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art&sciencetissue viability

nursing standard: clinical · research · education

An holistic approach to
turning patients
Hawkins S, Stone K, Plummer L (1999) An holistic approach to turning patients. Nursing Standard. 14, 3, 52-56.
Date of acceptance: September 10 1999.

Turning patients who are immobile is usually undertaken expressly to prevent pressure

sores. Here the authors highlight some of the other factors that need to be taken into

account when nursing dependent and/or immobile patients.

Susan Hawkins MPH, he process of pressure relief in a healthy Traditionally, the relief of pressure and promotion
BSc(Hons), MCSP, is Senior individual can be considered a continuous of circulation has been achieved by regular two-
Physiotherapist in Acute dynamic activity, with a recognised chain of hourly turning of patients (Maklebust and
Rehabilitation; Katharine Stone events. Pressure leads to tissue ischaemia which Sieggreen 1991). Now that we have a range of
Grad Dip Phys, MCSP, is Senior in turn leads to pain, as a consequence of which pressure-relieving mattresses, this dependence on
Physiotherapist in Neurology; the individual moves to relieve the pressure, turning for pressure area care has decreased.
Lisa Plummer Grad Dip Phys, blood supply is restored and the ischaemic pain Some claim that APAMs take away the need to
MCSP, is Senior Physiotherapist disappears (Collins 1998). On average, a healthy turn patients altogether (Collins 1998, Huntleigh
in Respiratory Care. individual will alter his or her posture during Healthcare AIM 1995).
sleep every 11.6 minutes (Keane 1978). For
dependent patients, this process of moving to
relieve pressure is not possible; they are reliant Other reasons for turning
on health professionals to perform this move-
ment for them. Is pressure area care the only reason patients
Traditionally this has been achieved with the should be turned? Several months ago a physio-
two-hourly turn, but increasingly the use of therapist came into the staff room complaining
devices such as alternating pressure air about the nursing care received by a patient on
mattresses (APAMs) are fulfilling this movement an acute ward. The patient had suffered a
requirement. cerebrovascular event (CVE) and had developed
what the physiotherapist considered to be a
preventable chest infection.
The importance of turning She discovered that the patient had been left
lying supine for 24 hours a day since she had
Many papers stress how important it is to turn been admitted three days previously. When the
patients regularly for their pressure area care physiotherapist enquired about the reasons for
(Alexander et al 1992, Clarke 1997). Most this, she was told: ‘The patient did not need
healthcare professionals understand the benefits
of two-hourly turns and could describe the Box 1. Physiological causes of
physiological causes of pressure sores (Box 1). A
paper by Helme (1994) shows that although pressure sores
staff had a high knowledge of turning protocols,
they did not turn their patients as regularly as INTRINSIC FACTORS EXTRINSIC FACTORS
key words ‘prescribed’.
The main reasons cited for not turning patients ■ Malnutrition ■ Medication
■ Nursing care regularly include lack of time, lack of staff (Bliss
■ Neurological deficit ■ Moisture
1990, Helme 1994, James and Fong 1996) and
■ Mobility may include lack of access to, or knowledge ■ Reduced mobility/activity ■ Pressure
about, handling equipment. As Dealey (1994) ■ Increased age ■ Shear
■ Pressure sores points out: ‘Given the demands on their time, ■ Incontinence ■ Friction
nurses are increasingly relying on pressure-
■ Dehydration
relieving equipment instead of two-hourly
These key words are based on turning to prevent pressure sores.’ ■ Mental status
the subject headings from the Pressure sores develop as a result of two ■ Skin condition
British Nursing Index. processes; occlusion of blood vessels by external ■ Sepsis
This article has been subject pressure, and endothelial damage of arterioles
to double-blind review. and micro-circulation by application of friction ■ Medication
and shearing forces (Collins 1998, McLeod 1997).

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turning because she was on an airflow mattress’. Neurological factors

