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Baby - a newborn child: The baby is sleeping in the crib.

Teenager - a person aged between 13 and 19 years old: My daughter is a teenager and loves to hang out

with her friends.

Middle aged - around 45 to 65 years old: My dad is middle aged and still loves to go hiking in the


Toddler - a child who has just learned to walk and is aged between 1 and 3 years old: The toddler is

learning to say "mama" and "dada".

Immature - not fully developed or grown up, lacking emotional maturity: The immature boy always

throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

School age - a child who is old enough to attend school: The school age children were excited for the

first day of classes.

Crone - an old woman who is thin and ugly: The crone in the fairy tale was always stirring her cauldron.

Juvenile - a young person who is not yet an adult: The juvenile offender was sent to a rehabilitation


Christening - a ceremony in which a baby is baptized and given a name: The christening of the baby was

held at the local church.

Adulthood - the period in a person's life when they are fully grown and responsible: She looked forward

to her adulthood with excitement and anticipation.

Young - the period in a person's life when they are still developing and not yet fully grown: The young

girl had a lot of energy and was always running around.

Adult - a person who has reached full physical and emotional maturity: The adult had a lot of

responsibilities and had to work hard to support their family.

Newborn - a baby who has just been born: The newborn was very small and slept most of the time.
Grown up - a person who has reached full maturity and is no longer a child or teenager: The grown up

children came home for the holidays to visit their parents.

Retirement age - the age at which a person stops working and retires: He reached the retirement age

and decided to travel the world.

Senile - showing signs of mental deterioration associated with old age: The senile old man couldn't

remember where he put his glasses.

Longevity - long life, especially the average length of life in a population: The longevity of the people in

that village was attributed to their healthy lifestyle.

Here is a reading passage that includes the words you requested:

"Life Stages"

From the moment we are born as a newborn baby, we begin our journey through life stages. As we grow
older, we transition through various stages, including toddler, school age, teenager, and eventually,
adulthood. Each stage of life comes with its own set of challenges and rewards.

In our younger years, we are full of energy and enthusiasm, and we have the opportunity to learn and
explore the world around us. As we enter adolescence, we may struggle with finding our identity and
defining ourselves as individuals. It is during this stage that we may experience a range of emotions,
including insecurity and self-doubt.

During our middle-aged years, we often experience a sense of stability and security, having established
our careers and built our families. We may find ourselves reflecting on the past and looking forward to
the future, as we continue to work towards our goals and aspirations.

As we approach retirement age, we may begin to think about the next stage of our lives. While some
people choose to retire and enjoy their golden years, others may choose to continue working or pursue
new hobbies and interests. Unfortunately, as we age, we may also experience health problems and
cognitive decline, leading to senility.

Regardless of the stage of life we find ourselves in, it is important to embrace each moment and cherish
the memories we create along the way. Whether we are a young adult, a grown-up, or a crone, we all
have something unique to contribute to the world around us. Let us celebrate the longevity of life and
the different stages that make it so special.

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