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The Perceived Effects of Using Keyword Mnemonic on the Vocabulary Acquisition in

Biology of Senior High School Students in IPSJ

A Research Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department
International Philippine School in Jeddah

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Abdulracman, Absari E., Jr.

Al-Habil, Oday Talal T.

Cleofe, Leiticia K.

De Jesus, Louise Rhey G.

March 2020


1.1. Introduction

Memorizing, comprehending, and learning vocabulary terminologies in biology are

key elements to understand its concepts. In support of this, Etobro and Fabinu (2017)

confirmed that acquiring knowledge in biological studies requires memorization as its

foundation. They claimed biology as a subject that contains numerous theoretical and

conceptual approaches, thus it is challenging for students to comprehend the subject content.

Another study by Anderman et al. (2012) also stated that studying subjects related to biology

(e.g. science subjects) involves a collaboration of mental and psychological capabilities, as

well as stimulating techniques. However, rationalizing the perception of students on how to

make learning biology more efficient is critical, considering that various researchers proposed

that schools should take into account the perspective of the learners, so that they could pick

up knowledge more effectively (Etobro & Fabinu, 2017).

Based on a study, a human’s cognitive thinking has a tendency of losing memorized

information instead of retaining them (Waring, 2002; Davoudi & Yousefi, 2016). Regarding

this, Davoudi and Yousefi (2016) suggest that in order for students to easily recall and

acquire vocabulary terms, it is a must to discover techniques to boost memory skills. For

students to apply these techniques, they study to acquire pieces of information.

Kang (2019) pointed out five studying methods that students could effectively use that

are based on several studies. These methods are namely: pre-test, spaced practice, self-

quizzing, interleaving practice, paraphrasing and reflecting. Moreover, Dunlosky et al. (2013)

also gathered various studying techniques that are applicable to students’ learning, and one of
them is the keyword mnemonic which is a part of mnemonic devices. Koksal et al. (2013)

also stated that mnemonics help in acquiring more knowledge in the span of studying time,

considering that they are used for educational pursuits. In relation to this, mnemonic devices

assist in boosting more thorough thinking in learners that need that ability.

Mnemonic devices are strategies used to aid an individual to memorize or remember a

certain concept and information (Psych Central, 2018). They vary in methods, such as the

following: keyword mnemonic, chunking, musical mnemonic, letter and word, rhymes,

making connections, method of loci, peg method, mnemonic linking system, model

mnemonic, note organization mnemonics, image mnemonic and many more. In spite of this,

several studies have shown that one of the verified memory techniques is the keyword

method (Davoudi & Yousefi, 2016). A 2001 study presented by Taheri and Davoudi (2016)

stated that there is an exceeding amount of more than one hundred studies investigating the

efficiency of the keyword method which explains that this method is fundamentally

approached to make a connection between terms and definitions. Thus, claiming mnemonic

devices to be identified as an effective technique to help students acquire unfamiliar

vocabulary terms. In particular, students link vocabulary terms with a distinctive idea to learn

and memorize them, causing the keyword method as an aid to students for memorizing key

terms or vocabulary terms in biology (Davoudi & Yousefi, 2016).

Taheri and Davoudi (2016) also discovered various researches regarding the outcome

in terms of using the keyword method. One of them was a research conducted by Pressley et

al. (1981) which examined the impact of using the keyword method in understanding

vocabulary within certain circumstances (Taheri & Davoudi, 2016). Based on the results, the

participants that used the keyword method have surpassed the participants in the control

group. As a matter of fact, Tavakoli and Gerami (2013) asserted that the keyword method
provided the most effective retention in acquiring vocabulary along with other mnemonic


Therefore, using mnemonic devices such as the keyword method can make acquiring

vocabulary terms in biology for senior high school students more efficient. It can create a

systematized method of learning, making it easy for students to remember new terminologies.

Thus, the usage of the keyword method as a mnemonic device can boost students’ memory


1.2. Theoretical Framework

Each individual has its own unique ways to deal with their intellectual abilities and

ways of understanding a distinct concept. Keyword mnemonic is known as a strategy to help

each individual in learning and comprehending a specific study. On behalf of this, Pappas

(2016) stated that the type of data being absorbed by our brain has an immediate effect on

what level the data will be processed, which is supported by Craik and Lockhart’s Levels of

Processing Theory. The theory claimed that a person’s intellect allows to boost and stimulate

knowledge through various stages. Furthermore, the essential factor behind this is the manner

how a piece of information is being introduced to an individual.

