigated using
volving cross-talk with protein kinase C (Baker et al., 1998). the cell lines described in this review. Many of them are
Aromatase activity was also increased by db cyclic AMP of endocrine nature, and have investigated biosynthetic or
(Bellino et al., 1978). Removal of calcium, as well as the metabolic pathways. In general terms the data obtained from
addition of the calcium ionophore A23187, decreased hCG the cell lines, and from primary cells are comparable. This
production (Hussa, 1977). Jar cells interact with primary overall consistency is encouraging, suggesting that, despite
cytotrophoblasts to increase net hCG and hPL production the many different cellular models used, the data do reflect
(Eldar-Geva et al., 1993), but the details of this cross-talk in vitro functions. This is most clearly seen in the production
have not been elucidated. of hormones, particularly hCG and progesterone, which is
up-regulated by cyclic AMP analogues, and is dependent on
the presence of calcium in the media. Protein kinase C also
6. Cell lines from other species seems to be a positive effector in these processes. This most
clearly in comparing Table 2 (primary cells) and Table 7
While there is a significant body of information on en- (choriocarcinoma cell lines). EGF and GnRH also seem to
docrine function in pregnancy in other species, there are few be generic positive factors for hormone production, and for
cell lines of non-human origin. This review will therefore proliferation in the case of EGF.
focus on the endocrinology of the human placenta, and of There are also some clear differences between primary
the cell lines derived from it, although cell lines from other trophoblast and cell lines, as indicated by the comparative
species will be considered if they provide particular insights. studies shown in Table 8, but there are generally fewer dif-
Placental structures may differ substantially between differ- ferences than similarities. It must be pointed out that entirely
ent species, so direct comparisons between apparently re- negative findings (e.g. M-CSF does not affect the chorio-
lated cell-types may not be entirely valid. carcinoma cells, Saito et al., 1994) are usually published in
Rcho-1 cells (Faria and Soares, 1991) were developed context of positive data (M-CSF affects primary cells); there
as a model to study rat trophoblast function, including may therefore be more information available than has been
placental lactogen synthesis. They have also been used to published, showing more differences between the cell lines
investigate endocrine functions, including the activity of than the generally clear findings summarised in Fig. 2.

Table 8
Comparison of primary and cell line data
Similar findings
Hussa (1977), Hussa et al. (1977): calcium and cyclic AMP required for hCG production from JAR and primary cells
Bahn et al. (1981): all three choriocarcinomas resemble primary cells in the steroidogenic enzymes present
Pedersen et al. (1995): TNF-␣ has similar effects on primary and JEG-3 cells hormone production
Ritvos and Eramaa (1991): JEG-3 and primary trophoblast TGF-␤1 increased by cAMP
Sibley et al. (1991): 8Br-adenosine increased hCG production from JAR and cytotrohoblast cells
Stephanou and Handwerger (1995): the effects of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone and similar in cytotrophoblast, and in transfected BeWo cells
Conrad et al. (1996): expression of erythorpoietin similar in primary and JAR cells
Seki et al. (1997): TCL-1 cell line and primary cells respond similarly to db cyclic AMP
Sarkar et al. (2001): primary and BeWo 11␤-HSD decreased by catecholamines
Different findings
Hoshina et al. (1985): cytotrophoblast and choriocarcinoma show different patterns of HCG and hPL expression
Maruo et al. (1986): in primary cells progesterone inhibited hCG production, but was without effect in choriocarcinoma cells
Ren and Braunstein (1991): insulin increased hCG production from JEG-3 and JAR cells, but not primary cytotrophoblast
Saito et al. (1994): M-CSF induces proliferation and differentiation of normal trophoblast, but not choriocarcinoma cells
Seki et al. (1997): different responses of primary and TCL-1 cells to IL-1␤
114 M.H.F. Sullivan / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 228 (2004) 103–119

The greatest limitation from an endocrine perspective is Bajoria, R., Babawale, M., 1998. Ontogeny of endogenous secretion of
that referred to earlier, that the cellular heterogeneity of pla- immunoreactive-thyrotropin releasing hormone by the human placenta.
