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with Come

the Clear Ones

all rights
bye bye


Translated from Hebrew to English

17-Oct-2019 14:04

It is clear to you that there is 

an energy that comes from 


It is clear to you it streams to

It is clear to you it matters no more.

It is clear to you it 

changes the stream of energy.

The ideas pass and 

the thought-like electrical currents 

work relentlessly.

Like the dream midgets, 

fulfilling an unfulfilled goal.

They run like mice on the wheel 

to fill in all the wishes that 

no one has ever asked.

The movement streamed back then and
The movement will stream after that.

To you it is all so clear and he has not
yet surrendered to this reality.

And new Chaos as if creating
something new, 

something that has not yet existed.

Yet all this existed before and 

will exist after.

Sit and observe, dear girl, 

all that is happening.

Anytime you can return to the desk
and write a letter with all your wishes
to your dear friend.

Sit and observe, dear girl, 

all that movement happening and how
all the wishes you have not dared to ask
are being fulfilled one by one, 

as you ceased from asking.

All the wishes are when: 

“Sit and Observe”, 

and you you are there.

You are permitted to sit in any possible
posture. It might be that sitting will be
returning home in good old age after
crossing all the deserts and all the

Sit and return to your 

natural inhabitance

dear and special consciousness girl.

Inefficient actions lead to Chaos, and
you are running dear consciousness girl,
like that mouse in the maze searching
for some what.

And he has guided you in the past,
“Sit and Observe”, he said.

“That shall pass as well”, he told you.

“And if you care to, you can approach
the desk, there lie the pen and the
paper and you can write all your wishes
and send the letter to your 

dear friend.”

One has to return and observe and see
dear consciousness girl, 

how this Life

from Precious Gold is made.

Let go for a moment all that 

is happening, sit and observe.

Be present to all the movement which is

happening around you.

God has created that once and the
wheel keeps moving and turning with the
help of all the midgets and the mice.

Return, Sit, 

in every place where you shall be.

The house from which you went on your

journey is the house where you have
always been. 

You have never left, 

and there was never a journey.

Return home, that same house, 

which you have never left.

Sit and Observe all that is happening.

Return to the childhood memory and
see in an eyes wide open way the
childlike future dreams as you 

close your eyes.

Vanity and ignorance, you have
already known that and 

have not forgotten.

Vanity and ignorance, you have
already remembered that, but 

the approach to the reservoir of
knowledge is not with you.

The approach is given secretly, 

hence sit and observe.

Return to the source which is 

outside all those sounds and shapes,
outside the circle.

Return to Home source. 

You have never left it.

Awaken from your sleep, 

Awaken from your dream.

“The time has come!”, says my mother.

“All is ready to receive…”

You have always been here and 

will always be here,

and the mice which are running in circle
are only flickering on the screen which is
futured to turn off with a press of 

a button on a remote control.

Thus it has been, Thus will be.

Sit and Observe, 

for you have never walked.

Never have you come from your
Mother’s belly and never have you 

been educated by your Father.

Never has your mother breastfed you
milk and caressed you.

Never has your father warned you 

of the dangers of the world outside.

Your father and mother are you, 

dear consciousness girl.

The Forgetfulness disease, 

The Blindness disease, 

The Awakening disease 

All cease from existing.

Return to your home. 

Sit and Observe.

There is no other possibility, 

never has there been any other

It was you all along the way.

Your friends awaited you.

Your family awaited you.

Your enemies awaited you.

All are you and they are nothing.

With the blow of wind which shall raise
with it dust particles from the ground,
the remaining particles on the ground
shall not wonder about their separation

from those who were blown away come
the wind.

This told me the friend wind.

Therefore Sit and Observe 

and return to where you have abided 

all the time, all the time, all the time.

At the end of the pendulum’s action
you will awaken from your sleep.

I shall not be able to hand you 

the keyword nor shall I be able 

to tell you the time to awaken.

You have never been asleep and never
has there been anything to awaken to.

You have never been asleep and never
has there been anything to awaken for.

Sit and Observe.

Live and Die.

Sleep and Awaken.

Return to your Home 

Dear Consciousness Girl 

that you are.


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