As stated by Craik and Lockhart’s Levels of Processing Theory, ‘individuals will

have increased knowledge on the content of the information if they concluded the meaning

out of it’ (Pappas, 2016). In accordance with this theory, the human mind can process

information in three levels grouped into two classifications, namely: structural processing and

phonemic processing which are under shallow processing, and semantic processing is

categorized as deep processing. It has been defined that the two levels under shallow

processing only direct information as short-term knowledge. This includes encoding the

physical appearance of a word (structural) and its auditory content (phonemic). However, as
stated in Craik and Lockhart’s Theory that in deep processing (where semantic processing is

involved), elaborative rehearsal is being drawn in. McLeod (2007) mentioned that this

includes a more defined and relevant interpretation of data, hence, contributing to a better

recalling of information content. Aside from this, semantic processing occurs when a word is

being defined by associating it with a related word. To illustrate this, linking terminologies or

vocabulary words to old learning or placing definitions to words is an example of this


In a study conducted by Craik and Tulving (1975), they investigated how shallow

processing and deep processing creates an impact on recalling information (McLeod, 2007).

The method was done by providing a set of 60 words to the participants, wherein they were

asked to answer one out of the three questions. The questions varied from making the

participants’ minds operate in a shallow or semantic process. After this, they were requested

to select the original words from the 180 words that were presented to them following the set

of 60 words. Based on the results, more words were remembered by the participants who

used the semantic way of processing than those who used the shallow processing (structural

processing and phonemic processing). Particularly, the usage of keyword method, keyword

mnemonic, or mnemonic devices, in general, are examples of elaborative rehearsal which

ignites semantic processing that results in deep processing.

The principle of deep processing under Craik and Lockhart’s Level of Processing

Theory explains the phenomenon of why keyword mnemonic is useful in acquiring

terminologies to better understand the contents in biology. Additionally, this validates that

keyword mnemonic may help in recalling more information better, thus, students’ knowledge

about vocabulary words in biology and its concepts will be more sufficient.

1.3. Conceptual Framework

Levels of Processing
Vocabulary Theory
Improvement of
Rehearsal Vocabulary Learning in
The conceptual framework shows the researchers’ understanding of the relationship of

the particular variables between the study and how they connect together.

Vocabulary learning is the process of learning new words or foreign words. However,

vocabulary learning is not that easy to acquire, as it is considered as one of the greatest

obstacles by learners especially in learning a language (Goundar, 2015). Despite this, there

are some strategies to be used in order to solve this. These strategies are known as vocabulary

learning strategies. Furthermore, there are different ways to learn information. A theory,

which was established by Craik and Lockhart (1972) states that the type of data that goes into

our brain depends on what level of processing is used. This theory is known as the Levels of

Processing Theory. In relevance to this, the principle of deep processing was established

under this theory.

The process called deep processing is associated with elaborative rehearsal which

promotes deeper interpretation of data that results to better recall of information. This

includes the usage of keyword mnemonic. Likewise, elaborative rehearsal can improve

vocabulary learning in biology because better analysis and recall of the information or

vocabulary is being achieved. This is the reason why students opt to use the keyword method

as an aid for learning terms in biology.

Thus, the researchers can say that by using keyword mnemonic, the amount of the

vocabulary knowledge of the students may increase. By that, their knowledge in vocabulary

is expanding and their abilities to deal with multiplex information improve (Zimmerman and

Reed, 2019).

1.4. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the perceived effects of using the keyword method as a

mnemonic device of senior high school students in International Philippine School in Jeddah

on learning vocabulary words in biology. In this research, the role of the keyword method in

acquiring vocabulary words or terminologies is being identified.

1. Why do students use the keyword method of mnemonics in learning terms in biology?

2. How does keyword mnemonic help students acquire information easier?

3. What supplement can maximize the usage of the keyword method as a memory


1.5. Assumption of the Study

Keyword mnemonic is a device used to make memorizing and recalling vocabulary

terms easier. Since biology is packed with terminologies or vocabulary words, using keyword

mnemonic can make comprehension regarding the concepts of biology easier.

