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How to achieve academic success in college

Entering the University is usually a challenge for many for different

reasons, such as entering a new academic year that is much higher, learning to

work in a team, understanding how to work with new teachers, being more

independent, meeting new people and for many it could be to know a new city

to go to study and learn to live alone without the help of the parents. But it is

much easier to control all these factors and still have a good academic

performance, it will often be easy for students to have a good performance and

at the same time to face these problems, so in this essay I will give them steps

to achieve a good performance.

First of all it is to focus on what is most difficult to do, for example if what

is most difficult to do is have comprehension when reading, you should practice

reading comprehension, if you have difficulty solving mathematical problems

take advice, if you have mental agility problems, performing exercises that help,

but the purpose of being able to train more is to have the security of knowing

that you are performing an action that can help you improve in those aspects, it

will help you feel more comfortable when you find yourself in these situations.

Second, an essential part of entering college is knowing how to organize

yourself. It is known that when entering the university, various extracurricular

activities are carried out that can take time away from your study hours,

however, everything can be done if the study schedules are organized with the

extracurricular activities, for example, entering class in the morning then rest in

the middle of the day and play sports at night. It is important to understand that
physical rest is essential for good study and is a determining factor when it

comes to academic performance.

Finally, it is important to review the topics studied in class, if you studied

a new topic in a week, it is necessary to take advantage of the weekend to

review it and have a broader knowledge. This step will help you a lot to retain

information and notion of the topics.

In conclusion, being a student and having a good performance is

something that can be achieved if you set it as a goal, you can still carry out

extracurricular activities without problem without leaving school aside. The

university will allow you to be more organized, tidy and be more responsible

when it comes to using your time and taking advantage of it

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