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What is C++?

C++ is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that was developed as an

extension of the C programming language. It was designed to provide better support for
object-oriented programming, while still retaining the e ciency and low-level control of C.
C++ is widely used in the development of operating systems, system software,
embedded systems, and games.

What are the basic data types in C++?

C++ has several basic data types, including:

int: used for integers

oat: used for oating-point numbers

double: used for double-precision oating-point numbers

char: used for single characters

bool: used for boolean values

void: used to indicate the absence of a value

What is the di erence between 'cin' and 'cout' in C++?

'cin' and 'cout' are standard input and output streams in C++. 'cin' is used to read input
from the user, while 'cout' is used to print output to the console. The '<<' operator is used
to output values with 'cout', and the '>>' operator is used to input values with 'cin'.

How do you declare a variable in C++?

In C++, you can declare a variable by specifying its data type and name. For example:


Copy code

int age;

oat weight;

char initial;

You can also initialize the variable at the time of declaration, like this:


Copy code

int age = 30;

oat weight = 150.5;

char initial = 'J';

What is the di erence between a function declaration and de nition in C++?

A function declaration tells the compiler about the name, return type, and parameters of a
function. A function de nition provides the actual implementation of the function. In other
words, a declaration is a promise that a function with a particular signature exists
somewhere in the program, while a de nition is the actual implementation of that

What is the use of 'endl' in C++?

'endl' is an output manipulator in C++ that is used to insert a newline character and ush
the output bu er. It is often used to move the cursor to the next line after outputting some

What is a pointer in C++?

A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Pointers are
often used in C++ to dynamically allocate memory, access arrays, and pass variables by
reference to functions.

How do you pass arguments to a function in C++?

In C++, you can pass arguments to a function by value or by reference. When passing by
value, a copy of the variable is passed to the function. When passing by reference, a
reference to the original variable is passed to the function, allowing the function to modify
the original variable. To pass by reference, you can use the '&' operator.

What is the use of 'new' and 'delete' operators in C++?

'new' and 'delete' are used to dynamically allocate and deallocate memory in C++. The
'new' operator is used to allocate memory on the heap, and returns a pointer to the
allocated memory. The 'delete' operator is used to deallocate memory that was
previously allocated with 'new', and frees up the memory for reuse.

How do you create an array in C++?

To create an array in C++, you can specify the data type and the size of the array in
square brackets, like this:


int numbers[5];

This creates an array called 'numbers' that can hold 5 integers. You can also initialize the
array at the time of declaration, like this:


int numbers[5] = {1


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