1. It is assumed that the usage of the keyword method as a mnemonic device plays a

vital role in aiding the senior high school students in International Philippine School

in Jeddah to gain optimum knowledge in biology for it serves as an easier way to

better commemorate various terms.

2. The usage of the keyword method has its characteristics that are assumed to help

allow senior high school students in International Philippine School in Jeddah to use

an alternative language and words that are related to particular biology terms which

makes them easier to remember.

3. It is assumed that the usage of the keyword method can maximize the function of the

intellectual minds of senior high school students in International Philippine School in

Jeddah for it gives a great opportunity to further enhance their thinking upon creating

similar words to particular biology terms that make them easier to remember.
1.6. Significance of the Study

It is prevalent among the students to have difficulty in memorizing and remembering

different terms in biology. Considering that biology has its specific & complicated

terminologies, the usage of keyword mnemonic can help. The findings of this study may

provide the students, the teachers, and the school the benefits of using keyword mnemonic for

learning. It may also provide future researchers with great opportunities to further develop

and explore this study. This will give them an insight into how useful keyword mnemonic is

in learning terminologies in biology.

To the students, this study will promote creative thinking with the usage of keyword

mnemonic by knowing how to extract ideas related to the biological terms effectively. It will

also help the students in remembering, commemorating and recalling terminologies easier

upon the enhancement of students’ creative minds.

To the teachers, this study will promote an easier way of teaching the students to

better comprehend a specific biology lesson. This will also be a way of teaching method that

can motivate students to learn more in biology, as the usage of keyword mnemonic has a

mixture of entertainment yet provides educational intentions.

To the school administration, this study will help in providing students and

educators opportunities to use keyword mnemonic for better and easier method of teaching

and learning in biology. This will also allow them to reduce the chances of having problems

between students and educators.

To future researchers, this study will give them the ability to understand how

mnemonic devices work particularly with the usage of keyword mnemonic. Thus,
encouraging them to either develop this study or further conduct a study about the different

mnemonic devices that are present.

1.7. Scope, Delimitation, and Limitations of the Study

The purpose of this study is to identify the role of the keyword method as a mnemonic

device in enhancing the memory skills of senior high school students in the school year 2019-

2020. This study focuses on the usage of keyword mnemonic in the specification of the

biology subject. Additionally, this research is conducted to further enhance and develop the

creative minds of the students as well as to see the impact of using keyword mnemonic as a

helpful basis in studying biological terminologies.

This study will mainly focus on the effects of using keyword mnemonic based on the

subjective viewpoint of senior high school students in terms of how it affects their studying

methods. Whereas, the scope of this research will only include 141 senior high school

students who took science subjects containing biology as one of its concepts.

The researchers are about to finish this study towards the last two weeks of the month

(March) of 2020 before the end of the second semester of the academic school year of 2019-

2020, as the researchers are given 1 to 2 months to further conclude this study.
1.8. Definition of Terms

Acoustic link. It is a process that formulates keywords that sounds exactly the same as the

original terminology and relates with the new vocabulary.

Acquisition. The process of studying or progressing a skill, habit, or feature.

Biology. It is a science-related subject that deals with the study of life and living organisms.

Cognitive. It refers to the mental and psychological processes of a human mind.

Creative thinking. It is a process that can be done through a human mind that can produce

and expound ideas with the use of an individual's mental ability.

Elaborative rehearsal. It is a memory strategy that requires a more meaningful thinking

analysis to be able to remember a specific term.

Higher-order thinking skills. An individual’s critical thinking from different topics and


Keyword mnemonic. Also called as the keyword method; it is a type of mnemonic device

that allows an individual to choose a keyword to remember that is related to the original term.

Memory skills. These are the capacities of an individual to think further among different


Mental ability. It is where the human minds' capabilities are seen and tested; a power to

understand, commemorate, remember & recall an information.

Mnemonics. Also called as mnemonic devices; a set of techniques or strategies that contain

different patterns that allow an individual to remember something easier and simpler.

Multiplex. It involves numerous elements that are flexible.

