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My perfect city becomes a dystopia

a) Write a paragraph describing this world and its daily life –

Utopica was a beautiful and modern city. Every citizen was a happy citizen. The morning sun
from beyond the dome covering the city shone brightly. Life inside the dome was perfect,
nobody ever wanted to leave. My family has lived here for many, many generations, too
many to count and we’ve been living happily the whole time. Nature was abundant and
merged with the urban concrete. The city was meticulously planned to perfection. The total
area of the city was small, but the city planning was so perfect it could fit over 2 million
people inside all functioning in perfect harmony. Laws didn’t exist because nobody ever
committed crimes. Every person had a very high quality of life and excellent health. A big
park existed at the centre of the city allowed for nice walks in nature.

b) Look at your city planning sheet and find 3 areas that could turn your utopia into a dystopia.
1. The dome covering the whole city preventing people to enter or exit without registration
can be used to prevent people from escaping the city and make people oblivious to the
outside world.
2. People could contaminate the main water source of the city with toxins and various
chemicals that could influence the population to become more irrational and unhealthy.
This could lead to increased crime rates causing reason for stricter laws similar to a
3. Start a strict police force that uses lethal force if people disobey.

c) Write a paragraph about a person who is scared about the world has changed in a terrible
way and they have no control –
No light ever shone within the restricting confines of my prison and I was alone. Solitary
confinement was very taxing on the mind and the body. I felt powerless.
I was arrested for uncovering classified information about a dark truth behind our country’s

Dictator’s to-do list-

1. Contaminate water supply with behaviour influencing chemicals.

2. Restrict people from ever exiting the land of the dystopia.
3. Impose strict laws on people that restrict their independence and freedom and create strict
consequences for those who don’t follow them.
4. Install surveilence everywhere, even in people’s homes.

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