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Pyramids (The Great Pyramids of Giza) and Ziggurat (Eanna)

Among both of these structures, the architectural detail found communicates the contextual

ideals of religion, culture, and politics.


- Both possess a triangular pattern, symbolizing ascendence and importance to the

contextual landscape.

- Both are a landmark center of society’s religion - one being public and one being private


- Both addresses communal construction methods

- Both exemplify large communal effort


- Both show political and wealth divides among patrons (steps to Ziggurat and reason for


- Both represent the present power and influence.

(1) - Pages 17-18 of Buildings Across Time Textbook

(2) - Giza and the Pyramids: A Definitive History, Mark Lehner Zawi Hawass

(3) - Public Building, Palaces, and Temples - Heinz

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