Retrieval Route. It is the process of the human mind to be able to recall a specific


Semantic Processing. It refers to the ability of the brain to deeply process and retain


Supplement. An element that gives completion and enhancement to something.

Terminologies. These are words that differ in definitions and can vary from different


Vocabulary. It is a pack of terms that have differences in meanings in the field of


Vocabulary Acquisition. It is the process of learning and memorizing vocabulary words.



This chapter discusses the studies and literature related to this research. To specify

them further, the topics that will be tackled in this chapter are mnemonic devices, keyword

mnemonic, usage of keyword mnemonic, the importance of keyword mnemonic in learning

vocabulary words and biology, the challenges in learning biology and its terms, the mental

ability of Senior High School students, the relationship between the usage of keyword

method and learning vocabulary terms, and the supplements in applying keyword method.

Through these, the researchers, the future researchers, and the readers will have more

thorough knowledge about the topic of this study.

2.1. Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are techniques that enable an individual to memorize, remember

and recall a piece of information. These can be in a form of phrases, rhymes, words, rules,

patterns, diagrams or acronyms which are used in an easier way for an individual to

remember (Literary Terms, 2015). Particularly, mnemonics are used to give individuals

capabilities to fully memorize and remember data easily through the use of different forms of


According to Psych Central (2018), the use of these devices allows an individual to

make simple shortcuts in a way that it cannot be forgotten easily. These shortcuts serve as a

way to remember multiple information quickly and easily. Moreover, it can possibly reduce

the stress levels of an individual and can also be a source for the people to use their higher-

order thinking skills upon using these devices (Mocko et al., 2017). Thus, decreasing the

stress levels of each individual is possible through its easy way of application.
Based on the study of Mocko et al. (2017), exercising the higher-order thinking skills

of each individual is also applied due to the creative thinking being ignited in using

mnemonic devices. Similarly, Kelly (2019) stated that mnemonics are also known for their

flexible use of data which was concluded as the reason why the methods used are not easily

forgotten. The usage of mnemonic devices acquires creative and unique thinking of people

considering that individuals have different thinking skills. Thus, people tend to make

unfamiliar words connect to an idea, image, sound, or word that can help them remember and

recall large data of information better.

Furthermore, Jurowski et al. (2015) noted that memory aids are an application in

growing better manners to encode data with the goal that it is a lot simpler to recall it.

Considering this, mnemonic devices are acknowledged as a learning tool that can strengthen

and improve the learning of each individual.

2.2. Keyword Mnemonic or Keyword Method

Keyword mnemonic is a type of technique that provides individuals to learn and recall

a specific vocabulary. This type of mnemonic device involves the formation of keywords that

is identical to the specific vocabulary (Zimmermann & Reed, 2019). According to their

study, the usage of this type of mnemonics is by getting an easier related word in a specific

term for it to be remembered. It enables an individual to create and use specific words that

have similar pronunciation and related words to the original term. Hereema (2019) also stated

that keyword mnemonic has its own way of usage, it could be in the form of foreign language

acquisition which simply uses different languages to remember a specific term. One of the

examples presented by Hereema (2019) is the word “grass” which means pasto in Spanish

and it is remembered by the word “pasta”. Another example is by choosing a specific

keyword that sounds identical to the term given. A good example of this is the word
“cerebellum” and it is evoked by the word “bell”. In support of this, Helmut (2016) claimed

that keyword mnemonic is the most used mnemonic technique. It is known for its strong

strategies for understanding, remembering and recalling information.

2.3. Usage of Keyword Mnemonic

In a 2018 study of Ummah, keyword mnemonic is defined as a method that uses a

specific keyword for remembering a new terminology. The formulated keywords are the

words that sound like the original version of the given term as they have connections with the

new vocabulary. This process is called an acoustic link. Acoustic link assists individuals to

remember the new formulated words that other methods occasionally accentuate.

Additionally, this study also recognized that keyword mnemonic also applies to the usage of

images. Ummah (2018) said that these images are confirmed as a useful technique because it

brings more essential and actual communication. There are multiple words that are

complicated to understand and to remember. By the usage of images in keyword mnemonic,

it gives an alternative option on how to use keyword mnemonic for the term to be easily

understood and visualized. This is done by using sentences that interfere with the keyword

with the original context.