For 72 hours this very ill, dependent patient had
been moved for personal care and bedding Disease or damage to the central or peripheral
changes only. She had been assessed using the nervous system can lead to temporary or even
Waterlow scale (1985) and had been deemed at permanent physical, cognitive and psychological
high risk of developing pressure sores because of problems. If the person is unable to move, he or
her level of dependence and fluctuating con- she is deprived of the physical benefits of move-
sciousness. Thereafter she was nursed on an ment including:
alternating pressure air mattress (APAM), and ■ Sensory-motor appreciation.
subsequently had rarely been moved. ■ Posture and balance control.
This incident sparked debate among the physio- ■ Maintenance of joint and soft tissue range of
therapy staff from all specialties about the partic- movement (thus preventing contractures).
ular problems that they had encountered while ■ Maximisation of functional independence.
treating patients who were nursed on APAMs. ■ Minimisation of tonal changes, such as spasticity.
The various problems that were highlighted pro- From a psychological perspective, dependency
voked us to take the issue further. A meeting was can lead to behavioural problems such as with-
convened between nursing, therapy and tissue drawal, and there is a need for regular contact
viability staff in the hospital, which led to stimu- and interaction to provide opportunities for ori-
lating, constructive, but ultimately non evidence- entation, socialisation, and communication (Table
based discussion. 1). In the unconscious patient, regular contact
This article aims to open out and continue this and stimulation is recommended to increase the
discussion, and perhaps stimulate research into patient’s awareness of self and the environment.
reasons for turning patients, other than solely All healthcare professionals handling a dependent
for pressure area care. In the example described patient should, of course, explain their actions to
above, the nursing staff had anticipated one of them, so that an appropriate response can be
the problems associated with a high level of stimulated.
dependency, pressure area care, but had not Effective postural management in the acute
taken into account other possible complications. stage of any disease that challenges motor or pos-
tural ability, can enhance and reinforce recovery of
function in those with the potential for this (Pope
Alternating pressure air mattresses 1996). From an holistic perspective, the patient
will benefit from regular turning and careful posi-
APAMs work by temporarily removing compres- tioning. This will not only prevent secondary com-
sive forces on the skin to restore perfusion. They plications developing, but will also promote
reduce localised distortion of capillary beds by recovery (Edwards 1996).
sequentially deflating cells. They may also aid
metabolite clearance by stimulating a myogenic
response that causes dilation of the microvascular Importance of positioning
and lymphatic systems (McLeod 1997).
Evidence exists describing the effectiveness of Several papers caution against turning a patient
these mattresses for both the prevention and to 90º because of the increased interface pressure
treatment of pressure sores (Devine 1995, Exton- that this puts onto the bony prominence of the
Smith et al 1982) and although there is little greater trochanter (Colin et al 1996, Holmes
evidence assessing their cost effectiveness, they 1997, Wind et al 1997). For many neurological
are now regularly used in the management of patients, particularly those who have had a CVE,
patients at risk of developing pressure sores this is an important position for the control of
(University of York and University of Leeds 1995). muscle tone. If patients are well positioned, it
allows them to feel support with their non-affected
side and gives them visual cues from seeing them-
The literature selves on a bed. It also gives them access to visual
information about their upper limbs, as well as
Little evidence or information could be found in the ability to interact with visitors and to see what
the literature specifically discussing the other is happening on the ward around them.
advantages of turning patients. Papers that If patients are positioned safely and comfortably,
described the importance of turning for pressure they should be able to move with minimal effort.
area management did not describe other physio- This will limit the stress of movement that can
logical or psychological benefits. Lack of informa- contribute to the development of spasticity. The
tion in the literature about these other effects person in Figure 1 has been positioned in ‘for-
may in part be to blame for the lack of knowledge ward lean side-lying’ which involves turning a
among staff of the value of turning patients. This patient to just forward of 90º. It requires careful
might mean that patients are not receiving the attention to positioning, including weight for-
best standards of care that should be offered to ward off the greater trochanters and good sup-
them. Outlined below are some reasons to turn portive surfaces (for example pillows supporting
different case-mix groups, but many of the anterior and posterior trunk, legs, and arms, as
themes are common to all. well as the head) to increase surface area in

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Table 1. Reasons to turn neurological patients


Sensory disturbance Promotes sensory awareness/appreciation including body image and

perception (Grieve1993, Langdon 1996, Siev and Freistat 1986)

Altered muscle tone Minimises spasticity by frequent change of posture and support
(Davies 1994, Edwards 1998)

Risk of aspiration Promotes safer swallowing with specific positioning (Ray 1985)
Minimises respiratory complications (Hough 1984)

Movement disturbance Promotes effective movement with concurrent responses throughout

the body and stimulates appropriate balance responses and function
(Edwards 1996)
Pressure care is maintained (Alexander et al 1992, Holmes 1997, The
Stroke Association 1996)
Functional posturing of the limbs promotes recovery and maintenance
of joint and muscle length (Edwards 1998, Pope 1996)

Bladder and bowel Essential for incontinent patients to prevent moisture

dysfunction accumulation which is a major contribution to the development of
pressure sores (Clarke 1997, Grundy and Swain 1996)

