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The graph below shows the percentage of Australian exports to 4 countries from 1990

to 2012.

The line graph illustrates the proportions of Australian exported to Japan, the United States,
China and India from 1990 to 2012.

Overall, it is easy to see that total exports to India and China are increasing, while exports
from the United States and Japan are declining. At the end of the period, China experienced
the biggest increase in exports, followed by other countries.

In 1990, the products of Japan were ranked at the first place, receiving over 25% of all
reported goods. China, however, received only a mere 5%. By 2012, the percentage of
exports to Japan had dropped to below 20%, while the figures for China saw a dramatic rise
to almost 30%.

US data fluctuated around 10% between 1990 and 2000. Over the following twenty-two
years, the figures for the US then declined to 5%, but recovered slightly and the study period
ended at 6%. The percentage of exports to India, on the other hand, remained unchanged
until 2000, and then increased to about 7% in 2010, before dropping slightly to roughly 5% in

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