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Hungary is a great country. The people is quite nice and help whe you’re in
trouble. They’re mostly going to help you, but also they can be really mean.
They can dress very well for special occasions. They’re really like to go to the
theather or the cinema, concerts and things like that. They really like to go to
the football matches too, but they behave not very well. They can be loud,
mean and insane. They’re getting drunk during the matches and they don’t care
about the people next to them, so that is our really bad habit. Not every people
are like this for sure but sadly more than the half of them are. They speak
foreign languages as well, probably every hungarian people can speak a couple
of words in English, but a lot of them can speak German, Spanish or Italian very
well, so they can talk to the tourists too. They’re not very good in driving too,
they are not polite and patient at all, they’re alwasy in a hurry, they don’t care
abut the other drivers that much. Most of all, I think it’s a great coutry with
some mistakes.

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