Perceptual problems Stimulates orientation to the environment and body image awareness
through the senses (Grieve 1993, Langdon 1996, Siev and Freistat
Alexander C et al (1992) Creating the
optimal environment for pressure
Behaviour and cognitive Stimulates socialisation, memory, and appropriate behavioural
area care. British Journal of Nursing.
1, 15, 751-757. problems responses (Grieve 1993, Langdon 1996, Siev and Freistat 1986)
Bliss M (1990) Geriatric medicine. In Stimulates language and communication skills through learned
Bader DL (Ed) Pressure Sores: Clinical behavioural responses (Grieve 1993, Langdon 1996, Siev and Freistat
Practice and Scientific Approach. 1986)
Basingstoke, Macmillan Press.
Clarke G (1997) The problem of
pressure sores and how to treat
them. British Journal of Therapy and contact, thereby decreasing the interface pres-
Rehabilitation. 4, 11, 589-595. sure on the greater trochanter. This allows for the
Closs SJ et al (1993) Pain in elderly
three main elements of positioning: safety, com-
orthopaedic patients. Journal of
Clinical Nursing. 2, 41-45. fort and movement facilitation.
Colin D et al (1996) Comparison of 90º
and 30º laterally inclined positions in
the prevention of pressure ulcers Respiratory factors
using transcutaneous oxygen and
carbon dioxide pressures. Advances
in Wound Care. 9, 3, 35-38. As well as for the management of patients with
Collins F (1998) Seated Patients: Clinical neurological conditions, a regular change of posi-
Perspectives. Chertsey, Hayden tion is essential for patients at risk of developing
Advertising. pulmonary complications, or those already suffer-
Davies P (1994) Starting Again. London,
Springer Verlag.
ing from chest complaints.
Dealey C (1994) A prevention and Regular turning enhances the reduction of the
management aid: evaluation of the incidence of pulmonary infection and the devel-
Nimbus II mattress. Professional opment of sepsis (Gentilello et al 1988). The
Nurse. 9, 12, 798-804.
movement from the supine position to side-lying
Dean E, Ross J (1992) Oxygen transport:
the basis for contemporary cardiopul- has numerous physiological advantages. Body
monary physical therapy and its position changes enhance oxygen transport due
optimization with body positioning to the effect of gravity on the distribution of ven- Fig. 1. Pillow-supported forward lean lying
and mobilization. Physical Therapy tilation and perfusion throughout the lungs
Practice. 1, 4, 34-44.
Devine B (1995) Alternating pressure air
(Dean and Ross 1992). This alteration in the (Dean and Ross 1992).
mattresses in the management of areas of dependent lung tissue has preventative Sepsis decreases the body’s ability to withstand
established pressure sores. Journal of and treatment advantages that help ensure that pressure insults by increasing metabolic demand.
Tissue Viability. 5, 3, 94-98. problematic lung areas do not develop. Altering It increases systemic oxygen requirements, making
Edwards S (1998) Physiotherapy
chest position is thought to redistribute and the skin more susceptible to pressure by affecting
Management of Established
Spasticity, Spasticity Rehabilitation. G mobilise mucus and interstitial fluid from depen- oxygen supply to the skin (Colin et al 1996). A
Sheean, Churchill Communications dent lung areas, which helps to prevent the chest infection is a major cause of sepsis, so turning
Europe. development of atelectasis within these areas to prevent a pressure sore could also prevent a

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nursing standard: clinical · research · education