Keyword mnemonic can also exercise and enhance the verbal creativity of an

individual that associate with new different ideas. Concerning this, the findings of Ummah

(2018) show that verbal creativity exercises an individual’s grammar, authenticity,

adaptability, and amplification by the usage of keyword mnemonic. Verbal creativity can be

tested through the usage of keyword mnemonic by using initials of different terms, creating

new words, formulating of three words in a sentence, having the same characteristics of

words, unique usage of words and the usage of consequences or results.

Ummah (2018) also discovered that there were significant differences between

students who were taught how to use mnemonics and students who were not taught by it.

Through mnemonics, students’ academic performances were positively affected. In addition

to this, it was also indicated that mnemonic techniques serve as an effective studying

technique that can promote students to remember new terminologies that they learn.

2.4. Importance of Keyword Mnemonic in Vocabulary Learning and Biology

A research conducted by McDaniel and Miyatsu (2019) states that the keyword

mnemonic and retrieval practice are two cognitive strategies defined to facilitate the learning

of foreign language vocabulary. They also believed that the keyword mnemonic is a memory-

enhancing strategy that combines keyword recognition and the use of imagery to create a

strong retrieval route. Relatively, they mentioned that keyword mnemonic and retrieval

practice are two strategies that help students in learning biology. Hence, enhancing the way

the student studies and how quickly they remember the term they want to recall by combining

two or more keywords or by using images as a strong way of recalling the terms.

On behalf of Putnam’s (2015) study, he presented a 2002 study by Van Voorhis

which stated that students who learned to recall statistical facts from musical jingles

performed better on a chapter exam than students who simply re-read the data. This study

also claimed that education also requires a lot of critical learning which mnemonics can help

with. Another study also claimed that mnemonics are often viewed as useful in helping

students recall important information, and by that, possibly reducing stress and freeing up

more space for intellectual resources for higher-order thinking (Mocko et al., 2017). To

support this, Ummah (2018) found that mnemonically educated Iranian university students

got statistically and practically way higher marks on the reading comprehension test than the

students in his control group did. In another study, Morley (2019) analysis focused on using
vocabulary techniques effectively as a way to improve the comprehension of the text. A

review section will illustrate that vocabulary is critical to understanding content, and how

successful vocabulary approaches lead to better grades of tests.

From the studies presented, it is clearly stated that using vocabulary techniques is

effective especially in learning biology because it has a lot of difficult terms that are hard to

recall. By using these techniques, each student may have a lot easier time trying to recall and

understand the content of the specific term resulting in better academic performance.

2.5. Challenges in Learning Biology and Its Terms

Biology is a subject that involves the construction, function, development, evolution,

and distribution of living creatures (Bagley, 2017). Regarding this, nine significant fields in

biology are said to be in the “umbrella” field of biology. In particular, these are namely:

biochemistry, botany, cellular biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, molecular

biology, physiology, and zoology. Biology is comprised of these difficult topics and

complicated words, which are considered to be existing in the subject. For this reason, the

usage of keyword mnemonic can give a great impact on the students’ learning in vocabulary

acquisition in biology.

Despite being a favorite subject by many, a study conducted by Fauzi and Mitalistiani

(2018) discovered that there are some topics in biology that students find difficult. Protein

synthesis, respiration and photosynthesis, cell division, hormone regulation, oxygen

transmission, nervous system, and genetic manipulation are some topics that students find

difficult. In addition to this, Hadiprayitno (2019) found that topics such as genes and

chromosomes, hormonal systems, and genetics are also said to be difficult by students. The

reason behind this plays a vital role, as he argued that the nature of the subject relies on a
heavy load of memorization. The eagerness and acquisition of learning biology in students

are said to be affected if they find difficulties in learning biological concepts and topics.

2.6. Mental Ability of Senior High School Students

Creative thinking is considered to be the highest scheme of a human’s mental capacity

and artistic result, it is described to be the topmost human accomplishment and the ultimate

source of human development (Jiboye et al., 2019). Mental ability is involved in the

development and progress of comprehension, accumulation, and reproduction of knowledge.