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 83, 4148–4155.
cental trophoblast is integral to the normal physiology of Baker, V.L., Murai, J.T., Taylor, R.N., 1998. Downregulation of protein ki-
this organ, and cell lines will only reflect a part of this. nase C by phorbol ester increases expression of epidermal growth fac-
tor receptors in transformed trophoblasts and amplifies human chori-
onic gonadotropin production. Placenta 19, 475–482.
Baulieu, E.E., 1985. Contragestion by antiprogestin: a new approach to
8. Other trophoblast functions human fertility control. Ciba Found. Symp. 115, 192–210.
Beaudoin, C., Blomquist, C.H., Tremblay, Y., 1995. Gene expression of 17
Placental trophoblast also exhibit a range of non-endocrine beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 isozyme in primary cultures
functions, including cell motility, invasion (Kliman and of human trophoblasts predicts different mechanisms regulating type
Feinberg, 1990), homotypic fusion (formation of syncy- 1 and type 2 enzymes. Endocrinology 136, 3807–3814.
Beaudoin, C., Blomquist, C.H., Bonenfant, M., Tremblay, Y., 1997a. Ex-
tia), complex cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, and pression of the genes for 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type
apoptosis. These may be under the control of factors that 1 and cytochrome P450scc during syncytium formation by human
are integral parts of the endocrine axes (e.g. progesterone placental cytotrophoblast cells in culture and the regulation by pro-
inhibits matrix metalloproteinase production; Shimonovitz gesterone and estradiol. J. Endocrinol. 154, 379–387.
et al., 1998), or regulate the endocrine axes (e.g. nitric Beaudoin, C., Bonenfant, M., Tremblay, Y., 1997b. Regulation of cy-
tochrome P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid
oxide). While these aspects lie beyond the scope of this dehydrogenase/delta 5-delta 4 isomerase type 1 and estradiol-17 beta-
review, the attention of readers is directed to other reviews hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mRNA levels by calcium in human
and papers that consider these aspects of trophoblast func- choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cells. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 133, 63–71.
tion in more detail. It is possible that such processes may Bellino, F.L., Hussa, R.O., Osawa, Y., 1978. Estrogen synthetase in chori-
be modelled accurately by cell lines, as they normally in- ocarcinoma cell culture. Stimulation by dibutyryl cyclic adenosine
monophosphate and theophylline. Steroids 32, 37–44.
volve isolated cytotrophoblast rather than combinations of Bhattacharyya, S., Chaudhary, J., Das, C., 1992. Antibodies to hCG
different cell-types which seem to be more important in the inhibit progesterone production from human syncytiotrophoblast cells.
endocrine functions considered in this review. Placenta 13, 135–139.
Bonenfant, M., Provost, P.R., Drolet, R., Tremblay, Y., 2000. Localization
of type 1 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mRNA and protein
in syncytiotrophoblasts and invasive cytotrophoblasts in the human
Acknowledgements term villi. J. Endocrinol. 165, 217–222.
Brentano, S.T., Miller, W.L., 1992. Regulation of human cytochrome
I must thank the colleagues who have helped in the warit- P450scc and adrenodoxin messenger ribonucleic acids in JEG-3 cy-
ing of this review by reading the manuscript or contributing totrophoblast cells. Endocrinology 131, 3010–3018.
Chaudhary, J., Bhattacharyya, S., Das, C., 1992. Regulation of proges-
information and insights that lie beyond the published liter- terone secretion in human syncytiotrophoblast in culture by human
ature. In particularly I thank Drs. Mandy Donaldson, Guy chorionic gonadotropin. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 42, 425–432.
Whitley, Ashley Moffett and Hans-Georg Frank. Cheng, Y.H., Nicholson, R.C., King, B., Chan, E.C., Fitter, J.T., Smith, R.,
2000. Glucocorticoid stimulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone
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