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William Carroll

Professor Monica
Reflection for Identity Statement & Statement
March 7, 2023

Reflection for Identity Statement

Something that I really started to notice when collecting these folders was the value that
was in each artifact. I understand, in a presentational sense, the value of these artifacts, however,
I never really appreciated the documentative characteristics within each artifact. The latter is
truly a great reflection of your thought processes, learning capabilities, and your approaches
towards certain problems at that moment in time.
Additionally, I came to appreciate these artifacts as a means in reflection towards
yourself and how you are as a learning individual. I started to notice how documents from
different classes really intertwined themselves with the products I was creating for my major-
centric classes. Furthermore, I was noticing small variations that really exemplified my growth
as an individual. This was seen through changes of writing style, changes of depictions, and even
to the way I would word things.
Throughout this experience of collection, I was able to notice my learning changes at a
deeper level. There were elements that I would have failed to pick up if I were just relying on my
memory. This process of collecting and organizing forced me to observe all of my materials and
really assess myself as a learning individual in a more holistic approach.

Statement for Welcome/About Page

A quantitative approach can be taken to reveal a solution to a problem, and so can a

qualitative approach. As an Architecture student on the path of receiving a Data Science minor, I
strive to evaluate future problems utilizing both of these lenses.
My approach to architectural problems relies on the collection of qualitative elements.
Contextual factors as well as the importance of the client’s interest lie heavily on my problem
solving practices. There is an undeniable importance when understanding the impact architecture
may have on its contextual environment, therefore, it is important to make these qualitative
observations. Quantitative elements are also an important consideration when revealing the
solution towards a problem. Numbers hold the truth towards many uncertainties and the ability to
analyze the former and make careful considerations from those observations are essential
towards the action of architectural problem solving.
As a student and an admirer towards the evaluation of information, these two qualities are
what define me as an emerging professional. Understanding our environment, our clients, our
communities, and what statistical inferences make up the world that we see are all elements that I
strive to understand to solve any problem large or small.

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