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English Grade 11

Term 2
Unit 2:

Newspaper articles

A newspaper article tells people what is happening around

the world.

Newspaper report can be defined as:

Reports on local, national and world news.

These reports can be found in newspapers, magazines and

on the internet .

Purpose- To Inform
Exceptions- Sports news and sensational news
Tone and register is based on the target audience .

How to write a newspaper report?


The point of a news report is to give as much information as
Names, ages and exact dates or numbers are given, as
shortly as possible.
o “Neighbour and ex-employee, Imran Patel, thirty-five,
rang the fire brigade.”

The headline must be as short as possible to save space.

It should not be more than five words.
Monosyllables should be used where possible.
Example: “Shack fire kills many.”

Numbers that come after ten, must be written in words

Present rather than past tense verbs are used in headlines

and in the articles to make the events seem more dramatic
Do not use figurative language. Remember, your aim is to
A subheading (short phrase after the heading) should make
the reader interested in what is to come.

Structure :
o The structure of a news report is different from other
writing because it starts with what happened recently,
usually yesterday
o First few paragraphs – basic information, the four W’s
o Who? What? When? Where?
o Next, provide a background for the news event
o An interview or a quote from someone who was affected
by the event may follow
o Comments in direct speech give the article variety and
make it dramatic
o Finally, the article tells us what is currently happening
o Or it can give a prediction for the future

An often unfair and untrue belief that many people have
about all people or things with a particular characteristic.
What is a stereotype ?
1. Any commonly known public belief about a certain social
group or a type of individual.
2. Often confused with prejudices; it is based on a prior
3. Often created about people of specific cultures or races

1. All black man are excellent soccer players
2. Men are the "backbone."
3. Women aren't as smart as a man.
4. All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists.
5. All people who live in England have bad teeth.
6. All politicians are philandering and think only of personal
gain and benefit.
7. Girls are only concerned about physical appearance.
8. All blonds are unintelligent.
9. All librarians are women who are old, wear glasses, tie a
high bun, and have a perpetual frown on their face.
Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual
Harm or injury that results or may result from some action or

What is prejudice?
o Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually
negative) towards an individual based solely on the
individual’s membership of a social group.
o For example, a person may hold prejudiced views towards
a certain race or gender etc.
o Examples:
o Racial
o Cultural
o Gender-based

Examples of discrimination:
Racial Discrimination o Apartheid (literally "separateness")
was a system of racial segregation that was enforced in
South Africa from 1948 to 1994.
Non-white people were prevented from voting and lived in
separate communities.
Gender discrimination:
an employer pays a woman less than a man for the same

Explain how each group has been stereotyped in the
following images:


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