It comprises labeling, classifying, actual and conceptual thinking which have been thoroughly

studied in the psychological areas. They also mentioned that secondary school students who

range from 15-20 years of age differ in circumstances that are individually intellectual or

have a mental capacity in academics which concluded that there are achievers who do not

excel that much in academics or are either average or high achievers. In line with this,

information from the California State Department of Education in Jiboye et al. (2019) stated

that the idea of high achievements is related either to how the students give ideas or to the

results of superiority, or both.

In another study of Ali and Yunus (2013), they proposed that memory techniques

have four types to deal with which are the formation of mental correlation, usage of pictures

& sounds, studying well and doing the action. It is claimed that a human who has the power

of the mind has the ability to supply trillion bits of knowledge which uses the four types of

memory techniques to be able to aid students remember, retrieve, commemorate and learn.

2.7. Relationship between the Usage of Keyword Method and Learning Vocabulary


One of the great obstacles foreign language learners encounter when learning a

language is vocabulary learning (Goundar, 2015). To solve this problem, Goundar (2015)
suggested that vocabulary learning methods must be applied by the learners. Having

vocabulary learning strategies is important as it has been indicated by most literature that has

been studied. It is also stated that vocabulary learning methods are also important for the

teachers as for the learners.

According to Zimmermann and Reed (2019), the keyword method is a type of

mnemonic in which content-specific vocabulary is easily learned and remembered by

students when used. Producing a keyword that sounds like the content-specific vocabulary

word and then imagining a picture which connects the keyword and the vocabulary word are

the ways how keyword mnemonic is used. By using the keyword method, the number of

vocabulary terms the students can learn and apply may increase. By that, their vocabulary

knowledge is expanding and their abilities to deal with multiplex informational texts can


2.8. Supplements in Applying Keyword Method

One supplement that one may use to apply the keyword method is the flashcard

feature in Quizlet. Quizlet is a web-based application that is created to help students study

with the help of interactive tools and activities. According to Sanosi (2018), user-designed

learning modules called study sets are composed of terms with its meaning or descriptions

that are used in Quizlet. Different learning modes such as flashcards, games, collaborative

activities, and quizzes are used to present these modules to the students to allow mechanically

learning environments which can help the students learn different subjects especially

vocabulary and languages. Moreover, a study conducted by Sanosi (2018) concludes that

Quizlet can be considered effective in learning vocabulary. This is due to the reason that the

usage of technologies that are connected to the Internet to do assigned tasks has become a
habit for students in this generation. Also, Quizlet can give active learning both inside and

outside the classroom as it represents an appropriate environment for education.

As stated above, one of the learning modes of Quizlet includes the usage of digital

flashcards or e-flashcards, which are considered as an effective way of studying or learning

vocabularies (Aji & Farida, 2019). Flashcards are a stack of cards students use for reviewing

or studying. It contains words back to back. One side contains the question and the other side

contains the answer (Golding et al., 2012). Aji and Farida (2019) indicated that it could be

very beneficial to use flashcards as it is very effective for the students, especially young

students in learning English vocabulary.


Biology is a science-related subject that has specific significant fields that are

comprised of difficult terminologies (Bagley, 2017). Hadiprayitno (2019) stated that students

find biology a hard subject for it involves complicated and difficult words. It is said that the

eagerness and acquisition of students upon studying biology is affected for it has various

terms that are hard to remember. To help students acquire the terms and concepts and

biology, various studying methods are used, such as mnemonic devices.

Mnemonic devices are strategies that allow students to better understand,

comprehend, commemorate & recall different kinds of terminologies. (Literary Terms, 2015).

They serve as a strategy that helps each student study and learn more conveniently. One of

the mnemonic devices is the keyword mnemonic or the keyword method. Keyword

mnemonic is known for creating and using keywords that are identical and connected to a

specific vocabulary (Zimmermann & Reed, 2019). Based on a study conducted by McDaniel

and Miyatsu (2019), they stated that the usage of keyword mnemonic serves as a memory-

enhancing strategy that combines keywords and imagery to create a strong retrieval route.
This specific retrieval route can help students in learning their vocabulary acquisition in

biology. Particularly, this explains how keyword mnemonic is being used by students and

learners for them to remember the content of an information.