chest infection, which could also prevent a analgesic management will enable early mobili-
pressure sore. sation, decrease risk factors and expedite
Pape et al (1998) studied patients at risk of discharge (Closs et al 1993, Hunt 1995). Patients
developing adult respiratory distress syndrome immobilised following burns encounter similar
(ARDS) following traumatic injury. Those patients problems.
receiving early positional changes on a regular
basis showed a reduced incidence in the develop-
ment of ARDS, improved systemic oxygenation Vascular factors
and overall improved survival.
The use of prone ventilation, where the patient For patients with vascular problems, such as
is nursed face down, is a well known treatment in amputation, graft surgery or those confined to
the management of ARDS. It has been shown to bed because of the pain of critical limb ischaemia,
improve worsening hypoxia resulting from alveoli position changes are essential. They can prevent
filled with watery exudate and increasingly non- the development of contractures and assist in the
compliant lungs. The alteration of body position control of oedema.
allows the affected lung tissue to aerate because Oedema management is essential for amputees
gravitational forces are altered. This has been and graft surgery patients to prevent wound
demonstrated with CT scans before and after the breakdown or delayed healing, which can impede
initiation of prone ventilation (Gattinoni et al rehabilitation. This may result in muscle
1991). These findings reinforce the need for regular weakness, decreased tolerance of the upright
turning of dependent patients at risk of developing position, poor balance, delayed use of the
pulmonary complications. pneumatic post-amputation mobility (PAM) aid
The cardiovascular system is also influenced by and delayed fitting of the prosthesis. This delay
the effects of regular turning. Positioning serves may lead to an increased length of stay, possibly Edwards S (1996) General Principles of
Treatment: Neurological
as a treatment adjunct if mobilisation is not pos- poorer outcomes or poorer prognosis, and
Physiotherapy: A Problem Solving
sible. Changing body position has a greater effect possible decreased quality of life (Engstrom and Approach. London, Churchill
on the cardiovascular activity than maintaining a Van de Ven 1985). Livingstone.
static position (Dean and Ross 1992). This exercises Engstrom B, Van de Ven C (1985)
the cardiovascular system to benefit the patient at Physiotherapy for Amputees: The
Roehampton Approach. London,
a later stage in recovery. Manual handling Churchill Livingstone.
Exton-Smith AN et al (1982) Use of the
Over the last decade there has been a shift ‘Air Wave System’ to prevent pressure
Musculoskeletal factors towards a safer handling policy with the intro- sores in hospital. Lancet. 2, 1288-90.
Gattinoni L et al (1991) Body position
duction of the Manual Handling Operations
changes redistribute lung computed
Orthopaedic patients, particularly those who go Regulations (Richmond 1997) and Health and tomographic density in patients with
on to have an operation, are at high risk of devel- Safety Executive Guidelines (HSE 1992). The legis- acute respiratory failure.
oping pressure sores. Versluysen (1986) found lation asserts the obligations of both the employee Anesthesiology. 74, 15-23.
that 66 out of 100 patients developed pressure and the employer to ensure safe lifting and han- Gentilello L et al (1988) Effect of a
rotating bed on the incidence of
damage following fractured femur. Particular dling tasks. pulmonary complications in critically ill
problems exist for those on traction or for whom The Guide to the Handling of Patients (Holmes patients. Critical Care Medicine. 16,
turning jeopardises their operation site. 1997) has a comprehensive approach to the 783.
These patients are at risk of developing compli- manual handling of patients in bed, on differing Grieve J (1993) Neuropsychology for
Occupational Therapists: Assessment
cations such as: mattress surfaces, and promotes regular turning
of Perception and Cognition. London,
■ Osteoporosis. of patients in the prevention of pressure sores. Blackwell Scientific Publications.
■ Homeostasis and dependent oedema – which It explains that a risk assessment is required for Grundy D, Swain A (1996) ABC of Spinal
can lead to swollen limbs or deep vein throm- all handling tasks and appropriate handling Cord Injury. Third edition. London,
boses. equipment, such as hoists and sliding aids, MMJ Publishing.
Helme T (1994) Position changes for
■ Deep vein thrombosis – which can lead to should be used to reduce the risk to the lowest residents in long-term care. Advances
embolic CVEs or pulmonary embolism, with level practicable. in Wound Care. 7, 5, 57-61.
associated risk of death. Clarke (1997) reinforces this in her paper stat- Holmes D (1997) Beds: how to move
Other problems can include contractures and pos- ing: ‘Accurate risk assessment, frequent reposi- people in bed. In The Guide to
Handling of Patients: Introducing a
tural impairment, such as shortened Achilles ten- tioning and proper selection of equipment are
Safer Handling Policy. Fourth edition.
dons or joint fixed flexion deformities, which can essential in the prevention of pressure sore RCN and NBPA.
lead to diminished proprioception and altered development’ Hough A (1984) The effect of posture on
balance mechanisms (Nichols 1981). The use of sliding sheets and low friction fabric lung function. Physiotherapy. 70, 101-
Discussion will be required with the orthopaedic rollers has revolutionised the way we handle 104.
Health and Safety Executive (1992)
surgeons, but any permitted position change will dependent people. The technique allows the Guidance on Manual Handling
help diminish these risk factors. The Guide to patient to be turned without any need to lift. Regulations. L23. London, HMSO.
Handling of Patients; Introducing a Safer They not only have the benefit of reducing risk of Hunt K (1995) Perceptions of patients’
Handling Policy (Holmes 1997) gives recommen- back injury, but have the significant effect of pain: a study assessing nurses’
attitudes. Nursing Standard. 10, 4,
dations on how these patients can be safely minimising friction and shearing – one of the
moved. commonest causes of pressure sore development Huntleigh Healthcare AIM (1995)
Pain is an important factor contributing to (Young et al 1998). Prevention of Pressure Sores:
immobility in the post-operative period for Education and training in manual handling pro- Orthopaedics. Luton, Huntleigh
patients allowed to mobilise. For these, effective cedures and the use of equipment are essential Healthcare.

