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A step-by-step guide to creating your own

Power of Eight® circle

1. Assemble yourself into a small group of people who are open to the possibility of
healing and intention. (It’s okay to have groups larger or smaller than 8.)

2. Discuss and decide upon a convenient weekly meeting day/time. I recommend

that you meet with your group at least once a week and keep to a set time every
week. Then decide how you’d like to meet. The most popular ways to meet virtually
are through Zoom, Google Hangouts or Skype.

3. Take turns each week with a team leader and timekeeper, to run the groups on
that day.

4. Consult our first six webinars about running the circles, the best techniques for
carrying out intention and a variety of fun experiments to run with the group.

5. Before the meeting, write down your intention/s for the month and take turns
sharing them during the meeting.

6. Take turns being the target of the healing intention. Do intentions for at most
three different people during each meeting. Allow each person nominated as the
recipient to describe his or her challenge in detail.

7. Spend a few moments talking over and designing the intention statement that
you will all hold together. Be specific and concrete. The scientific evidence shows
that intention works best when the intended outcome is highly specific.

8. Imagine you are gathered around in a circle, holding hands. Visualize yourselves
as a single entity.

9. Begin by having each member of the group close their eyes and concentrate for
a few minutes just on inhaling and exhaling. Each should clear their mind of any

10. Once you are all in a collective meditative state, have each member mentally
think the same statement. Remember: each group member should send out the
intention through their heart, then hold the intention statement in their mind while
imagining, with all five senses, the intention coming to pass for the recipient.

11. The intention recipient should remain open to receive.

12. Hold the intention together for 10 minutes. Play Choku Rei or other
meditative music if you prefer.

13. At the end of the 10 minutes, slowly come back into the ‘room.’

14. Senders first share any positive visualizations they experienced about recipient
achieving his intention. (Do not share advice, opinions, prognoses, and the like
unless requested by the recipient.)

15. Recipient may now share any of his or her own experiences during the

16. Move onto the next person.

17. If desired, spend time on exercises Lynne has given you in homework or on the
webinars to hone your skills.

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