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el bullying es un tema muy serio que hoy en dia se a vuelto algo muy comun.

existen cuatro tipos de bullying

Bullying físico: es toda agresión física como golpes, palizas, empujones que ejerce una o varias personas
contra la víctima y de forma constante.

Bullying psicológico: se manifiesta a espaldas de la víctima. Su objetivo es deshonrarla y evitar que se

integre a algún grupo. Esta "no integración" de la víctima se detecta cuando se ha normalizado su

Bullying verbal: es el más frecuente. Se da con insultos, gritos y apodos ofensivos hacia la víctima. Su
objetivo es atacar y demostrar que la víctima es distinta al resto, por lo que se afecta su autoestima.

Bullying cibernético: también llamado ciberbullying, es el acoso que se da por las redes sociales, correos
electrónicos e internet. Su objetivo es viralizar el daño y hacer que la víctima lo recuerde

Bullying is a very serious issue that today has become very common. there are four types of

Physical bullying: it is all physical aggression such as blows, beatings, pushing that one or more
people exerts against the victim and constantly.

Psychological bullying: manifested behind the victim's back. His goal is to dishonor her and
prevent her from joining any group. This "non-integration" of the victim is detected when their
isolation has been normalized.

Verbal bullying: it is the most frequent. It occurs with insults, shouts and offensive nicknames
towards the victim. Its objective is to attack and show that the victim is different from the rest,
which affects their self-esteem.

Cyber bullying: also called cyberbullying, it is the harassment that occurs through social
networks, emails and the Internet. Its objective is to make the damage viral and make the victim
constantly remember it.

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