In support of this study regarding the senior high school students, it was also noted by

Jiboye et al., (2019) that students aged from 15 to 20 years old in senior high school have the

ability to possess creative thinking, which can be stimulated by using keyword mnemonic.

Notably, the usage of keyword mnemonic can also reduce the stress levels of students

allowing them to have more space for intellectual purposes upon using their higher-order

thinking skills. (Mocko et al., 2017) This could be further enhanced by maximizing the usage

of keyword mnemonic, such as by using supplements to gain optimum benefit from it. One

supplement that one may use to apply the keyword method is the flashcard feature in Quizlet.

Relatively, a study conducted by Sanosi (2018) asserted that Quizlet can be considered

effective in learning vocabulary. Ummah (2018) also found out that mnemonically educated

Iranian university students got statistically and practically way higher marks than those who

were not. Thus, the usage of keyword mnemonic can actually help and give a great impact on

students, especially in learning biology.

The gathered studies above conducted by several researchers have gathered findings

regarding several aspects of using keyword mnemonic. They presented arguments to

emphasize the importance of keyword mnemonic and even showed shreds of evidence

proving the relevance of the keyword method to the learners. Aside from that, various factors

such as how to use keyword mnemonic, the challenges met by students in learning biology,

and their mental abilities are also relevant as they serve as bases why mnemonic devices are

essential in learning terminologies. By looking at the different points on why it is necessary

to use keyword mnemonic and to identify its benefits, the researchers can analyze the

strength of its usage. Consequently, the studies stated above can prove that the keyword
method as a mnemonic device is an effective way of remembering terms, especially in

biology. This explains the reason why the majority of the students opt to use the keyword

method in acquiring vocabulary terms.



The content of this chapter tackles the methods and procedures that the researchers

will use in data collection. Furthermore, this chapter contains the research design, research

locale, selected participants involved and the instruments used in planning the research.

3.1. Research Design

To meet the purpose of this research, the qualitative method is used. Through this

method, the researchers will have an insight into the views of Senior High School students

regarding the usage of keyword mnemonic as an abstract tool for memorizing terminologies.

Thus, the research design used in this study is appropriate for obtaining the data needed. The

results that will be attained in the course of data gathering may develop a theoretical analysis

in line with the effectiveness of using keyword mnemonic for students at the secondary level.

3.2. Research Locale

This research is conducted in International Philippine School in Jeddah, which is

located along the streets of Al Nama, Az Zaamah, and Alsalwa at Mushrefah District, Jeddah,

Saudi Arabia as shown on the given illustration:

Figure 2
The International Philippine School in Jeddah, abbreviated as IPSJ, is known to be the

largest and the first Philippine school overseas. It was first called the Philippine School in

Jeddah. IPSJ is one of the prominent Philippine schools that was established in the Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia way back in 1981. This institution was created for the benefit of the overseas

Filipino students to provide them a proper education that is under the Philippine curriculum.

IPSJ has achieved giving a great impact on every student present in this institution. From

enhancing students' characters, giving students' knowledgeable lessons academically or non-

academically to making them feel that they are home are what makes this institution a great

place to study in.

3.3. Participants of the Study

The selected population for this study was the senior high school students in

International Philippine School in Jeddah who took biology as one of their subjects or sub-

topics in science-related subjects. To gather the data required in this study, the involved

participants were chosen through purposive sampling. Whereas, out of 141 students, only 96

students use the keyword method as one of their most-used mnemonic strategies are needed

in the course of this research.

3.4. Research Instrument

Prior to conducting this research, 141 survey papers were distributed to recognize the

most used mnemonic device among the population selected. However, only 129 survey

papers were answered by the respondents, and 96 out of 129 picked keyword mnemonic as

one of their most-used mnemonic devices in studying terms in biology. The survey papers

consisted of a structured question with the list of the common mnemonic devices to be

chosen by the respondents.

The main research instrument to be used will be administered by giving out

questionnaires made by the researchers to the participants. With this process, accumulating

subjective data from the participants will be possible. The set of questions in the

questionnaires is comprised of semi-structured and unstructured questions regarding the

stated problems in this research. The answers of the participants in line with the questions

will be used as a basis for the results necessary to obtain.


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