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To: Matthew Martinez– matthewmartinez1@arizona.

From: Fernanda Verdugo–
Date: February 23, 2023
Subject: Thank you for your contribution to The Flight Attendants


I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for all
of the hard work you have put into our past presentations. It is clear that you are extremely
dedicated to the team’s success. It has been a pleasure working with you thus far, and I am
grateful to have you on the team.

For one, your willingness to go out of your way to help others is admirable. I personally
appreciate your support while preparing for our presentations. In particular, you have provided
me with sources on multiple occasions that have assisted me in shaping my portions of the

In addition, your ability to focus and get things done quickly is quite impressive. In one of the
first few meetings we held as a group, I noticed immediately that you are quick to begin
researching information for our presentations. Furthermore, I’ve rarely seen you take any breaks
from working diligently. Your productivity has allowed us to work more efficiently and

Nonetheless, while your efficiency is commendable, I have noticed that you tend to be more
quiet and reserved during our meetings. While the contributions you make are already
thoughtful, it would be great to hear more from you during our discussions. I understand that
speaking up can be a bit difficult, so it might be helpful to prepare your thoughts in advance and
write them down. By doing this, you will aid the team gain better insight and make more
informed decisions.

Moreover, on the premise that you should speak up more, I believe it would be beneficial for you
to take some time to be more personable and engage in conversations that don’t necessarily
pertain to our work. I encourage you to ask the group about how their day is going, their plans
for the weekend, or their interests. In doing so, you will not only improve your relationships with
the group but also boost team morale and productivity.

Thank you for all of your effort and dedication. I am looking forward to seeing our team grow
stronger as we continue to work together. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions,
concerns, or require extra support from me.

Warm Regards,


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