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Based on the story that I have listened to, which is The Nightingale and The Rose by Oscar Wilde, it is

a story about the determination of a young guy to marry the girl that he loves, and the nightingale
decided to help him. There are 3 moral values that I have learned which are love can make people
blind, try to reach for what we want, and do not judge a person by their looks.

One of the moral values I have learned is try to reach for what we want. In life, we must work hard
to get what we want because nothing come to us by its own. From the story, we can see that the
nightingale was willing to sacrifice herself just to get a red rose for the man to achieve his love. Her
sacrifice showed that she tried her best to get what she wanted.

The next moral value is love can make people blind. When we are blinded by love, it means that we
have a strong emotional attachment to another person and lose any sense of objectivity when
they're involved. From the story, we can see that the man doesn’t care about the nightingale’s death
because he already get the rose to give to the girl. His action showed that he only cares about
himself and not other person.

The last moral value is do not judge a book by its cover. Everybody has weakness and strength. If we
judge someone from what he looks it is mean that we are not appreciate them. From the story, we
can see that the girl rejected the young man because judge him as nothing and he is just a poor man
compared to the chamberlain’s nephew.

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