october 6/vol14/no3/1999 nursing standard 55

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Fig. 2. Spiral of dependence

James H, Fong A (1996) Implementing
and evaluating a pressure sore policy.
Increasing dependence
Journal of Tissue Viability. 6, 2, 43-
Keane FX (1978) The minimum
physiological movement required for
a man supported on a soft surface. Delayed recovery or Inability to move
Paraplegia. 16, 383-9. increased illness
Langdon D (1996) Neuropsychological
Problems and Solutions: Neurological
Physiotherapy. London, Churchill
Livingstone. Complications
Maklebust J, Sieggreen MY (1991) ■ Respiratory, eg, chest infection
Pressure Ulcers: Guidelines for
■ Musculoskelatal, eg, DVT
Prevention and Nursing
Management. Illinois, S-N ■ Vascular, eg, wound breakdown
publications. ■ Neuro, eg, increased spasticity
McLeod AG (1997) Principles of ■ pressure sores
alternating pressure surfaces.
Advances in Wound Care. 10, 7, 30-
37. Spiral of independence
Nichols PJN (1981) Rehabilitation Increasing independence or improved prognosis
Medicine: The Management of
Physical Disabilities. London, Dependence
Pape HC et al (1998) Is early kinetic Inability to move
positioning beneficial for pulmonary
function in multiple trauma patients? Improved recovery
Injury. 29, 3, 219-225.
Pope P (1996) Postural management
and special seating. In Edwards S (Ed)
Neurological Physiotherapy: A
Problem Solving Approach. London,
Decreased complications
Churchill Livingstone.
Ray M (1985) Feeding problems in ■ No chest infection
stroke. Nursing Mirror. 160, 9, 63- ■ No DVT
85. ■ Good wound healing
Richmond H (1997) Legal and profes- ■ Maximised physical function
sional responsibilities. In RCN/NBPA
The Guide to Handling of Patients;
■ Decreased incidence of pressure sores
Introducing a Safer Handling Policy.
Fourth edition. RCN/NBPA.
Siev E, Freistat B (1986) Perceptual
Dysfunction in the Adult Stroke
for all those involved in the management of relieving and pressure-reducing equipment has
Patient: Body Image Body Scheme
Disorders. US, Slack Inc. dependent patients. This should include how to contributed extensively to the prevention of such
The Stroke Association (1996) Stroke move the patient to minimise the extrinsic fac- complications. This has resulted in a reduction of
services and Research and Overview tors associated with movement, shearing and regular turning of patients (Dealey 1994). This can
with Recommendations for Future friction to aid in pressure sore prevention. potentially lead to the development of other, non-
Research. London, The Stroke
Patients should, within their own capacity, be pressure related complications. This article has out-
University of York, NHS Centre for encouraged to assist with position changes. This lined some of these potential complications and
Reviews and Dissemination; reinforces independence and aids in the preven- hopefully stimulated thought about reinstating reg-
University of Leeds, Nuffield Institute tion of secondary complications resulting from ular turning in the management of immobile or
for Health (1995) The prevention and
dependency. dependent patients.
treatment of pressure sores: how
effective are pressure-relieving Some evidence exists, from a variety of speciali-
interventions and risk assessment for ties, to encourage the use of regular changes of
the prevention and treatment of Conclusion position for reasons beyond the prevention of
pressure sores? Effective Health Care. pressure area problems. We possess the ability to
2, 1, 1-16.
Versluysen M (1986) How elderly
Sufficient resources (including available equip- prevent some of the respiratory, neurological and
patients with femoral fracture develop ment and staff) and ongoing education are vital musculo-skeletal consequences of enforced
pressure sores in hospital. British in implementing proactive evidence-based immobility. The ultimate challenge for the carer is
Medical Journal. 292, 1311-13. practice. By anticipating all potential problems to prevent these secondary complications from
Waterlow JA (1985) A risk assessment
and encouraging a dynamic patient-centred occurring
card. Nursing Times. 81, 49, 51-55.
Wind S et al (1997) Pressure ulcers: approach, turning should be seen as an integral
collaboration in wound care. Is there part in the holistic care of patients, breaking the
a reasonable approach? Ostomy/ spiral of dependence and putting them onto the
Wound Management. 43, 4, 40-53. spiral to independence (Fig. 2).
Young T et al (1998) Nimbus 3
alternating-pressure replacement
Pressure sores are a serious but largely preventable
mattress. British Journal of Nursing. complication of illness or disability, causing significant
7, 7, 409-412. morbidity and mortality (Clarke 1997). Pressure-

56 nursing standard october 6/vol14/no3/1999

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